Written by: Christine Padovan, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
In December 2013, I didn’t realize yet that a particular person I met for the first time was going to validate that my psychic gifts were not small but very real and very strong, and what I later discovered about this person and their associates through psychic and scientific means needed to be revealed to the world.
When my then significant other said about 2 weeks later that he had told his son to move in with this person so they could save money instead of living separately (my soon to be ex only thinks of money), I immediately told him NOT to encourage his son to do that. I said, “this person is bad news” (my exact words), then proceeded to tell my future husband that his son hardly knew this person (they only started dating in November 2013 and met at their mutual probation officer’s office) and I had a very bad feeling about this young woman and that his son needed to get to know this person well first before living together.
Unfortunately, my then sweetheart ignored my advice and never relayed any such message to his son. This was the start of a family dynamic that destroyed parent-child relationships; destroyed the health of at least 2 individuals; led to the death of a beloved pet and best friend; led to expensive testing and research showing proven heavy metal poisoning, past suspicious deaths, cyberstalking, invasion of privacy, medical deception and ignorance, police corruption and inexperience; lies turning step-children against their step-parent; lies told to family members to turn them against each other; ended a long term relationship and a lot more.
The Silver Lining
However, despite being badly poisoned several times, directly and indirectly through this person, and being once close to dying, I don’t view what happened to me as a negative. Even though what I went through was a nightmare. But after meeting the phenomenal toxicologist, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, finding The Carlson Company laboratories in Colorado, and interviewing police about their cases and suspects, talking to poisoning survivors and their loved ones across the country, one thing became very, very clear: current poisoning control centers, police and most so-called toxicologists, including the ones who teach, absolutely have no up to date knowledge on how chronic heavy metal poisoning can create artificial allergies (primarily to gluten, dairy, all grains, nuts, and even eggs) and illnesses such as ulcerated colitis, thrombosis, liver and kidney damage, and have no understanding of why a hospital test may show nothing but a special forensic test shows everything. Why? Because of the use (or misuse) of nano-technology to hide the metal toxins in any substance, food, drink, essential oils, water sources, medication, anything.
But even more key than that, especially when a UC Davis teaching toxicologist falsely claimed that the only way to find poisoning was through testing blood and urine (he couldn’t read a hair test to save his life, even with the red H’s next to the amounts showing toxic levels), it was very clear that something had to be done about the lack of properly educated toxicologists and no one else seemed to be willing to sound the alarm to change the fields of toxicology, law enforcement, forensic testing, and the medical/pharmaceutical industries but me.
A Global Mission
What happened to me and others is not only happening in the U.S. but around the world. Yes, poisoning has been around for eons, and it is now a triple threat accidental, environmental, and intentional poisoning. But intentional poisoning is on the rise. Why? It is easy to hide, especially if it is done in small amounts over long periods of time, to make the illness look like it occurred naturally. It is also being used in a new way, the elements being hidden with nano-technology so a regular hospital lab test won’t show anything, or one or two elements may show through but not in their full amounts. A forensic lab using both gas spectrometry AND mass chromatography together will unveil the whole enchilada. Imagine how many murders are occurring because a doctor is fooled into thinking their patient has ulcerated colitis, prescribes expensive meds that interfere with the metals further, and the patient dies a slow, horrible death. How many families are being fooled into thinking their illness is naturally being caused? Truth About Body Toxins. How Toxins Cause Disease? – ® (morningrunner.com) Toxins and Disease - The Spinal Centre
And I’m sorry to the lab chemist at the UC Davis Veterinary School lab in San Francisco who said to me, ‘oh, you only use gas spectrometry and mass chromatography for finding chemicals, not metals’. No, I’m sorry, it’s not. I told him that wasn’t true, but it seems whatever he read many eons ago has stuck in him as being the end-all and be-all of the discussion. This is one of the many reasons why our police cases would not push forward to getting our suspects convicted a so-called expert would not even bother reading the forensics because they said they didn’t know how or stated that was not the way to test a victim, but would feel confident to parrot old, outdated toxicology information to authorities as if it were gospel.
Hope for Humanity
But there is hope for humanity and all living things: here’s why. The survivors and their loved ones I spoke to are, like me, highly intuitive individuals that are fully aware of the people and situations around them and what those people are doing, what they say, etc. to make us suspicious of a loved one’s illness or death. These people are also like me in that we know most medical professionals only treat symptoms, and almost no one looks for the root cause of the illness. It is also showing how people are becoming more self-aware of their bodies and observing the cause and effect of a particular event or action on their health or even on a loved one, pet or plant.
So here I am, here to help people learn to trust their instincts and open their psychic gifts about their health issues and not to take at face value what your doctor tells you about your illness. To promote proper testing with forensic methods to reveal the root cause of the issue, then do proper safe detoxification treatment so the person can fully recover. This is critical. We are now in May 2022. Covid-19 symptoms actually match the main symptoms of heavy metal poisoning fatigue, headaches, trouble breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea/bloody diarrhea, and abdomen pain so imagine how many people can be affected and think it’s Covid and believe there isn’t anything they can do about it.
Recently Discovered Toxicity
What I’ve also found out why I am here is the recent information I have received from clients and people around the world contacting me regarding how to recover from the ill effects of one or more vaccine shots, including the widely distributed Covid-19 shots. The symptoms they are experiencing are the same symptoms caused by heavy metals or even chemical toxins. Note that most vaccines and shots now incorporate nano-technology with the thought that the nanobots will deliver the injection faster to its targeted location. However, as these articles will show, nanobots actually cause more harm than good: Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study « Jon Rappoport's Blog (nomorefakenews.com) Facing the Dangers of Nanotech | MIT Technology Review
I have a client who gave me a copy of a toxicity test to review (see this link on my review of the test: Covid-19 shot: Client's toxicity test after 1 Moderna shot ‒ chemical and parasite issues found. (rumble.com). This client suffered breathing issues with blood clots, bloody uncontrollable diarrhea, depression, lowered hormone levels, liver, and lymphatic impairment, yeast infections, and even parasite issues. All of these health effects matched the same ones I, friends, and family suffered when we were intentionally poisoned with heavy metal toxins but can also be caused by chemicals.
Even though the test did not use gas spectrometry and mass chromatography methods to unveil all the toxins, enough showed through to say there was definitely chemical toxicity in her body, and she needed to detoxify to be able to reverse her symptoms and fully recover her health: COVID-19 shot adverse effects ‒ You can fully heal! Detoxify even nano tech (rumble.com)
So my message on the importance of safe detoxification and proper forensic toxicity testing to fully unhide toxins and nano-technology has become even more important to get out to the world. I have just signed on to Passionate World Talk Radio as a weekly host to talk more about this subject (projected start: June 2022), and I post helpful educational videos on Rumble.com with science studies and doctor protocols.
Feel free to contact me via email at christine@paladina.com or telephone at 1-888-307-6780 on interviews, consultations, webinars/seminars, and global partnerships. https://heavymetalpoisoncenter.com https://paladina.com
Christine Padovan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Christine Padovan is a Renaissance woman - a blend of both science and spiritual gifts. Her discovery of a group of people slow poisoning herself and others with heavy metal toxins hidden by nanotechnology has led to her creation of https://heavymetalpoisoncenter.com and https://thepaladina.com in educating the world on this new way of creating artificial illnesses and early death in people, and changing the medical and law enforcement fields in thoroughly testing victims and clients with forensic style tests that uncover all hidden toxic elements in the body, so the individual can be properly treated through safe, natural detoxification methods.