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Why Every Ambitious Entrepreneur Needs An Online Business Manager

Meg McLean is a Virtual Assistant and OBM for online service providers, where she is the jack of all trades in marketing, sales, and service to scale her clients' businesses to six figures and beyond.

Executive Contributor Megan McLean

If you're an ambitious entrepreneur, you've probably felt the pull between working in your business and working on your business. You’re not alone. As your business grows, so do the demands on your time, energy, and focus. But what if I told you there’s a secret weapon that can help you scale without losing your sanity? Enter the Online Business Manager (OBM)—the unsung hero behind many successful businesses.


Woman using laptop at the warehouse

How to recognize when it's time to scale

Scaling a business is a dream for many entrepreneurs, but it’s also a massive undertaking. The first step to scaling is recognizing when you’re ready. Are you consistently hitting your revenue goals? Is your client base growing, but you’re struggling to keep up with demand? These are signs that it might be time to think bigger.


But scaling isn’t just about increasing sales; it’s about having the right systems in place to handle growth. This is where things can get tricky, especially if you’re trying to do it all on your own. You might find yourself juggling client work, marketing, operations, and everything in between, leaving little time to focus on strategic growth.


Why every entrepreneur needs an OBM


1. Operational excellence

Scaling requires more than just good ideas—it demands flawless execution. An OBM ensures your business operations run smoothly, whether it’s managing projects, optimizing workflows, or ensuring tasks are completed on time. This allows you to focus on big-picture strategies instead of getting bogged down in the details.


2. Marketing mastery

An OBM isn’t just about managing operations; they’re also key players in your marketing efforts. From overseeing content creation to managing campaigns and analyzing data, an OBM ensures your marketing strategy aligns with your business goals and drives growth. They can help you make informed decisions based on real-time insights, ensuring your marketing efforts are always on point.


3. Client relations and experience

Keeping clients happy is crucial for any business, but as you scale, maintaining that personal touch can be challenging. An OBM can step in to manage client communications, ensuring they feel valued and cared for, even as your business expands. This can lead to better client retention and more referrals—key factors in scaling successfully.


4. Freeing up your time

One of the biggest challenges of scaling is time management. As your business grows, so do your responsibilities. An OBM takes on many of these tasks, giving you back the time to focus on what you do best, whether that’s innovating new products, building relationships, or strategizing for future growth.


5. Strategic growth partner

An OBM isn’t just an extra pair of hands; they’re a strategic partner who helps you see the bigger picture. They work alongside you to develop and implement growth strategies, ensuring every move you make is aligned with your long-term goals. With an OBM by your side, you’re not just scaling—you’re scaling smart.


6. Maintaining work-life balance

As you scale, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and lose sight of why you started your business in the first place. An OBM can help you maintain that balance by taking on tasks that drain your energy, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your labor without burning out. After all, what’s the point of scaling if you can’t enjoy the success you’ve worked so hard to achieve?


7. Continuous improvement

An OBM is always looking for ways to improve your business. Whether it’s streamlining processes, cutting costs, or finding new opportunities for growth, they’re constantly working to ensure your business is operating at its best. This continuous improvement mindset is crucial for long-term success.


Ready to scale your business?

Scaling a business is one of the most exciting and challenging—parts of being an entrepreneur. But you don’t have to do it alone. With an Online Business Manager, you can scale smarter, not harder. They’re the key to unlocking your business’s full potential, allowing you to achieve your goals faster and with less stress.


If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and need a partner to help you get there, let’s connect. I’m here to help you scale your business with confidence and ease. Check out my portfolio here, and let’s build something incredible together

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Megan McLean, Virtual Assistant

Meg McLean is a skilled Virtual Assistant and Online Business Manager (OBM) who specializes in helping online service providers scale their businesses to six figures and beyond. Her mission is to help and inspire entrepreneurs to live their life and get their time back doing what they love. With expertise in marketing, sales, and client service, she is known for being a versatile problem-solver, handling a wide range of tasks to drive growth and success for her clients. Meg's dedication and comprehensive approach make her an invaluable partner for those looking to elevate their business operations.



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