Written by: Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Like holding sand in your hands, every tiny particle slips in between your fingers. The more you hold on tightly, the more it escapes you. This is how I would describe doing mindset work and manifestation methods without integrating Energetic Field work, an often-overlooked aspect to having effective, high yielding, and long-lasting manifestation experiences.

“Manifestation works until your energetic clutter blocks it.” ‒ Riya Loveguard
If you were like me, you’ve probably done it all. You wrote everything you’re grateful for in your journal. You created vision boards depicting the life of your dreams because you’ve been taught, “like attracts like” or “your thoughts become reality” or any other mantra repeated by so many law of attraction teachers.
This works of course. Law of attraction is one of the many laws of the universe that actually bring into fruition any thought, desire, or dream.
But if you were anything like me when I first started my manifestation journey, you also experienced winning small manifestation battles but losing the overall creating-my-dream-reality war. Because the overall win is having a happy, abundant life, on a daily basis and not jumping from manifestation to manifestation in between crises and setbacks.
It was years after I started manifesting when I ventured into the world of Quantum and Energetics that I realized that my manifestation ups and downs were not due to wrong manifesting methods and techniques or not believing my visualizations enough.
It was actually because so many things were blocking my Energetic Field and were keeping my manifestations from truly latching on and taking root in my life.
What Blocks Our Energetic Field?
Energetic blockages or energetic “clutter” are different codes programmed into our Energetic Field from our human experiences – past life and present, as well as from our ancestry field.
While manifestation work is like climbing up a hill, energetic blockages are like a heavy backpack full of useless rocks that are keeping you from reaching the peak.
Some of the most common energetic blockages I have pin-pointed in my experience of energetic work with clients are: ancestral patterns, collective belief systems, societal grids, and control grids; as well as past life karma and/or trauma.
You see, in every life we live, our soul collects all these experiences, traumas, and programming that we often take with us to the next life if we don’t work through them energetically.
Here is what can blocked your manifestations:
Manifesting Block No.1 Past Life Karma
Before my spiritual awakening, I was an entrepreneur very attached to all the 3D notions of success. My business was initially something I wanted to do out of passion, but soon I was sucked into different expectations of people around me on how I could expand my business and call myself “successful.”
In the end, after the spectacular failure of my hospitality business, many of my trusted friends and industry peers turned against me. I experienced a lot of unfair accusations, public shaming, and judgment. I didn’t know how and why my manifestations somehow evolved into this kind of monster situation that I couldn’t get rid of.
However, when I was able to take a look at my soul’s past lives and incarnations through the help of my husband, Aeron Lazar, who is an Akashic Records expert.
For those of you that do not know, the Akashic Records is basically a library or a hall of records of every soul that ever existed and all the journeys, experiences, lives, and incarnations that they have ever had.
In the many, many lifetimes I’ve lived, one lifetime stood out of my Akashic Records and gave me clarity as to why I was so unfairly accused and harshly judged– it was a lifetime where I myself was a judge in court. Not just any judge, but one that was very corrupt and wrongly prosecuted many innocent people for the sake of my personal agenda.
When I found out about that lifetime, everything clicked. I found so many parallels with my experiences within this timeline, and I quickly realized that I should clear this past life karma from my Energetic Field. This energetic clutter has been holding me back from true and long-lasting manifestations, which included having a good name, respect of my peers alongside financial abundance.
It wasn’t about my mindset at all or falling short of my meditations or law of attraction practice. No! It had nothing to do with the modalities I used to manifest my dream reality. The problem layed deep within my Energetic Field, particularly including patterns from my past life that have not been deprogrammed.
Manifesting Block No.2 Ancestral Patterns
Another example that blocks our manifestations is ancestral patterns. Ancestral patterns are codes we have carried within our bloodline that was passed down by our ancestors from generation to generation.
To give you a picture of how ancestral patterns affect our current reality, I want to share with you the story of my husband’s grandparents winning the lottery and how it affected our seemingly unrelated business. The grandparents lived a pretty simple life. The grandmother was a retired miner and the grandma was a housewife, but in the hopes of having a more financially abundant future, they entered the lottery and they won.
Over the years, the money distributed around the family dwindled down, and rather than living as millionaires, they were left in the same financial situation as before.
The ancestral field has learned to really on big external money injections rather than creating it from its own efforts. The “feast and famine” pattern that was introduced by Aeron’s grandmother in their ancestral line seemed to have carried over to Aeron’s energetic field, and we experienced it so many times until we finally released it!
Basically, every business we do follows unstable patterns of injections of tremendous amounts of money followed by equally massive outgoings that would leave us in the same (if not worse) financial situation as we were before.
This ancestral pattern was another factor that gave us momentary wins in our manifestation practice but ultimately resulted in our losses, too.
Manifesting Block No.3 Societal Grids
Societal grids as energetic blockages to abundance are quite easier to pin-point as opposed to ancestral and past life karmas and patterns, and many mindset programs and law of attraction teachings these days involve working through these societal grids already.
Societal grids are basically those standards that society has coded into our very being such as norms, cultures, practices that may or may not be helpful for your spiritual growth.
A very common societal grid that blocks a lot of my clients’ abundance and manifestations are those stem from religious teachings and practices.
A lot of these religious sects depict money as the “root of all evil.” That being rich is dirty (don’t we say “filthy rich”?) and that if you are a good Christian, you should basically give away much of your wealth to charity and live a “modest” life.
This societal grid of looking at wealth as something dirty or evil is rooted in a place of lack. It stemmed from the inner belief that when you’re wealthy, you’re bad because you’re taking away wealth from the poor. This implies that you are under the belief that wealth is limited instead of an infinite thing that each of us has a birthright to enjoy.
As a result, something within your energetic field rejects the flow of money that the moment you get hold of an amount of money that’s bigger than you’re used to, there is that inner voice that tells you, “Spend it right now! Buy all these things you don’t need right now!”
Again, these societal shackles often hold us from breaking through the invisible ceilings to our next level of abundance.
How To Be Free From These Energetic Blockages?
Removing these energetic blockages takes a lot of self-discovery, introspection, transformation, and courage. A lot of times, you need to face your “shadow self” and all the hidden, unloved parts in order to shed this energetic baggage.
The bulk of spiritual work lies in the belly of darkness, meaning, in order to come to the light, you have to face your fears, strip your ego, and perform a soul autopsy to pin-point the source of all these limitations to abundance.
It’s not for the faint-hearted, nor is it easy and it takes time to unlearn and deprogram all the patterns. However, once you do it, you will be able to reach your soul’s fullest manifestation potential.
When you face your traumas, karma, and societal programming with the intention of acknowledging the purpose they served in your soul journey and finally letting them go, you will be able to release all kinds of energetic blockages that are keeping you from manifesting the life of your dreams.

Riya Loveguard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Riya Loveguard is a Quantum Business Strategist bridges the gap between entrepreneurship and spirituality by teaching how to use the energetics of business to establish a successful brand in the physical sphere. Known as The Galactic Linguist, Riya channels multiple Light Languages that carry strong sound frequencies capable of impacting every aspect of your reality. Riya's purpose is to show business people and spiritual practitioners alike that ascension does not have to be at odds with achieving financial success. Riya explains how implementing energy laws into your business is the key to having a fulfilling and impactful life.