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Why Does It Seem So Difficult To Change Careers?

Written by: Alex Benmore, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I know the feelings of frustration, uncertainty, and emotions of doubt and unhappiness very well that are present when the thought or the desire to change careers is present. It really can feel so overwhelming that with these feelings, different thoughts, and working in your current job that adding the task of discovering a new career to that mix seems so difficult.

You may have colleagues and friends say to you “it’s a jobseeker’s market” or “start networking” and you will be ok. All of this is well and true except for many of us it still seems difficult to think of changing careers or make the change.

The one word that I want to reference in this article seems; it seems so difficult to change careers. Your mind is coming into a place of resistance, and your thoughts, what you see is happening, perhaps even your efforts or actions are making it seem like is it so difficult to change careers.

Yet if you were able to look at it with fresh eyes, change the angle, and see things from a different perspective then the seeming will shift. I am sure you have seen this image or heard of something similar.

We can, of course, look at the beliefs we hold, the fear involved, and even self-doubt, all of these which can aid negative thinking and keep you looking at your situation in a certain way, but for now I would like to suggest something simpler and easier.

The people around you matter, and the environment around you matters.

The more you hang around with people that are doing what you want to be doing or are passionate about it, the more inspiration it will give you and this will lead to motivation, which then leads to taking action.

Your environment plays such a big part in your well-being, including your home environment and your work environment. Are you around a lot of negativities or is the energy bad? Could others around you not be supporting you or inadvertently doing this in various ways?

Some things can be out of your direct control, but there are a few things that are not. You can control what you want to learn about yourself, you can control how you react and respond to others including yourself, you can push your own limits to do the impossible, you can surround yourself with inspiring people or push yourself away from the people who bring you down. These things are all in YOUR control.

I implore you to do a little exercise right now, all you need is a pen, paper, 30 minutes of uninterrupted time, and you!

On this piece of paper, one column is your environment and another is the people in your life. Then for each column write a title of what this is currently doing for me, and the other title is what within my control can I change about this to make it work for me, a new perspective.

This exercise is to help you shift your view and come to a new perspective. A great example is taking a photo, you can take a photo straight on, to the left of the subject, to the right of the subject, hold the camera up higher, or lower, either way, the photo of the subject will still be there but the view will be slightly different depending on which angle you choose to shot it.

This is the same in many situations, which way do you want to look at, feel it, accept it, respond to it, react all of this can change if you look at it from a different angle.

“If you don’t like the view, move, you are not a tree” – Jim Rohn

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it” Mary Engelbreit.

Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will.’” – Jim Rohn

Great quotes about shifting your perspective.

It is about being the extraordinary and surrounding yourself with that, and once you do, then it becomes ordinary.

Look around you and see what narrative you are using, then decide on what narrative you want with your new perspective, and then go spend time together with others where your environment can grow. this will help you feel better and gain more confidence to find a new career.

Changing your perspective is a great start to help you feel more confident and able to change careers. If you would like to take it one step further you can discover more about yourself, more about what lights you up, what is important to you, what has meaning, and what motivates you.

Click here to get free access to 20 thought-provoking questions to help you discover your passions and purpose, a wonderful tool to help you leap into your next career.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Alex Benmore, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Alex Benmore is committed to helping mid-aged women create their version of work-life balance. Being optimistic and visionary has been the catalyst for Alex to show women that it is possible to live an extraordinary life and has helped her develop and grow her Career Change business. “How can you figure out what you want to do next if you do not know who you are today” statement has helped many women realize that reconnecting to your true self is imperative in career change and finding that new career which will give you longevity, fulfillment, and happiness. Alex’s Change Factor and Discover Your Next Career programs have helped women to fully understand who they are, who they want to be, and make the cha

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