Written by: Sruti Kanabar, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It’s been over a month into 2023, and some of you may be struggling with the new year's resolutions and intentions that you have set for yourself. You may be questioning whether you’re good enough to carry one. If this sounds like you, read on.

You may feel that you are at a crossroads, one path takes you back to the old familiar habits that have been ingrained in your brain, mind and body for years even though you feel tired and fed up with the results that they are bringing and the other path takes you on a slightly different route though entails becoming ok with feeling uncomfortable, fear and not knowing what will happen next.
Though this second path will make your heart sing and you will significantly transform the world with the vulnerable wealth that you bring!
So what path will you take?
It’s the latter, right?
So what might be causing you some resistance along the way?
Let’s get curious by looking at a poem I have written called:
I don’t chase instant gratification anymore, instead, I create instant satisfaction...
I don't chase instant gratification anymore instead I create instant satisfaction
Yes Instant gratification will come from time to time, when I quench my thirst or eat food that is sublime
However, instant satisfaction is created within your inner world by knowing how life and the universe work and you don’t need to wait for the world to tell you that you’re a winner
You create that joy for yourself by setting the right intention, striving for excellence whilst not diminishing your progress because you feel like a beginner
Instant gratification says I need to be perfect and for the world to tell me that I am worth it so I will chase people to be liked
I will be extra nice even though I may hate you as I don’t know how to navigate my fight our flight
Instant satisfaction says I know who I am, I know my purpose and living it is my very own delight
You can unfollow me if you want
I choose my authenticity over being liked
So as a coach, poet and writer. I will create excellent content which is thoughtful, shares wisdom and makes you feel brighter. I urge you to take your perfection masks off and lead the way to a more accepting and loving world where we can all feel inclusive and stay.
Without asking ourselves oh wait will I ever fit in? What do I need to change about myself to feel loved, wanted and win?
What came up for you?
What will you be doing differently moving forward?
Let me know!

Sruti Kanabar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sruti Kanabar is a distinguished Life and Small Business Coach. During her journey with Depression and Anxiety, she has found her purpose in helping women accept that they are good enough to live the life and build the business they want. She transforms women by increasing their shame resilience, helping them heal from minor and major traumas from the past, and connecting to a great purpose in life. When setbacks, obstacles, and failures come, they are seen as a beautiful part of the journey than being internalized. She empowers women through wisdom and knowledge nuggets from multiple faiths and disciplines to get the right solution to their challenges in life.