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What Standing In Your Power Looks Like For Each Human Design Energy Type

Written by: Joanna Haines, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How do you define power? What qualities do you attribute to being “powerful”? Is it forceful, will-driven, loud, and constantly in motion? It has been my experience through working with many clients that this is how many define power. We have been conditioned to believe that these type of qualities are what it means to be powerful. But the truth is, power, personal power, comes in all different forms, which is why it is so important to tune into what YOUR power looks (and feels) like.

Cultivate and nurture that true aligned power, and just watch how the world shifts for you.

Human Design is a beautiful modality that connects us with our energetic blueprint, helping us align to and express our gifts, to use our own unique wiring to stand firmly in our personal power.

No two charts are the same ‒ think of it as your energetic thumb print. Each energy type is an archetype and so within them will be certain themes. I am sharing with you some of the themes for each energy type, and what power may look or feel like.

You can look your chart up for free online and then find your type below.

Projectors: these gorgeous humans are the guides of our tribe, they have a wonderful ability to see from a heightened and zoomed out perspective, to tap into the field of what is possible. It is from this place they are then able to bring their unique gifts into the specifics of how to improve and tweak whatever it is that they are naturally able to see deeply into.

So standing in your power as a projector means owning that you naturally carry the energy of a guide, and by recognizing yourself, others will be able to see you as a leader too. Your power may not lie in the execution or the consistent doing, but rather the strategy, the unique perspective, and natural ability to understand how to improve things in a way that others may not see.

Notice when depletion, exhaustion, and undervaluing yourself show up for you. These come up when you aren’t standing in your power. It’s time to pause and realign.

Manifestors: these inspiring humans are the trailblazers and torchbearers of our tribe. They are here to lead the way with their “urges” and initiate us into new experiences. They create new pathways for the rest of us through their bold and independent energy.

Standing in your power as a Manifestor means owning and following your non-verbal downloads or urges, knowing that here lies your creative power. It’s important to not allow the conditioned Self to hold you back from creating something that no one has done before, because that is exactly what you are here to bring forward.

Do you worry you are too bold? Notice when this arises, and question what the resistance is. You are here to be a bold bright light for the rest of us ‒ own that.

Generators: these vibrant humans carry huge amount of life-force energy for our tribe. They are truly here to do what lights them up, beyond reason or logic. Their desires are the breadcrumbs to their alignment ‒ the lit up sacral is here to guide them towards their highest timeline.

Standing in your power as a Generator means trusting the gut above everything else, even (and especially) when you can’t explain why it is you have that desire. It’s knowing that you are the lighthouses for the rest of us and by lighting yourself up through doing what YOU desire, it in turn, brings more energy and harmony to the tribe.

Feeling a deep sense of duty to “do the right thing”, even though it isn’t what you truly want. This is a clear indicator you aren’t in your power, you aren’t trusting that your desires, even though they may appear selfish, are actually how you serve others in the most aligned way. You first baby ‒ we will all benefit from it!

Manifesting Generators: these sparkly humans are here sample the variety of life by immersing themselves in ALL the things they desire. Their path is deeply linked to experiencing many different things, multi-tasking and taking from each experience exactly what they need. Although it may appear chaotic or all over the place from the outside, there is a deep sense of satisfaction when an MG has their fingers in many pots. (as long as it’s aligned!)

Standing in your power means following that desire to move fast and pivot often. Trusting that when you decide something is for you, the speed at which you jump in can be quick! A huge piece of being in your power is also trusting when you are done with an experience, and not keeping yourself stuck in order to be understood by others.

If you are spending time questioning whether or not you make sense to others, its a good sign you aren’t in your power. You aren’t here to make sense, your mission is deeply linked to showing us all what is possible ‒ beyond logic!

Reflectors: these rare and wondrous humans are the mirrors for our tribe, the heart chakra of a community, reflecting back to us how we are doing. Deeply wise they can sense the potential of humanity. With the most amazing ability to feel deeply into everyone else’s energy, they can help show us all where we would be wise to recalibrate.

Standing in your power as a reflector means deeply trusting when something feels off, and knowing with every fibre of your being that it isn’t YOU. Your power is your sensitivity to energy. Your deep wisdom and ability to feel everything around you, gives you the gift to know exactly how we are doing. To continue to stay anchored in your power, it’s important to know when to leave a situation or environment in order to serve yourself. You see so much potentiality in people and situations, it’s important not to sacrifice your happiness and energy if the recalibration is not coming and it’s depleting you.

Notice when you are feeling stuck and/or disappointed in your surroundings or experiences. It’s time to ] shift for yourself what you may be waiting for others to do. Pause, take time to clarify what would FEEL best for you, and then do that for yourself.

There is a rich depth of information available in each and every chart, and if you are curious to learn more, having a reading can be a profoundly supportive experience!

You can follow Joanna on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and can book a session through her website!


Joanna Haines, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Joanna is an Alignment Coach + Human Design Specialist. She supports women in reconnecting with their power and purpose; aligning with their highest potential in all areas in life. She helps her clients shift into empowered action, deep-rooted confidence and self-trust. She believes that true magic begins when we let go of the stories of who we think we should be and start showing up as we truly are.

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