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What The World Needs Now, Is Love!

Written by: Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


1965 – Jackie De Shannon

There was never a more important time for us to expand our knowledge and expression of Love.

If you are wanting to manifest more good things into your life and share your love with the World. Read on. Find out why love, taking Heart Centred Action, and using the little-known Universal Law of Attunement are the most powerful ways to manifest any desire, into physical form.

Everything is energy. This includes the physical 1% ‘here now’ matter (energy observed) and the 99% invisible field of latent energy, waiting to form. At the energy level, there is a continuous vibrant conversation and a wave-like dancing exchange, between the non-physical and the physical.

The Law of Attunement governs the conversation between the field of energy. The law requires energy to dance in-tune, with the pure positive field of infinite Universal intelligence, or fall away. In this silent conversation between matter and the field, attunement can generate an instant shifting of pain in the body, to a feeling of relief, or in an exchange between humans, from great resistance to compassion.

The Law of Attunement can only be accessed by ‘tuning-in’ to the Universe’s pure positive field, and one of the easiest ways to do this is with the frequency of love.

The way to love comes with gratitude, which is in your gift of breath. Breathing is Gratitude. Who isn’t grateful for the act of breathing? Have you ever had asthma or been around an asthmatic? Spend just a few minutes without breath and you will immediately become grateful for your next lung expanding intake. Sadly, only around 5% of the world’s population are conscious and using breathing to attune up!

Conscious breathing embodies Love. The indigenous Māori word [[AROHA]] sums this up, it means both Love and Abundance of Breath.

So through love and breath, energy must rise. This natural process has powerful implications for a manifestor.

1. Love Is The Highest Frequency Of The Universe

Love is the highest frequency of the Universe. It is the easiest energy to connect to because it's the TRUE frequency of the Universe and all other positive emotions and feelings are a version of love. Love creates Attunement. Energy must rise up or fall away. Try this out for yourself.

Think about the things that you love. You don’t have to think too hard to reach the many things that bring you pleasure, happy feelings, or you just love helping others, making someone smile, your hobbies, trees, flowers, the beach, ice-cream, chocolate, watermelon, calamari, fried bread, champagne, cocktails, your family, ancestors, your Nana, your animals, your friends, all the people, dancing, running, falling out of planes, travelling, your comfy bed and all of the places you love. When you think about these – how do you feel? Do you feel an instant warmth? Are you aware of that warm feeling in your chest?

Learning to work with the highest frequency of the Universe is easy. It is also the simplest way to think of mobilising energy to you, without having to find any other definition or search for any other rationale with your mind.

Just be aware of the energy of love, without having to define whether this is romantic, familial, for God, or for the country. There is no hierarchy of love or loving. Be aware of that sensation of love in your chest. Think of your dog, who always looks at you with unconditional happy love, or the soft warm feeling of snuggling into your pussy cat. Start applying this easy love.

Love is not just a simple easy energy that all beings, and humans understand, it's the silken magical thread that connects all energy, and it’s magical spinning simply starts with your awareness of your unlimited capacity to love -and feel this genuinely in your heart.

2. You have a Heart Brain

Your heart possesses its own intelligence and is capable of transforming everything in your life and connecting you to the heart of all life. Your heart has neurons like the brain and is 150 x more powerful as a generator than your mind and has neurons just like your mind.

Did you know that the passage between your heart and your mind is your shortcut to aligning the physical you, with the spiritual you? This is how you feel your way to alignment to positivity. You connect your focus of thinking with how it feels in your heart (opening the door to your eternally positive Soul) – then you act.

Scientists have tested humans and know that the heart is capable of feeling, experiencing, and signalling its intentions before physical states have been seen, heard. “This powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity.

Your heart is the door to your Soul, to your Spirit. You can instantly feel the power of your heart if you allow yourself.

3. Your Core Essence Is Love

The Core Essence of the Universe is Love. And all life is created with this Love. At your essence is Love. And, your loving desires form the very core of you be-ing. To be a human is to be a lover - You love therefore you are.

Love creates matter like no-other source and defuses all of the chatter of your mind.

Self-love is your Birthright. It is your natural state, and you came into this life equipped with this knowing this - that is why you feel BAD when you deny this state. Your feelings and your emotions exist to guide you back to this natural state. And your Soul, who waits patiently for you to attune to your higher, broader, wiser eternally positive focus, perspective, your knowing and be-ing.

Knowing you can attune and access this natural state from wherever you are RIGHT now, can bring YOU back to the relationship with the Universe as your Source, and as the Source of all that is.

You can instantly tune in to full Presence and your natural state of love by:

Taking a Deep breath from the Earth

Becoming Aware of your Heart Space

Draw Air into your Heart

Sending the Energy back through your Back (Heart)

Saying “Eternal Soul”.

Notice how you feel now!

4. The Power of Love

The power of love is a realm outside realms, and possibly transcends all others. Why, because of the transformative energetic vibrancy that is love. Love is one of the most positive human emotions. It is radiant energy that transforms all life around it. It is your key to personal transformation and the mechanism by which you powerfully affect others.

There are powerful acts you can commit with the energy of love. Love transforms matter in a way that no other energy can transform. It has a silent generative influence that starts through making that connection to your heart unencumbered.

If you open your heart and send loving energy, your love is sent across the full length of the Universe – it weaves between the matrix like a shockwave that upgrades the system for all. Love then winds its way around the realms and dimensions and comes right back to you like a boomerang.

You can send this energy and create ripples of attunement. A scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that while the chest area of an average person emits only 20 photons of light per second, someone who meditates on their heart centre and sends love and light to others emits an amazing 100,000 photons per second. That is 5000 times more than the average human being.

Numerous research is proving that loving and healing intent, increases the frequency and vibration of photons to the point where they can literally change matter, heal disease, and transform negative events.

Energy healers are well versed in this powerful transmission that can occur between two people (or more) even on opposite sides of the World. A person in need, can receive instant relief with the Law of Attunement, from love sent, without any physical contact. This is the transmission of love, and the secret energy conversation that occurs between matter. Quantum physics is just catching up on explaining this natural occurrence.

As a practising hypnotist and energy worker, I teach people how to use this high frequency of LOVE to manifest their goals, to provide healing and to share the invisible threads of love with their causes, their loved ones, their passions, the Earth.

Because so many of us now work remotely, or learn in a digital environment, using love remotely is really one of the most uplifting and amusing practices.

Try this out next time you are in a Zoom meeting. Watch how it transforms. Feel calmer. Watch your colleagues catching the bug, and smiling. This little energy hack can shift the whole vibe of your meeting experience right before your eyes.

Super Manifestor Tip – Aroha-Love Bombs

Take a few deep sweeping breaths and if you like - remind yourself of your Eternal Soul by saying the words and feeling them deep in your chest. Keep your eyes shut while you do this.

Create a loving force field that starts with breathing energy and centring awareness of the powerful energy of your heart. Always send love to yourself, your brain, your body, any areas of density, stuck energy, or pain.

Grow the field around your body, imagine this energy moving out into the room, outside your house, connect deep the Earth, to the Galactic Core, back behind you to someone – or something you love on the other side of the Earth, and then forward to someone or something you love.

Now bring in people who need your love, or who you love, or just whoever pops into your field. Bring in any cause, or just send love to any area of the Earth that needs love, the forests, the oceans, the sky, the Moon, Sun, Planets and Stars, the Galaxy, the Galactic Core.

Because time doesn’t confine the Universal magnetic exchange of energy, you can send Aroha, Love into the past, or the future. Remember to send in the Present as well, because your Power is always now, but if you have trauma or sad events that need to be loved – love bomb them up.

If you know or sense there are issues with self-love in your past, go back in time and hug yourself, give yourself love as the baby, as the toddler, as the scared child on her first day at school.

If you are anxious about an event in the future, ditch worry, it's a useless energy and love bomb the event, or the people connected in the event up.

If you are starting a new business, think of your ideal client and love bomb them.

Send love to those of your ancestors that you know suffered or need healing. Truly, there are no limits to this practice.

Bring in anyone or anything you need to forgive. Let the loving field be one of giving and receiving from the sources of your love without any question of the why. Increase the power in the bomb, and end by sending your Love, off into the Universe, with as much loving force imaginable.

A good Aroha Love Bomb usually takes about 25 minutes (you can make it shorter) and you will raise your energy level and do great work for others.

If you do this often not only will it start your day on an amazing feel, but you might start to notice synchronicities. People may reach out spontaneously. People will comment on how you have the most amazing energy. You are likely to feel more connected and supported. If you practice, in a short period of time you will also grow a Love bank, which has the impact of shifting your vibe from where most people are: 80% negative, to mostly positive!

With the Aroha practice, you can do your most amazing manifesting work: attracting, healing, raising the vibe of the planet, and protecting your circle of light at the same time.

Carmelle is a hypnotist, quantum energy healer, and astrologer who lives in New Zealand. The material in this article is part of Carmelle’s forthcoming book “Super Manifestor – how to Hypnotise the Universe into manifesting the Life of Your Dreams”. Teaching people how to apply the Aroha Love Bomb is one of her signature programs.

She is recruiting for a new cohort of Super Manifestors from 19 November 2021. You can find out more information about this by

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more info!


Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Carmelle Riley (New Zealand) is a pioneer of modern hypnosis and quantum energy transformation who loves to inspire others to build a consistent positive vibration. She is also an Astrologer, and author and the founder of Manifestors Unite. Manifestors seek her wisdom, ancestral knowledge, hypnosis and quantum energy programs because they want to heal limiting beliefs, and up level. She teaches all of the Universal laws (not just the law of attraction), so people feel how easy it is to focus their inner landscape, and from this 'feeling good' place, they quickly emerge into Super Manife-STARs Carmelle works with groups all over the world. Her passion is help others to rise above deep unconscious trauma using their Hearts and Minds. Her signature Aroha Love Bomb technique, shifts energy at the sub-atomic level, so people instantly step into their infinite power. They heal and transform, and use Universal energy for magic - to heal their families and communities, or to create deep Earth and Galactic connections.

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