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When Wokeism Hijacks Spiritual Awakening

Written by: Marja West, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Marja West

Hello, my beloved Waking Gods & Goddesses! Thank you so much for your queries about Spiritual Awakening, specifically, what it is. Thanks to New Age Bullshit and its Love & Light Only parameters, understandably, there’s much confusion around Spirituality. The distortions promulgated by the mob-ruled-crowd consciousness of Wokeism infecting Pop Culture muddies the simplicity of what Spiritual Awakening is. For some of us, our eyes glaze over, fatigued. At the same time, many are caught up, emotionally triggered by the often politicised dramas and fear-porn of the Woke, brainwashed into the Big Fat Lies of what the powers-that-wanna-be prefer you to believe it means.

A shot of a woman's back under the sunset.

Today’s blog is my neutral offering regarding the Objective Truth about Spiritual Awakening and how its true definition empowers one and all.

What spiritual awakening isn't

Whether one says Awake or the more popular, Woke, Woke via Wokeism has been hijacked into totalitarian politicised nonsense jacked up on steroids in agreement-filled echo chambers of more Divide & Conquer Mind Control, where The Mob Rules and defines who and what to reject, cancel, and hate, along with what the latest politically correct completely made up pop culture terms are, etc., and what punishments are to be issued to those non-compliant.

Please do not fall for this dangerous, judgment-based, shame-based divisiveness reminiscent of all hate-based totalitarian regimes that espouse the Communistic-Socialistic-Fascistic dogma of “agree with us or else” demands. Such regimes are responsible for the murderous practices of ethnic cleansing and genocide, filled with more than enough documentation: written, historical and recorded images—and in recent times of our modern history—video accounts of threats of coercion, violence, bodily harm, and pain of death, along with its disastrous aftermaths of the serious consequences of noncompliance, mass graves notwithstanding.

True Spiritual Awakening has no allegiance to Moral Relativism, Divide & Conquer agenda, or Left-Right-Centre Politicised anything.

Spiritual awakening means that you own your attention

If you don’t own your attention, someone or something like the Matrix and its trigger-happy dramas owns it. It renders you an unconscious sleeping zombie mesmerised by the mechanisms of the Matrix world and its countless distractions and directives of unquestioned autosuggestions programmed on purpose by marketing gurus schooled in the art of manipulation and mind control to most humans whose minds are weak, impressionable, and easily corralled to this or that.

Remember: The World is NOT the Planet. The World is the Matrix, an inversion of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe. The Matrix is a perception-managed reality limited to only Five Senses, whereas, in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe, there are Seven Senses—our 6th Sense is our Intuition. Our 7th Sense of Generosity and Care has two parts: 7a) The Divine Masculine Principle of Gifting-Giving and 7b) Our Divine Feminine Principle of Receiving.

Ideally, we are creating our layer of the Universe or unaware of our powers of creation and making more of the Matrix world.

Over the millennia of our existence, many Spiritual Practices like meditation and mindfulness have been geared toward what I call “Attention Management” by teaching us to allow for the flow of the comings and goings of the Mind—its thoughts and concerns, emotions, moods, and outward events and phenomena, all of which are temporary.

Unfortunately, the powers-that-wanna-be are experts in human behaviour and psychology, and with the help of mainstream media outlets and social media applications, have easily overrun most people’s attention centres, turning our family members, friends and neighbours into strangers and the walking dead, literally and figuratively. Sadly, further combining techie toys and media applications has become an exceedingly convenient substitute parent for our children and in support of our automated, overly busy lives, feigning to “Do It All.”

We have three attention centres

Our Natural Divine State is already Awakened, and the Matrix distracts us by hijacking our perception of Reality through our limited perception of the Five Senses rather than the Seven.

There are Three Attention Centres—two are in the Matrix, rendering us sound asleep, mesmerised by the (1) Outer Screen—what’s perceived with our limited Five Sense reality, like what’s witnessed with our eyes, the Sense of Sight in front of us or mesmerised by the (2) Inner Screen—the stuff that goes on in our head, the acerbic commentary—often in reaction to what we’re experiencing through the limitation of Five Senses on the Outer Screen.

From our Awakened Centre, aka the Centre Screen between the Outer Screen of the Matrix and the Inner Screen in our head, we can neutrally observe and track what we’ve up to regarding the Inner and Outer Screens.

Wake yourself up

You own your attention by Waking Yourself Up, Seeing Yourself, Seeing Reality, Exiting the Matrix, Entering into your Centre Screen (Awakened Centre) in the True Quantum Field Universe, and from your Awakened state, compose your ideal Reality through your gifts of Mind and Speech.

Check out my very first Brainz Blog here. I talk about returning to your gifts of Mind and Speech, your self-talk—what you declare I AM to will make or break your existence of freedom or slavery.

Being Awake, Spiritually Awakened, or Spiritually Enlightened is not an affidavit of specialness. Being Woke, for real, is our Divine Natural State, unencumbered by any mind control distortions within the Matrix, which is more New Age Bullshit.

Please don’t fall for it. There’s a parasitic entrepreneurial cesspool of NSPs—Narcissists-Sociopaths-Psychopaths—con men and con women who WILL rob you of your energies and cash to “certify” your Natural Spiritual Awakened Self.

Please discern. You do not need any certification, gold gilded or otherwise, to own your attention.


Let me repeat that another way.

You do not need any certification to be Spiritually Awakened, as that is your True Nature already. Just Own Your Attention.

The deception-perception-managed Five-Sense reality within the Matrix that is the matrix tricks us into believing that we require some external reflection from someone, something, some group, some authority outside ourselves to declare and affirm our worth, our validity, our deservability to breathe and exist.

Waking up is your lifelong spiritual practice

Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality; thus, begin the extrication of yourself from the Matrix. Exit the Matrix because you broke yourself free from its hypnosis. Enter into your Awareness Centre, your Centre Screen. Own Your Awakened State!

Realise that this process of Waking Up is not a one-off event but a lifelong Spiritual Practice of re-owning your attention because of the insidious design of the Matrix to hijack your attention repeatedly.

Every human being in existence has the ability and the right to Wake Up, Exit the Matrix and reenter into the True Quantum Field Universe through one’s Awakened Centre—which only exists outside of the Matrix.

From here, your Awakened Centre Screen, you can compose your Reality. You are here to move Formless into Form. It is your Birthright. Creation is your Birthright, but you can only create outside the Matrix. Otherwise, everything you endeavour to form within the Matrix is subject to the well-worn automated scripts of every Matrix system reality that has enslaved humanity throughout time immemorial; this includes all mind control programs—trauma-based and otherwise, including all egregores or pendulums, and other methods of enslavement.

Breaking the bonds of the demonic powers-that-wanna-be and the matrix

The powers-that-wanna-be have been ruling over humanity for millennia. They are power-hungry humans who’ve allowed themselves to be enslaved and controlled by demonic lower-astral plane entities in exchange for fame, fortune, and faux immortality.

To be Divine is to be Immortal.

By owning your attention, you break the bonds that force you to bend the knee and answer to their evil bidding at the expense of your Sovereignty and Self-ownership.

Humanity’s freedom and UnSlavement from the Matrix is deceptively simple. All sorts of factions have purposefully complicated it within the Matrix, caught up by some form of Divide & Conquer Left-Right-Centre paradigm of Wokeism—promoting Victim Identitarianism.

Look at any of the World’s dramatic shitshows of fear-mongering and check it out yourself. And every time you catch yourself getting sucked into one of the Matrix’s dramas in the current Outer Screen of so-called Reality: Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit that current screen. Exit the Matrix. Enter your Awareness Centre, your Awakened Centre Screen, where you can simultaneously witness the Outer and Inner Screens that the Matrix would love you to give up your power of Focused Attention to without question. Activate your connection to your layer of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe to compose your Reality and reset/reclaim your Focused Attention on your life, your creations.

Remember, everything happening within the Matrix, currently in the Outer Screen of what you are observing within the Matrix’s limitations of Five Sense reality, is already PAST and cannot be changed.

The leading edge of manifestation is Not Yet Seen. You can only create your layer of the Universe by Exiting the Matrix.

When you fully own your attention, you ascend as the Grand Creator Magician and Waltz undetected in and out of the Matrix, UnSlaving yourself by incarnating on purpose as your True Divine Nature. This skill is so cool once you can stealthfully manage your attention and creative life force energies more and more without Matrix or powers-that-wanna-be interference.

Believe it! Allow yourself to receive. Keep your focus on the goodness coming your way. Choose Love, Truth, and Beauty, honouring Natural Law and its Prime Directive, DO NO HARM, including to yourself.

Delete those activities from your life that rob you of your energy, creativity, and peace.

Here’s a list of suggestions to enhance your relationship with your True Divine Awakened Self:

  1. Spend more time in Nature.

  2. Move Your Body.

  3. Eat more nutrient-dense food, and drink clean, fresh water.

  4. Be discerning in the kinds of info you take into your awareness and consciousness; Stop watching Matrix News and media shows featuring low-level frequencies and unconscious behaviours.

  5. Ignore all Divide & Conquer agendas.

  6. Beautify your personal space and immediate environment.

  7. Turn off your wifi and technology as much as you can.

  8. Upgrade your relationships, discern the kinds of people in your life’s inner sphere—purge those relationships that drain you and do not nourish you.

  9. Make time to design your Ideal Life.

  10. Revisit and reclaim your life and reset your goals—OUT OF THE MATRIX—Learn Reality Creation.

  11. Cultivate practices and habits that inspire your heart and soul to sing and empower Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination.

  12. Adopt and engage Self-Care and Self-Love practices to uplevel well-being and raise your energy frequencies such that your high vibration keeps you stealthy and undetected by lower astral plane entities.

  13. Check out my Reality Creation videos up here.

Let us further affirm our intentions to Live More from our Awakened State:

  • I am embodied in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe, creating Formless into Form.

  • I activate and utilise All Seven of my Senses 1) Sight, 2) Smell, 3) Sound, 4) Taste, 5) Touch, 6) Intuition, 7) Generosity and Care: 7a) Divine Masculine Principle of Gifting-Giving 7b) Divine Feminine Principe of Receiving.

  • I easily and enjoy spending more time in my Centre Screen, my Awakened State.

  • I am my Ideal now.

  • I am populating my layer of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe with my Ideal intentions, which manifest easily.

  • I am having fun stealthfully waltzing in and out of the Matrix, utilising Matrix systems that support my life, well-being, and creations.

  • I am the Master of my Reality.

And so, it is.

Okay, my darlings, that’s it for now. I trust you found this helpful. Enjoy your uniqueness and your True Divine Creative Natures.

Here’s to Love, Truth, and Beauty!

Marja (Mahrr-ya)

Check out my latest website article here.

Check out my recent Freedom Under Natural Law Conference video presentation regarding The Trivium: The One Pronoun to UnSlave Us All here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!

Marja West Brainz Magazine

Marja West, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic~Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from Victim to Victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations, Marja is the author of the book F'd Wide Open: The Rude Awakening of the Heart-Based New Humanity. She is also a medical intuitive, martial artist, singer, multi-instrumentalist-musician, dancer, and plant lover.

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