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Who Are You In A Company? A Communicator? An Analyst? A Planner? Or An Executor?

Written by: Flávia Rigonato Rodrigues, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Did you know each of these behavioral profiles has an extremely important role in a company, and when they are in the wrong place, doing tasks that do not fit their profile, can be devastating for the company?

One of the objectives of every company is to have in their team only successful professionals. This process also begins in recruitment and selection and goes through different strategies aimed at maintaining the good employee.

However, there is a question that is not always considered (and is essential): the behavioral profile. Each person has different skills and abilities, which are built with lifelong experiences. Similarly, technical, and academic training contributes to shaping this person, which is directly reflected in the corporate sphere. For a company, the ideal is to balance the different types of posture to increase the productivity of the team and ensure the achievement of good results.

4 Behavioral Profiles: Know the Differences

The 4 types of behavioral profiles are sets of characteristics that shape a person's personality and behavior. Generally, people have more than one profile, however, there is always a dominant and that can be exploited so that their skills are enhanced, and the employee develops self-knowledge to identify their failures and know how to deal with them to maintain a good performance.

What are the 4 behavioral profiles?

There are 4 types of behavioral profiles — the communicator, the analyst, the planner, and the executor. Here they are:


People with this profile can communicate well, are persuasive and charismatic. They are creative and generally cheer with new possibilities, presenting positivity thinking about the goal they hope to achieve. These people have the facility to relate to colleagues and are often great influencers capable of infecting them with their optimistic vision. Thus, they work well as a team, uniting people and making environments with lighter conflicts, being great to be used for socialization. However, they can engage in difficulties by analyzing and planning their actions well. In addition, they have difficulty following rules. The lack of people with the communicator profile in a team can result in disheartened teams and no confidence in the work, besides presenting difficulty with the flow of information. On the other hand, the excess of communicators in a team can bring little organization and little responsibility, resulting in errors and delays.


Generally, people with this profile like to follow a step-by-step method, taking a close account of the details and performing the tasks perfectly. Generally, analysts do well in areas related to knowledge and research. Their work does not usually present errors, being done with all care and attention.

However, analysts do not work well under pressure, when this happens they end up leaving the tasks aside and closing. In addition, they are too proud and demanding of themselves and others. They can also be stressed when they see that their thorough work is not valued due to the need for high production. It is important that people with this profile are managed, as they may end up wasting time on activities that do not need as much attention. If there are only analytical in a group it will not work, as it can make decision-making difficult. But they are very important in specialized teams, and without them, the work does not have as much quality.


People with this profile are calm, controlled, and like to plan things in advance. They work at a steady pace; they are stable and conservative. Planners like to help others and have the facility to live together as a group, getting along well with teamwork. They are patient and are usually stable in the execution of their activities. People who have this profile also often avoid direct conflicts and have a strong sense of justice, so they are great at dealing with conflicts. In addition, they have the facility to track team results and give feedback.

However, they do not bother to deliver a task quickly if they notice that planning needs to be checked. Planners also have limited creativity, which gets in the way of making quick decisions or actions. Despite having qualities as a good leader, planners are pessimistic and afraid that things will get out of their control and planning. Teams that rely on people with this profile generally follow the tasks that have been established but do not perform better than expected.


The performers are objective and direct who do not stick to details and are completely focused to fulfill a task. The executors are determined and stand firm on a goal, even if it is impossible to achieve or unnecessary. People with this profile are ambitious, like challenges and freedom of action. They are great for meeting goals and even show higher results. However, teams that have many performers can achieve the stipulated goals, but without following the company's instructions and working together with other sectors, because they have overconfidence, relying only on their skills. On the other hand, teams that do not have many performers do not have much action and often have difficulty making decisions, as well as being intimidated in meeting goals and dealing with customers and suppliers.

Why is it important to evaluate the behavioral profiles of your employees?

Because knowing the behavioral profiles of your employees you will be able to organize them into functions that they get better and have more skill. This way your employees will show more productivity and feel more satisfied. In addition, this practice helps to form highly competent teams, composed of professionals with complementary skills. The analysis of behavioral profiles also helps to show the areas where training is necessary, assists in the management of internal conflicts, motivates employees, who end up feeling more valued and satisfied in the active areas, thus reducing turnover. It is indicated that this evaluation is made during the recruitment and selection process and when the company needs to make changes of positions or select the ideal employee to be promoted.

Here are two tests that help define the behavioral profile

There are different behavioral profile tests, each of them has a unique methodology and that can trace the profile of a collaborator.

Here they are:

DISC Methodology (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)

This test was created by Dr. William Moulton Martson. It is a "welfare model" that is objective and descriptive, not subjective, and critical.

Animal Behavioral Profile Test

This test defines the 4 behavioral profiles comparing them with animals. The wolf is the analyst, the cat is the communicator, the shark is the executioner, and the eagle is the planner.

If you want to know about each of those behavioral profile tests, “stay tuned” for my next article.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Flávia Rigonato Rodrigues, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Flávia Rigonato Rodrigues is an ESL Brazilian teacher and a TEDx organizer. She’s been teaching English for almost 30 years and runs her own school called Business Talk® English and Immersion. Apart from teaching in a classroom, she takes people to hotels for a whole English-speaking weekend. She’s a postgraduate in psycho pedagogy and also neuroscience and behavior. She’s recently become a TEDx Speaker. Her main focus is on FLA-Foreign Language Anxiety and mindfulness meditation to help people speak a foreign language with no barriers.

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