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Why Incorporating Millennials into Your Entrepreneurial Dream Team is Important!

Written by: Felicia Shanken, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Let’s be honest for a moment…Millennials get such a bad rap nowadays, not because of experience but because of their age. Discrimination takes on many forms, and even though we don’t want to believe it, Millennials fall into that category. Coming from a Baby Boomer era, I also was once guilty of this. I had my discriminations, my uncertainties, my one sided conversations, my thoughts until I opened myself up to learning why I felt this way.

After having conversations and working with Millennials, it was then I received my “a-ha” moment. As Lisa Nicholas would say, this was my “BOL” (break through out loud) time. Opening yourself to the possibilities and gifts that Millennials can bring to your Entrepreneurial team are very informative, fresh ideas and you might just learn something. Imagine that! Below are some of the biggest myths I have heard about this group of young professionals. In working with and adding Millennials to my team, I realize they are looking for the same things as anyone else, the opportunity for their voice to be heard!

1. Millennials in the workplace are young & entitled.

Yes, even though they are young, I don’t get the perception that they feel entitled. I think this is one of those myths that was passed down onto this generation. I look at it as an asset because they are young; they can offer fresh and new ideas to the team. They want to be on a winning team, just like anyone else.

2. Millennials have no sense of work ethics.

No, I don’t find this statement true. Some of the hardest working people on my team are Millennials. They don’t have to prove what they are capable of. They have shown the passion, willingness and desire to be open to endless possibilities of what they can be taught and willing to work hard for it. Not having any work ethics can fall on all of us, not just this group.

3. Millennials don’t have any sense of patience or loyalty toward slow career growth.

No, think about this how many people, especially business owners or entrepreneurs, have you run across in your life who wanted “instant results”, who didn’t want to put the work in, but wanted the “rewards” now? So why would we put this label on Millennials only? Based on my experiences, because Millennials are discriminated against, they will work harder and be more loyal because they feel they have to prove themselves repeatedly just to have a seat at the entrepreneurial table.

4. Millennials (Generation Y's) are often confused with Generation Z's.

Yes, the youngest aged millennials are 24. They are really not that young, so to speak. The age range of Millennials, also known as Generation Y, is 24-39 years old. The age range of Generation Z is 25-29 years old. Even though there is cross over with ages, when you are referring to myths that are placed on these generations, are you getting it right? Be open to what both generations can offer and bring to the table. You may be pleasantly surprised at what an asset they can really be to your "Dream Team".

This is the year of 2020, the year where things are constantly changing. In the corporate office world, Millennials might be looked upon as one way, whereas it's different in the business online world. It's accepted to be younger, almost to the point to where it is encouraged. Let me leave you with this, allow yourself to be open and see what this generation cannot only offer your team but how they can help you reach levels that you never thought was possible.

Have a great day on purpose!

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Felicia Shanken, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Felicia Shanken is a Women Strategist and Builder. She is the Founder/CEO of the Philadelphia Women's Network Connection, LLC and PWNC Foundation 501(c)(3). PWNC is about helping local business women build their business, connect with like minded individuals and benefit from shared resources. The Foundation is committed to helping women growing a business as a solo entrepreneur transition from a full-time or part-time job to full time entrepreneurship. Felicia has also been recognized and honored by "Fun Times Magazine" in their March/April 2020 edition for being, "2020 Philadelphia Who's Who Black Women of Influence". Felicia had the opportunity in September 2019 to have her own show on RVNTV a digital television platform called "Power Up Your Passion" where she brings guest on to talk about their passion in life and how it lead to where they are now. Felicia was raised in Queens, New York. She moved to Philadelphia over 20 years ago where she met her husband, Paul, a native Philadelphian. They live in the Fairmont area of Center City Philadelphia.

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