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Who Needs Me Now?

Written by: Lynn Lessell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When it feels like there’s always something or someone else that needs your attention, you may ask yourself, “Who needs me now?” and quietly think, ‘when do I get some time to do what’s important to me?’

telephones hanging and shock cartoon face.

What makes the needs of others more urgent than our own?

We may feel like we’re on the move all day long, feeling pulled in multiple directions.

There may not seem like there’s enough energy left for ourselves at the end of each day. We may feel exhausted, frustrated, and maybe resentful that there’s not enough time to unwind.

What would happen if we sat down for just a few minutes to relax?

There will always be things on our list that must come first, and that’s okay as long as we also consider that it’s essential to prioritize ourselves.

Let’s contemplate how it might feel if we place ourselves at the top of our “to-do” list for somehave-to-do-something-special for ME” time.

Accomplishing this might involve exchanging some old habits for new ones. ‘Habits’ are the things we automatically do without thinking.

Don’t we instinctively head for the bathroom to wash up and get ready as we wake every day? We ‘stop’ on red and ‘go’ on green.

Why? Because it is an action, we’ve learned and repeated over and over for so long, it became automatic!

What might we need to repeat over and over again to establish a new “ME time” routine?

Katrina Meyer says, “At the end of the day the only questions I will ask myself are…did I love enough?; did I laugh enough?; did I make a difference?”

Instead of asking yourself, “who needs me now?” how would it feel to ask yourself, “what do I need from me now”?

Ask yourself what something special you’d like to schedule for your “ME” time and develop this new habit today!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Lynn!


Lynn Lessell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lynn Lessell is a certified health and life coach. Her journey through multiple traumas felt like a rollercoaster of anxiety, exhaustion, and guilt, which caused her to feel a loss of self. When she finally hit rock bottom, she realized something had to change so she could balance personal and business to love her life again. She’s known to her clients as the Identity Coach for helping them discover the secret identity that’s been buried deep within. She is CEO of Itz Why LLC where she helps career moms, like herself, that feel frustrated, exhausted, & guilty from being pulled in multiple directions, to take back control quickly, regain energy & time, and love their life again the way they want to. She is the author of the upcoming book Merging ME, creator of the Level It Up Program, “ME” Monday® and leader of a support group for professionals called Inner Power Partners currently in three cities.

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