Written by: Cynthia Martin, CHt, RMT, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We’ve all heard the adage, “It's lonely at the top,” and we’ve also heard the saying, “You can’t go it alone,” or “No man is an island” right? Then, why is it that so many leaders from executives, business owners, and entrepreneurs still take the DIY, lone wolf approach in their life, business and leadership? And what is the effect of carrying the heavy weight of leadership alone?

I think it’s always important to reflect on the origins of how things started in order to understand how we got here. If we take a look at the history we’ve been taught in the western world, leadership, for the most part, has been defined for hundreds of years by the “Great Man Theory.” This theory shows us the acts of great men who stood alone to rise to the occasion against the great injustice or evils of the time armed with high values, and virtues that meant to serve the greater good were called hero’s in history and it was their decisions that shaped the world as we know it.
The term leader did not come until the 19th century when the term entered the English language. The role of the hero continues to be glorified in entertainment as the solitary person who is the only one who can save the day and has to sacrifice the simple joys of human life and relationships for the greater good of humanity and the concerning health statistics indicate that we continue to operate the old model of leadership identity.
What is the long-term effect of leaders operating life and business without the support system of a community?
Several years ago, pre-pandemic times, the World Health Organization (WHO) "declared stress as the health epidemic of the 21st Century,” based on the high prevalence of perceived stress in their studies. In fact, work related stress is the lead health problem among employees and employers who are leaders shaping industries, companies and cultures and it costs businesses in the US on average an estimated $500 billion lost in productivity annually.
How does community help leaders improve their leadership?
The benefit of the community for leaders is the life enrichment that comes from sharing a sense of connection, trust and caring amongst those we share values, attitudes, common interests and goals with. Being part of the right community can help improve the wellbeing of leaders and those we lead which is ultimately good for business, and creates the opportunity to fosters the Triple Bottom Line of People, Profit and Planet. The right community in fact, can be good for our health in general because the increased social connection can reduce that sense of "loneliness at the top' and reduces the risk of adverse health effects that cost the business far more than the $500 billion in revenue, it impacts the lives of loved ones and families, it impacts relationships and overall quality of life.
Here are a few tips to consider when looking for your right fit community:
1. Focus on what your needs and values are. Define what is most important to you so you are clear on the experience you wish to have. Be sure to check-in with yourself to get clear on what support may look and feel like for you, is it meeting in person, virtually, connecting with people on the phone, in group settings. It would be helpful for you to identify how you feel most supported.
2. Be prepared to communicate your goal for participation – this will help you set expectations, know you’re in the right place with the right people.
3. Find a group who has a community leader with the right fit personality. – this will set the tone for your experience.
4. Get recommendations – If you know someone in a community get their first-hand experience or follow some groups of interest to familiarize yourself with what they are about.
What I hope you take away from this article is the realization that, the more people become conscious leaders who collaborate with other leaders the more problems we solve that help everyone and the planet. So, I invite you to take a look at how you approach leadership and join or even start a community because the world depends on it.
Let’s connect on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info on upcoming programs and tools!

Cynthia Martin, CHt, RMT, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Cynthia is a Spiritual Awakening & Higher Mind Mastery Coach empowering conscious professionals, entrepreneurs, & emerging visionary leaders in their spiritual journey to become self-actualized and superconscious so they gain mastery of their mind and energy and create their dream reality. She is on a mission to activate greater potentials of conscious leadership for those seeking more than the ordinary in both life and business. By using transformational methods and tangible science-based frameworks that work at the level of the superconscious, she can help you achieve the fastest and easiest path to healing and reprogramming yourself to naturally live at your best in health, happiness, and wealth & success.