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Why Hustle Culture Is Destroying Feminine Energy And Blocking You From Manifesting Your Desires

Victoria May is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker dedicated to helping women awaken to their true essence and create heart-centred lives filled with freedom, fulfillment, and purpose.

Executive Contributor Victoria May

In today’s fast-paced world, many women find themselves struggling with burnout, dissatisfaction, and a disconnect from their true desires. This often stems from an imbalance between feminine and masculine energies within universal forces that exist within each of us and shape how we respond and act. Modern society tends to overemphasize masculine energy, focusing on relentless action, hustle, and control, while neglecting the creative and intuitive qualities of feminine energy. When these energies are out of sync, the ability to manifest what we want for many this is a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment becomes challenging. Understanding and balancing these energies within is crucial for manifesting your desires. By recognizing the signs of imbalance and applying practical strategies to balance and heal the feminine energy, we can align more closely with our authentic selves and manifest the life we desire.

Mature woman enjoy breeze at beach

What is feminine and masculine energy?

Feminine and masculine energies are universal forces that exist within all of us, regardless of gender. According to the 7th Law of Gender from the seven Hermetic Principles outlined in "The Kybalion," gender is manifested in everything and operates on all planes of existence, physical, mental, and spiritual*. It's not merely about physical sex but encompasses a broader understanding of masculine and feminine principles present in all things. The masculine energy is associated with action, logic, and projection, driving forward movement and structure. In contrast, feminine energy is characterized by receptivity, nurturing, and creativity, fostering growth, development, and the manifestation of ideas and visions.

Like all universal forces, gender exists on a continuum, with both healthy and unhealthy expressions of each energy. Unhealthy masculine energy can manifest as aggression, domination, and the pursuit of power and control. Unhealthy feminine energy, on the other hand, may appear as passivity, indecision, or a tendency to self-sacrifice, which can lead to feelings of powerlessness and stagnation.

The root cause of imbalance between masculine and feminine energies

While both feminine and masculine energies are essential, modern society heavily favours masculine principles—emphasizing action, competition, and control. These values dominate our workplaces and social structures, leading many, especially women, to suppress their natural feminine energy to fit in and succeed.

 This creates a significant imbalance in favour of hustle and action, resulting in widespread burnout, stress, and a disconnection from our true essence. Women are disproportionately affected by this imbalance, with higher rates of chronic stress and burnout, along with mental health disorders among women in high-stress careers.

This imbalance is rooted deeply in our societal conditioning, which has long prioritized masculine traits as the standard for success. From a young age, we are taught to value logic, structure, and relentless achievement, often at the expense of creativity, intuition, and emotional expression. Many of us have been conditioned to reject feminine energy entirely, a pattern that can be traced back to our upbringing and ancestral lines. Our relationship with feminine energy is shaped by the dynamics we witnessed growing up. For instance, if we grew up in a household where the feminine was suppressed or devalued, we might subconsciously adopt similar behaviour’s, leading to an internal conflict between our natural feminine energy and the masculine energy we believe we must embody to be validated and safe.

The suppression of feminine energy not only impacts your well-being but also hinders your ability to manifest what you want. Feminine energy is connected to the heart and soul, it is the gateway for higher consciousness and spiritual growth. When suppressed, it creates a disconnection from our true purpose, making it difficult to manifest a life filled with fulfillment and joy.

How an imbalance stops you from manifesting your desires

Manifesting your desires — be it a life filled with purpose, freedom, fulfillment, joy, love, or happiness—requires a balance between feminine and masculine energies. In essence, it all boils down to knowing when to receive and when to act.

The feminine energy is the receiver, guiding the creation of the heart-led vision from within, while the masculine energy provides the structure to take aligned action toward it. When out of balance, we may have a clear vision of what we want to manifest but fail to bring it to life, or we may take action that isn’t aligned with our true desires, leading to continued dissatisfaction, frustration, and burnout.

Another core principle of using these energies to manifest is ensuring all action taken is aligned with your vision, which requires leaning into the feminine. Leaning into receiving each next step, embracing uncertainty, and accepting periods of inaction. While society teaches us to achieve goals through constant effort, control, and detailed planning, mostly because this is our egoic minds' way of gaining some certainty, this approach won’t work when living from our soul. Instead, we must allow ourselves to be guided by inner knowing and only act by this. The masculine energy then plays a supportive role, creating the structure needed to take aligned action without tipping into control or force of the process.

This process requires trust and can be very uncomfortable because, for our egoic mind, it feels like it’s not in control. But when we start acting out of fear or a need to control how we get there, we tip into an unhealthy masculine state, cutting us off from the feminine energy and leading us away from our true desires.

Signs of an imbalance with the feminine energy

An imbalance of feminine energy can manifest in various ways, both physically and mentally. Some signs to pay attention to include:

  • Cycles of burnout and stress: When feminine energy is suppressed in women, it often leads to chronic stress and burnout. Our nervous systems are not wired for constant and relentless action, the feminine energy will always call for periods of rest and simply being. Ignoring these bodily signs to rest and slow down inevitably leads to burnout and illness.

  • Feeling disconnected from your true self: This imbalance can lead to emotional exhaustion, difficulty nurturing or connecting to oneself, low self-esteem, and a persistent sense of dissatisfaction, even when external achievements are met. This is a clear sign that you are taking action in the wrong direction.

  • Lacking clarity or creative blocks: The feminine energy is our guide and visionary. When out of balance, we struggle to find clarity on what we truly desire. This can result in creative blocks and also taking action out of fear, leading us to unfulfilling outcomes.

  • Feeling disconnected from intuition: A fundamental sign of blocked feminine energy is a disconnect from intuition. This may manifest as feeling like you aren't intuitive at all or having trouble trusting your intuition.

These signs indicate a need to reconnect with your feminine energy to not only restore emotional well-being but to ensure that what you focus on creating in life is guided by the heart and will ultimately manifest the fulfillment you desire.

Strategies for creating balance and manifesting your desires

Achieving balanced feminine and masculine energy involves listening to our bodies and healing the feminine energy within. Here are some strategies to help:

  • Use your body as a guide: The body is a powerful tool for spotting signs of an imbalance. Start by drawing awareness to your body and how it feels in different situations or moments, so when you feel at ease and flow versus moments of force and control. When you are in balance, you will feel radiant, whereas when you are out of balance you will feel drained. Use these moments to create a continuum to identify where your energy is in any given moment. Observe this with compassion, knowing that we won't always be in balance.

  • Counteract imbalances: When you notice yourself out of balance then counteract it by engaging in activities that boost your core energy. If this is feminine energy then this can include getting out in nature, grounding yourself with your feet on the earth, practicing breathwork, and movement, or engaging in creative activities like dancing and singing.

  • Create a daily self-care ritual: Think of your energy like a bucket that needs to be regularly refilled with your core energy. Identify a daily routine, which could include any of the above feminine energy practices, or practices that connect you deeper within like meditation.

To support you with this I have designed an RTT Hypnotherapy tape to reprogram the mind & body for greater relaxation and balance. Listening to this tape for a minimum of 21 days straight will bring you back into balance, you can then pick it back up whenever it’s needed again. You can download your tape here.

  • Strengthen your intuition: The greatest tool we have to access our heart and soul is intuition. And everyone is intuitive! Think of intuition like a radio frequency, it exists for everyone but only some people are tuned into it, though with practice everyone can be! To learn more about intuition, check out this article. To strengthen your intuition you can start by playing intuition games on social media, or check out this article for more suggestions.

If you are ready to dive in and experience your intuition, you can try my Visioning Your Hearts Desire Journey. Not only will this give you clarity on what your heart wants you to create, but you will also be able to experience how you receive your intuition, i.e. visually, words, sound, etc. You can download your journey here.

  • Healing the feminine energy: Our relationship to feminine energy stems back to our ancestry and upbringing, it is deeply rooted in our nervous systems. If you find yourself constantly feeling out of balance burnt out and dissatisfied, not manifesting what you desire, or perhaps stuck not knowing how to create the life you desire, then digging deeper to find the root cause will allow you to release this and move forward. Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is designed to do just that. RTT® is a hybrid therapy combining the principles of hypnotherapy, NLP, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapies to take you directly to the root cause of your blocks to heal the feminine energy within your body and mind. 


If you are ready to embark on creating a life of purpose, freedom, and fulfilment, schedule your free strategy session to see how I can support you.

Follow me on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, or head over to my website.

Read more from Victoria May


Victoria May, Empowerment Coach for Women

Victoria is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Energy Worker who helps women reconnect with their true essence and create heart-centred lives of freedom, fulfillment, and purpose. After leaving a successful but unfulfilling corporate career, Victoria embarked on a journey of personal and spiritual discovery. She now uses her expertise and own experience to support women in overcoming burnout, self-doubt, and societal pressures so they can create a life they love. Through her unique approach, Victoria empowers her clients to fully embrace their true selves and live heart-centred lives.





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