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Who’s Thoughts Are You Having Anyway?

Written by Deborah Picou, Quantum Healer

Deborah Picou is a well respected Quantum Healer who is a Certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner, a Certified Practitioner of Emotion Code and creator of Emotional Quantum Healing.

Executive Contributor Deborah Picou

Let’s be honest, we all have thought-encounters of the “limiting beliefs” kind! They show up on a reel. Some might say, a reel from hell! They play over & over in your head. You don’t like them. They don’t help. And it seems like they just don’t stop! They even can even be room or event-specific, like always when you are in the kitchen making your morning coffee or driving to work.

A man covering his face

Pay close attention to the limiting belief that you are repeatedly telling yourself. Chances are that there is a connection between that thought and unresolved emotional issues from your childhood. Your limiting belief is an old story, a very old story. It didn’t serve you when is was developed and it’s not serving you now. It keeps you locked into self-doubt, self-sabotage, and general self-misery.

The good news is that you can free yourself from this unhappy loop. It’s really quite easy to do but you’ve got to stay on task to be free of it! If you follow the guidance you could see a remarkable shift within 2 weeks. Often the shift happens sooner but it might take longer to become aware that the shift happened without fanfare. It’s kind of like when your headache goes away but it’s not until a while later that you notice your lack of discomfort. Typically my clients notice that along with losing the negative self-talk limiting belief, their life begins to attract more positive outcomes.

I will tell you a bit about the science of what is happening here when you follow this guidance. Personally, I prefer to be aware of the science that supports my quantum healing techniques. Science is the wind beneath my airy-fairy wings!

First of all, this starts with an unpleasant emotional event. You may very well tend to develop a negative or limiting belief about yourself. There’s a good chance this belief in not even based in truth but rather on coincidence or circumstantial evidence, like a faulty “if so, facto”. Potentially very faulty! This occurrence is spurred on by your emotional reaction to the unpleasant emotional event. We find that at the root of just about everything you do or experience are emotions.

Emotions aren’t just something you feel, they are also messengers. There’s a chemical aspect to emotions called neuropeptides, the biochemical substrate of an emotion. The unpleasant emotional event causes you to have a particular thoughts which cause you to feel particular emotions which involve these biochemical substrates. This then causes you to have more of the same thoughts. You can see that this thought-emotion loop can become self-perpetuating and repetitive on a daily basis. There is a way out. You can choose to think something different.

Consider this if you need a reference point for clarity as to why choosing your thoughts is so important. Let’s say you own a building and you rent out space in it. You’d want to interview the potential tenants to ascertain whether they are appropriate as tenants in your building. While there would be obvious differences in the questions you would ask, the bottom line is, would these tenants be a good choice for you? After all, it is "your" building. It is a revenue source for you. You depend on it. You’ve got a lot riding on the success of how you manage your building.

Likewise your mind is your command central. It runs your life. It defines you. It brings opportunities or repels them. You get the point. Like your building, you must manage your mind. Crazy thing is, while you wouldn’t let just anyone rent space from you without demonstrating that they would be responsible, appropriate & beneficial tenants; we have a unfortunate tendency to let any ole thought take up residence in our mind.

Okay, back to the building analogy. Say your building has a revolving door and anyone can walk in. But remember you can send any undesirable tenants right back out. So I’m saying when an undesirable thought strolls in through the revolving door of your mind, send it right out without it having a chance to take up residence. While you are not responsible for the thoughts that make a cameo appearance in your mind, you are responsible when you sign that thought up to be a regular or star performer on the stage of your mind animating your entire life.

The basic technique for ousting a deleterious thought is to consciously choose a better one. Write it down. Then decide how you’d feel if that new & improved thought were actually a regular part on your thought life so that your life improved in specific ways as a result of this new & improved thought. Imagine that, feel those emotions. Make a note of those emotions so you can feel them every time you think your better thought.

Now every time that limiting belief thought pops into your mind, interrupt it and replace it with your new & improved thought, along with the corresponding emotions you’d feel if that was how your life was truly happening right now. Neither your mind nor your body knows the difference between what you are actually experiencing & what you are imagining as long as you feel the corresponding emotions.

Soon you will experience losing that limiting belief thought and automatically have that new & improved thought which brings new & better opportunities into your life. You must be consistent! Don’t indulge yourself by allowing even one unchecked limiting belief thought to play out fully. This is neuroplasticity in action. You’re rewiring your brain. By doing so you’ll create a better life for yourself.

Today is the theatrical production of yesterday’s thoughts. Think wisely!

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Read more from Deborah Picou


Deborah Picou, Quantum Healer

Deborah Picou is a leader in the field quantum emotional healing. Faced with a life-threatening health challenge, she abandoned the standard-of-care medical model to blaze her own trail of self-healing. With the help of a doctor of like mind, she started with emotional healing which lead to physical healing. Deborah then built a thriving practice helping many people to transmute their emotional trauma transforming their lives in every way. She utilizes QHHT, Emotion Code & Emotional Quantum Healing.

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