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Why a Powerful Past Lives Cleanup Is the Ultimate Cure

Hieronymus Quimp is a master in spiritual matters (covering all aspects of business, relationships, and life in general.) known for in-depth analysis, followed by powerful life-changing remedies for prevailing situations and problems by removing or correcting their true underlying causes.

Executive Contributor Hieronymus Quimp

So, here you are again, another life! Wow, hello world! It’s me again, excited to make my way, reach goals, have fun, and meet new people! This life, were you born into a rich family? A poor family? A supportive one? An unsupportive one? The list of possibilities is quite something to behold! 

Silhouetted person stands apart from a large, indistinct crowd. Blue background, shadows cast on the ground, creating a contemplative mood.

How do you look in this lifetime? Are you pleasantly surprised? Do you get compliments, or do you envy the looks of others?

From birth, you listen, watch, and copy the behavior of those around you. You take in information knowingly and unknowingly, adverts, subliminals, films, music, social media, chats, lectures, the internet, TV, and more. You are pleasantly programmed by the world around you and sometimes unpleasantly programmed, being told off, forced to think a certain way, or peer-pressured into thought patterns simply because everyone else thinks so. In the social order, those in power dictate, to a large degree, what you must and must not think and feel.

And so, according to both spiritual and empirical research, this programming accounts for 85 to 90% of your lifetime personality, believe it or not!

Think about it. In your last lifetime (I presume you consider past lives at least a probability, if not a certainty), you were born into different circumstances, locations, attitudes, and global issues, all of which shaped 85 to 90% of that lifetime’s personality. So, who and what you consider yourself to be, changes from life to life!

Of course, the core you remains, but much of what you consider you, is actually just the current life programming you have received.

No wonder the spirit is often confused and disoriented, unsure of who they really are. A spirit’s memory, whether they are aware of it or not, goes back to the very beginning of their existence. And how long is that, you ask? The answer is a number so vast it would probably make you dizzy. That’s a lot of lives and a lot of personalities you have been.

How are past lives affecting the present and future lives?

So, having gotten that explained, we ask, "How are those past lives affecting the present and future lives?"

Most people don’t even consider this idea (although the universe is waking up), and if they did, maybe they wouldn’t want to know. After all, they might have been someone they’d rather forget!

But because you have read this far, I can assume it is of interest to you.

What is actually important

Actually, who and what you were in past lives is less important (unless you have an ego issue) than the accumulation of trauma, decisions, and agreements you made, whether for better or worse, that remain and continue to hold you back, drag you down, and generally cause problems in this and future lives!

These are what must be removed, and I do mean removed, not accepted, come to terms with, put to one side, forgotten, or handled by any other healing method. No, removed! Erased. No longer extant. Vanished. Vanquished. Do you get the point?

New approach to an age-old problem

So why is this approach new? Because, in actual fact, up to now, no one has been able to do it! So we (including myself) have used approaches that allow us to come to terms with it or move it away using energy techniques, faith healing, and thousands of similar solutions throughout the long, eternal experience of a spirit.

These do work, I have used them myself in this and many past lives, but I found out, sadly, that most are short-term solutions (from the viewpoint of an eternal spirit) because inevitably, whether in this life, the next, or a few lives later, the same issue arises again!

You might say, "Well, if it works in this life, that’s good enough for me!"

Great, read no further. But for those who really want change, so deep that this and future lives become a beautiful, powerful journey, unrestricted by past-life decisions, agreements, and trauma that have held you back since the dawn of time, you are now on the brink of real spiritual change. And that, frankly, is something all spirits deeply desire.

Of course, the spirit has been promised this gift so many times that they just don’t believe it anymore.

I myself had felt this many times in this and past lives. Hence, I decided enough was enough. With a spiritual anger aimed at all the lies and deceptions I had encountered, I focused all my abilities and emotions on resolving the age-old riddles that had been holding me back from my full spiritual power. If you want something done, do it yourself, I said to myself.

And so, here we are. And here I am, to my earlier self’s surprise, offering a powerful solution to those who understand what I just wrote and wish to get real about spiritual change.

How is this done?

"How is this done?" I am often asked.

The answer is that a spirit can be any size (if not chained and restricted). The real key to power that gets results is actually the control of spiritual space and all that lies within it. Imagine being able to look down at all universes as you would at a marble in your hand! From here, you could change the past, present, and future in the spiritual universe, which in turn (and in time, as the physical universe always reacts slower due to its density) would change the physical world.

Conversely, changes within a person and those around them would happen more quickly, as they are spiritual in nature.

Of course, unchaining yourself to accomplish this has always been the spirit’s greatest challenge.


Free phone consultation

I offer a free in depth phone consultation, where i will ask you to tell me `what you wish to handle`.

I shall look at what you have told me in the Spiritual Universe, at it`s Deepest Cause Level.

I will inform you of 'WHAT IS CAUSING' the situations you are facing  (this alone may astonish you.)

I will then assess the work needed and inform you of the cost involved.

You are then free to decide, if you wish me to do the work!


There is no obligation to go any further if you don’t gain value and serious insights from our discussion.



Just so you know, I am constantly working on things I see around me, the planet and the universes contained within the spiritual realms, as an act of duty toward what the Creator has as a beautiful future plan. (I am not religious, by the way; I am spiritual.) So, 99% of what I do, I do for free. Trillions have benefited already, unknowingly.

But in a physical world, logistics, and, of course, money are necessary to fulfill some purposes that will help further the grand plan!

Spiritual business people understand this concept.

I only help the good or potentially good. The dark side need not contact me. In fact, it would be a mistake to do so, if you know what I mean!

Feel free to visit here.

I look forward to helping you so that, in turn, you can help many others!

Visit my website for more info!


Hieronymus Quimp, Business/Personal Spiritual Life Changer

From a very early age, feeling there was more to the world and universe than was currently being taught in the schools and universities, a path was decided upon to search for and uncover the 'hidden truths' that lay at the core of life, the spiritual being the blueprint for the physical universe.

This took an immense amount of spiritual research undertaken on an individual basis.

A lifetime of searching and discovery, of these basic underlying truths, is being powerfully used now to change, help and guide others.

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