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Exclusive Interview With Joanna Haines – Alignment Coach & Human Design Specialist

Joanna is an Alignment Coach + Human Design Specialist. She supports women in reconnecting with their power and purpose; aligning with their highest potential in all areas in life. She helps her clients shift into empowered action, deep-rooted confidence and self-trust. She believes that true magic begins when we let go of the stories of who we think we should be and start showing up as we truly are.

Joanna Haines – Alignment Coach & Human Design Specialist

What’s Your Purpose, Mission, And Driving Force For All The Work You Do?

My purpose in this lifetime is to remind us that all the power we need is within, and when we reconnect to our personal power, we are able to create anything we desire in life. Truly.

I am here to help my clients connect with their unique design, and show up from that place. To embrace the way they are uniquely wired and to connect with their inner authority. We aren’t here to all be the same, to operate the same, to achieve success in the same way, and when we approach life from this homogenized perspective we create so much dis-ease within ourselves.

I help my clients activate their gifts and their personal power, supporting them in showing up as who they truly came here to be. To welcome and reclaim ALL pieces.

What led you to be an Alignment Coach + HD specialist?

I was guided to this place and profession through my own life experiences as well as a deep desire to support women through the transformation I have experienced for myself.

I didn’t always feel powerful, I often looked to others for the answers. I looked to others to give me permission and show me the way to the life I desired, and of course, no one can do that for me. And so, I felt deeply frustrated. But as I started working with coaches, taking training, shifting my mindset and showing up differently for myself. I saw everything shift for me. And then when I was introduced to Human Design, it was like a huge puzzle piece fell into place.

It helped show me that many of the things that felt broken about me were actually my gifts, and when I leaned into them, embraced them and connected to my inner authority everything came to me with so much more ease and flow.

Is there a core value that you are most passionate about?

Yes! Self-trust. When we trust what’s inside and trust ourselves to lead from that place the rest gets easier. When we don’t trust ourselves it can manifest as fear, self-doubt, anxiety and paralysis-by-analysis.

I feel passionate about working with clients to help them nourish and cultivate a relationship with their self-trust again; it’s like a muscle that needs to be strengthened. There are many different reasons why we may lack self-trust and that is something I support my clients with identifying and working through. Eventually, it becomes the beautiful foundation from which so much can thrive.

What does transformation look like when clients work with you?

It looks different for every client based on what their desires are. I don’t use specific templates, o,r a rigid step by step approach because each client is so unique. I meet them where they are at and from that place we move towards what it is that they desire. But I will say, clients feel much more ease, flow, confidence and alignment in their lives ~ it’s just that what that looks like on the outside is always different.

You speak a lot about Human Design and use it in your sessions, what is it? And how does it support your clients?

Human Design is a beautiful tool. It’s a synthesis of the Chakra System, The I Ching, Kabbala, Astrology + Quantum Science; aOnend bringing these together creates a blueprint unique to you. I like to think of it as a roadmap to help you achieve alignment in your life in the easiest way possible. It shines a light on your unique gifts and strengths as well as places where you may face challenges. One size all approach to life just doesn’t work, and HD is so helpful in giving you potent information to help you maximize all the potential that is within.

I love using it as part of my practice because it helps empower clients and give them a language and understanding of the beautiful way in which they are here to show up and thrive in the world. Leveraging THEIR strengths, rather than looking to others for the way forward.

It can give beautiful insight into one’s learning styles, optimal working environments, energy levels, life purpose, relationships, and much more. One size all approach to life simply doesn’t work, and Human Design helps you see yourself as you truly are. A powerfully unique individual. The other thing I love about working with this modality is that it’s not just informative, it also provides practical and usable tools which can be implemented right away.

What would be one piece of advice you could offer women who are wanting to feel more empowered now?

Let go of the idea of who you think you should be, and give yourself permission to show up as who you truly are. There is no one more qualified to be an authority over your life and make decisions for you – than YOU.

A beautiful mantra for you to use throughout the day: “I give myself permission to show up fully, as myself, and lovingly let go of all the pieces which no longer feel aligned or serve me.”

You can follow Joanna on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and can book a session through her website!

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