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Why Is Sabbatical Key To Innovation?

Written by: Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Based on the summary of the Oslo Business Forum, Innovation was highlighted as a core competence in any of the organizations. Innovation can be a competitive advantage in business.

Usually, most of the workforce has its creativity and passion; however, after some years, it can decrease, and year by year, it can disappear. Both the employee and employer are responsible for taking care of it and take action as soon as this problem showed up.

How can creativity be boost (again)?

There would be two kinds of views on how this could be considered.

One is from the companies' point of view. This view would be about transformation and organizational development.

The second is the people's point of view.

We, all as human beings, are different in any kind of aspect. There's no only one good answer. These options can support finding our creativity again and unleash our potential. These options, such as artistic courses, sport, extreme sports, or even yoga, meditation could also help to find or boosting our creativity. These options would help employees in the short term; however, after a certain point, none of them will help. Mid-and long-term most people will try to refind themselves and know what's the meaning and purpose of their job and even their life. This is the turning point when employers can give 100% focus on their people and not letting them go but give them the possibility to have a break or sabbatical.

No matter if we live in a 'normal life or pandemic era, businesses will be built, rebuilt, managed, and owners, leaders will need their professional people to run their business smoothly and successfully.

The definition of sabbatical is 'a break from work' when the employee can decide to have a break after certain years of constant work. This break can be paid and unpaid depends on the employer. However, the sabbatical is not (yet) that popular as it should be.

In case your employer is not open to giving you a sabbatical, you can decide to stay and keep on working, or you need to be ready to let this job go. 'Cause much more experience is waiting for you, and a new skillset could develop which will help you to find the best choice even if it's a new job or your own company.

Is it risky? Yes, it is. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

5 Signs for taking the sabbatical

1. No motivation at all, just frustration and boredom.

2. Lack of purpose and meaning in the job.

3. The urgency to live the life you want.

4. Everything is ok, but…

5. The inner voice is shouting to follow your passion.

6 Benefits of the Sabbatical

1. Return on investment can be measured through

  • new ideas

  • higher motivational rate

  • numbers of successful projects

2. Long-term retention of employees of different ages and different life-period

3. Increase employees' engagement

4. Rejuvenate

5. Increase of overall well-being level

6. Can reduce burn-out

Good to know…

It can be risky (if you leave the company).

It can be scary as you don't know what the future brings.

Have a calculation in case of unpaid sabbatical or leaving the job.

No need to rush. Just give yourself the time and space.

This article was written to give some inspiration for the organizations that have not yet implemented sabbatical as part of the company culture.

And inspiration also for those employees who may be in a dilemma or may have questions about their next carrier step or everything is ok but…

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Nikolett Huszák, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nikolett HUSZÁK ACC is an ICF Accredited Business Coach and Human Marketing Developer

She has 16+ years of professional experience in Airline, Retail, and Property marketing. This knowledge gives her a Helicopter view of how the business runs.

She is currently in a change as she just left the multinational company she worked for 16 years and give herself a break to have deeper knowledge and a clear view on her future.

She holds a Bachelors's degree in Economics, a Masters's degree in Marketing, an ACC credential, Business coach certification.

Nikolett is passionate about coaching, and it is one of her great passions besides traveling and sports. She loves to support people when they have dilemmas or challenges in their business. Through coaching, she is in charge of inspiring people. Nikolett used to be a professional handball player, and she accomplished several half-marathons.

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