Written by Victoria May, Empowerment Coach for Women
Victoria May is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker dedicated to helping women awaken to their true essence and create heart-centred lives filled with freedom, fulfillment, and purpose.

If you’ve been working hard to manifest a life of purpose, freedom, and fulfillment but aren’t seeing the results you desire, it’s not because manifestation doesn’t work—it’s because your focus isn’t where you think it is. And this is a tricky one to catch because the best manifestation books and gurus won’t tell you about it—probably because it wouldn’t sell any books. This article highlights the seven key mistakes that are the reason why manifestation doesn’t work, showing how fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs can sabotage your progress. You’ll learn how to avoid focusing on what you don’t want, why rigid expectations hold you back, and how to stop emotional setbacks from derailing you. By understanding these common pitfalls, you can realign your energy toward creating a life of true freedom, fulfillment, and purpose.

What manifestation means
There are a lot of misconceptions about manifesting, so let me clarify what I mean. Hint – I’m not talking about manifesting loads of money! True manifestation brings to life our deepest heart's desires—purpose, freedom, fulfillment, joy. To achieve this, we must face the opposing force: our shadow aspects rooted in fear, separation, and scarcity. By continually working with our shadow (the lead), neutralizing it, and transforming it into heart-led creations (the gold), we start manifesting a soul-led life.
Why manifestation doesn’t work
For years, I’ve explored the mechanics of creation—reading manifestation books, studying alchemy, and applying these principles to my life. Despite my best efforts, I repeatedly found myself facing the same frustrations, unknowingly making fatal mistakes that led me to keep attracting more of what I didn’t want. It was only through these missteps and deepening my alchemy learnings that I began to see the bigger picture and where I was going wrong. This is what they won't tell you in the best manifestation books—probably because it wouldn’t sell any books.
It all boils down to one simple reason—your focus is not where you think it is! While you may believe you're creating what you truly desire, you're actually stuck in the patterns of your lowest self—the part of you driven by fear and scarcity. Manifestation isn’t just about setting intentions and visualizing; it’s about confronting the shadows of your lower self, which are the only true obstacles in your path.
Understanding the human tension: Lower self vs. higher self
We’re constantly being pulled between our lower self and higher self—a dynamic I call the human tension. This internal battle between fear-based survival instincts and the soul’s longing for purpose, freedom, and joy creates an ongoing tug-of-war. Whether your manifestations are stalled or flourishing, this tension is always present. The true key to manifestation working is being able to recognize this tension, neutralize it, and shift your focus toward the desires of your higher self, not the fear-driven lower self. And this takes practice, let me tell you!
The 7 fatal mistakes you’re making
Spotting these mistakes will quickly reveal where your focus lies—either aligned with your desires or stuck in limiting patterns.
1. Creating what isn’t true for you
One of the most common reasons manifestation doesn’t work is because you’re trying to create something that isn’t authentic to you. Often, we’re unconsciously following societal expectations, cultural norms, or what others around us are doing, thinking this will lead to fulfillment. But when we create from a place of needing to fit in, be validated, or be seen as successful, everything’s going to feel like a struggle because it isn’t true for you. You may experience hustle, burnout, and constant obstacles on your way to achieving it, or you may achieve success but still feel empty and unfulfilled once the initial excitement fades.
The key is to ensure that what you’re manifesting is truly aligned with your heart and soul. Ask yourself, "What lights me up? What genuinely excites me?" Focus on what you desire, not what you think you “should” want.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
2. Manifesting a negative vision
This mistake is tricky because it’s subtle. When you’re focused on what you want to escape—whether it’s a job you hate, financial struggles, or loneliness—you’re creating from a place of fear. This negative vision keeps you stuck in the energy of what you don’t want, attracting more of the same.
As the saying goes, “What we resist persists.” If your vision is based on avoiding something, you’ll continue to manifest situations that reflect that fear. For example, you might pursue a new career just to get out of your current one, yet wind up in a career that has the exact same issues. Instead, shift your focus toward what excites you and what you truly want to create. Visualize a positive, heart-led vision that draws you into a future filled with possibility and joy, rather than running away from your current circumstances.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
3. Attaching conditions and expectations
A surefire way to stop manifestations from working is by attaching rigid conditions to how and when they should unfold. Statements like "I must have this by a certain time," or "It won’t work unless I achieve X," or words like "should," "must," or "need to" create resistance. These expectations come from the lower self’s need for control and certainty, which limits the flow of energy.
When you create from the heart, you must release control over how things unfold. The process cannot be forced, and attaching expectations will only distance you from your goal. Manifestation requires openness and trust. Rather than setting specific, inflexible conditions, be open to the many ways your desires can come to fruition. The universe often works in ways that we don’t expect, and when we let go of rigid expectations, we allow room for miracles and possibilities that we might not have imagined.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
4. Not being honest about your current reality
Many people bypass their current reality by focusing only on what they want to create, ignoring the darker or more difficult aspects of their lives. This is where the concept of "spiritual bypassing" comes in—pushing away negative emotions in favour of false positivity. Alternatively, some people paint their reality as worse than it actually is, falling into a victim mentality.
Manifestation doesn’t work at either of these extremes. You can’t create a new reality if you’re not honest about where you are now, because any actions you take won’t be grounded in truth. Acknowledge your struggles, fears, and frustrations, but don’t let them define you. By accepting your current circumstances and working through them, you create space for true transformation.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
5. Allowing emotions to derail you
Emotions are powerful, and if you allow them to take over, they will ensure your manifestation doesn’t work. It’s very normal to experience rejection, failure, or setbacks on the path. This often triggers emotional responses that can make it very easy to lose sight of your goals. But these aren’t derailments—they’re opportunities for growth.
Often, emotional reactions stem from unresolved shadows that need to be addressed. These triggers are signals that something is blocking your manifestation process. Instead of letting emotions pull you off course, use them as lessons. Learn to integrate the feedback and keep moving forward, understanding that setbacks are a natural part of the journey.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
6. Not trusting your direction
Manifesting your desires will always require you to step into the unknown, which can feel unsettling. As you begin to follow your higher self, many of the ego-based structures you’ve built your life upon—seeking validation, fitting in, or chasing external success—may begin to collapse. This can leave you feeling vulnerable and questioning your path, wanting to give up because manifestation doesn’t work.
In these moments, trust is crucial. Trust that the universe is guiding you, even when the path seems unclear. The discomfort is part of the process. If you cannot hold discomfort, you will not be able to manifest. Have faith that you’re being led toward your highest good, even if things aren’t unfolding as expected. Remind yourself that every step, no matter how challenging, is preparing you for your ultimate destination.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
7. Losing focus
Wrapping it up by going back to focus! Manifestation requires sustained focus on a clear and emotionally charged vision. However, it’s important to be aware that the lower self will constantly try to distract you with doubts, fears, and external noise. When you lose focus, you start to believe that your desires aren’t possible, and you may give up entirely.
To stay aligned with your heart’s desires, it’s essential to become aware of your limiting beliefs and core wounds and how they shift your focus. When they arise, recognize them for what they are and make a conscious choice to refocus on your true intentions. Revisit your vision daily, visualize it with emotion, and keep your focus on the end goal.
To dive further into this topic, watch this video.
Manifesting from a place of truth
Although, at times, it might feel like manifestation doesn’t work, it does! But it’s not the quick and easy process the best manifestation books or gurus would have you believe. Nor is it about simply raising your frequency to match your vision. It’s about aligning with your heart and soul, facing your shadows, and embracing both the light and dark aspects of your journey. By recognizing and addressing these seven fatal mistakes, you will experience the true power. When manifestation works, it will move you past your blocks to create the life of purpose, freedom, and fulfillment you desire.
If you are committed to this journey, then please join me on Diary of a Creator, where I candidly share my learnings, advice and personal experiences.
And for those who want to dive deeper into the layers of their lower self, I’ve created a Free belief profile and unpack journey that will help you to unravel the limiting beliefs and core wounds that have been blocking you.
Read more from Victoria May
Victoria May, Empowerment Coach for Women
Victoria is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker who helps women reconnect with their true essence and create heart-centred lives of freedom, fulfillment, and purpose. After leaving a successful but unfulfilling corporate career, Victoria embarked on a journey of personal and spiritual discovery. She now uses her expertise and own experience to support women in overcoming burnout, self-doubt, and societal pressures so they can create a life they love. Through her unique approach, Victoria empowers her clients to fully embrace their true selves and live heart-centred lives.