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When Did You Settle For Plan B? How To Re-Find Your Dream

Director of Calm Confident Create, Angela specializes in empowering individuals to thrive by adopting a creative thinking mindset. She guides them to shed limiting beliefs, paving the way for remarkable personal and professional growth.

Executive Contributor Angela Cairns

Have you noticed that as kids we dream big, we imagine ourselves as astronauts, sports stars, princesses, and no-one tells us we are ridiculous?

A woman-middle-aged feeling the sun rays.

Dreams can change as we grow, but when do our dreams become small?

When do we settle for Plan B?

When do we stop working towards our dreams because they have been replaced by fears?Fears are born in the survival part of our brain fuelled by the fight, flight, freeze chemical, Adrenaline. This chemical, which when triggered allows us only to consider threats and therefore causes us to ignore many other possibilities. Fear stifles creativity and keep us small, often hiding our wonderful gifts and talents.

There is of course a place for fear and caution in avoiding clear and present danger, but many of the situations we find ourselves in are not life-threatening. We do not need to rely on survival strategies to navigate the situation. 

We get triggered by lack of confidence, worry, imposter syndrome, what other people may think, or other perceived responsibilities and duties. Many of which can be residual voices in our head from childhood, or the projected fears of others close to us. By limiting ourselves to a survival mode of thinking, we may shy away from opportunities only because they are challenging, or we don’t know where to start.

But there comes a time when we must look in the mirror and accept responsibility for the choices we make. It is ultimately up us to find the correct time to pursue our dreams.

Try this Powerful Exercise. Soften your gaze and focus your attention on the furthest away sound you can hear for a few seconds. Now focus on the closest sound you can hear, which is perhaps your own breathing. Put aside data-driven fears and worries - let the dream that is in your heart bubble-up like a well-spring and take form. Don't worry if nothing comes immediately, trust the well spring is there, and repeat the process gently over time.

You can also use this powerful exercise to allow plans to form and to enable you to make decisions about the small steps you will take every day to bring your dream closer.


You have just strengthened the neural pathways that allow you to look at the bigger picture. 

You have accessed the part of your brain that allows you to nourish yourself, think creatively, and follow your inner compass, the part of you that knows you are destined for more.If you know you're ready to work towards your dream and you'd like someone to travel the path beside you, I offer coaching to bring empowerment through change in a 1-2-1 or small group coaching sessions.

My website is currently under reconstruction, but you can easily reach me via Instagram or Facebook to set up a free discovery call. 


Director of Calm Confident Create, Angela specializes in empowering individuals to thrive by adopting a creative thinking mindset. She guides them to shed limiting beliefs, paving the way for remarkable personal and professional growth. Angela seamlessly integrates holistic healthcare knowledge with a fusion of positive intelligence coaching and creative expression which creates a unique coaching experience that transcends traditional boundaries. This distinctive approach enhances performance and cultivates lasting happiness, guiding individuals towards their full potential. Her clients not only manage the demands of a busy life but emerge stronger, more confident, and ready to live their truth.

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