Written by: Dolores Andrew, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Have you ever wondered why the same things keep happening to you? This could be anything from your relationship dynamics to your career or anything in between. The actions we take are not random, they are triggered by the beliefs we hold. Those beliefs may have formed many, many years ago and may not represent the person you are now. They may even be societal beliefs you took on or your parent’s beliefs that they inherited from their parents!!!!

I am sure you have heard the saying;
“Whether you think you can, or can’t .. you are right.”
When you realise that, you can begin the journey of understanding the process and you might even realise your actions don’t represent who you are or who you want to be.
It can be quite the AHA moment!
Do you find yourself asking questions like:
Will I share this blog on social media?
Will anyone even read my posts?
Does anyone care about what I have to say?
Why does everyone walk all over me?
Why do I always attract the same type of person who ends up treating me badly?
To change the result, you need to dig deep and find the belief patterns. Even a little shift in your mindset will change the outcome. You are changing the frequency of your thoughts, and like attracts like!!!
You could start by asking yourself
“What could be the worst thing that could happen if:
No one reads my blog.
No one reads my post.
What if I just changed the way I talk about myself.
What if I stood up to the bully in my life?
What if someone does read my post?
And imagine the change in your life when you start attracting people that empower rather than disempower you.
Focusing on positive outcomes creates a shift in your mindset.
“I realise that I will never know how someone will be affected by my blog/post if I don’t share it. Imagine if I could inspire even just ONE person, would that be worth it?”
And the answer is a big HELL YES, it would!
Some advice:
I. Don’t play small, when you want to play big.
II. Realise your dreams matter, to YOU.
III. Value yourself and the contribution you make to this world.
IV. You Matter because You are Here.
V. You have Needs and Desires and They Matter.
VI. You have the Power inside you – You just need to Find It.
AND you CAN break free from vicious cycles. How?
By becoming CONSCIOUS of the process behind Your actions.
Catch yourself the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are not getting the desired result you actually want from your life.
Ask yourself what stopped you?
What excuse did you give?
What belief do you hold?
When did this belief start?
Is it true?
Do you know how to turn it around?
Is there anything you could have done differently?
An honest enquiry will help you make the unconscious, conscious. You will begin to see where you are stopping yourself from moving forward and getting different results.
You Got This!
Want to learn more from Dolores? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website.

Dolores Andrew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dolores Andrew is an All-Star Accredited Lifestyle Leader in Holistic Life Coaching. Her personal coaching sessions and Corporate Training programmes are tailored to her client’s unique requirements. Dolores’ supports people to break through their personal barriers and reach their full potential, whatever that means to them. She supports them to reassess their values, effectively navigate their emotions and live their lives aligned with their authentic selves.