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Which Way Do Your Steer Your Business?

Written by: Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I’ve come to see there are 2 ways to steer your business:

  1. Stressed out

  2. Slowing down

When I first began my entrepreneurial journey, I pushed, worked long hours being busy, and I felt like I had to get somewhere. I would feel frustrated because I felt like I wasn’t productive even though I was "busy."

I see I was speeding up to thought instead of slowing down to the peace of life. Speeding up to thought creates stress. Stress is produced from obeying thoughts from repetitive learned and conditioned thinking.

I remember every morning for the longest time, I would write blogs that had great content. Often, I would get more than halfway done then stop. Feeling like I had a writer’s blog. But what was really happening behind the scenes of that feeling:

  1. Who is going to read this blog anyway? Will it make a difference?

  2. I’m not good enough. I don’t have a degree to back up my points, especially when I write about how everyone has innate mental health.

  3. I’m not really a great writer.

Interesting, when I began to write, I felt like I was in the flow, then suddenly I was seduced by the content of my personal thinking where I felt totally insecure.

Did you experience a similar situation?

It’s normal. It’s called being human.

I’ve come to see it’s perfectly okay to be unashamedly human.

The best part is that once I see what is happening, my mind settles down thanks to self-awareness. I come out of the snow globe through a storm, and I am back in the moment of well-being, leading me to slow down.

Slowing down to the speed of peace, slowing down to the speed of life instead of speeding up to thought.

It’s from this place I am connected to my innate well-being at the moment. The only place well-being is found. It’s from there I have confidence, resilience, wisdom, and trust.

You know when you are in your innate well-being because you’ve slowed down to the moment:

  • You are more productive

  • Life feels easier

  • You feel happy or peaceful for no reason

  • Tasks you dreaded doing seem to get done effortlessly

  • Your curiosity is at an all-time high during conversations

  • You listen from that quiet space within building connection, rapport, and trust with others

  • Creativity flows

  • You are more understanding with others

Key points I want to share with you.

  • Our experience of life changes moment-to-moment because thought is always moving through.

  • We live in a thought-created reality, not circumstance.

  • We come in and out of innate mental health all day long.

  • Self-awareness is a gift that lets you know when you are speeding up to thought and guides you back to well-being.

  • Well-being is a place that is only available at the moment.

Remember the last time you had a glimpse of feeling good for no reason at all? Yes, that’s the well-being feeling.

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Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine I’ve been a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve been a yoga teacher with consistently sold-out classes and a professional hypnotherapist, successfully curing some of the biggest fears and phobias people have. All of this, plus studying with some of the highest level teachers on the planet, has led me to understand human nature to help strengthen professional women, shed their old beliefs, and become the potent, prosperous leaders they’re here to be.

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