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What's Holding You Back From The Life You Want?

Mike Oglesbee is an internationally best-selling author and transformative mindset coach. Since 2011, he has been helping people conquer their fears and live more empowered, fulfilling lives.

Executive Contributor Mike Oglesbee

It may be uncomfortable to hear, but nobody will give you permission to live your life. Nobody's coming to save you. And you know what? That's okay. The only person who truly needs to give you permission is you. If you're waiting for someone else's approval, you're putting your life on hold. That state of disempowerment is not where you want to be. The good news is that you don't have to stay there.

Silhouette of a young man prays in the morning

I've walked the path of waiting

I get it, I've been there. I spent over 30 years waiting for someone to tell me it was okay to step forward, change, and be different. I thought if I waited, somehow the fear would disappear, the timing would be perfect, and all the lights would turn green. But let me tell you—waiting is just fear disguised as patience or distraction.

I bought into lies that I wasn't enough and didn't deserve the life I dreamed of. Maybe you've felt the same—believing your dreams were too big, too different, or that others wouldn't accept you if you dared to be your true self. But spoiler alert: those are lies, too.

The myth of waiting

I've lost count of how many people have told me they're waiting for things to calm down, for life to line up before they change. Here's the truth: there will never be a perfect time, and you don't need anyone else's approval to start.

Stop looking for a sign, you are the sign. Your desire for something more is all the validation you need. The best time to act? It's right now. It always has been.

What if you stopped waiting?

Imagine what your life could look like if today, right now, you took action on that one thing you've been putting off. Maybe it's starting that passion project. Perhaps it's breaking a habit that no longer serves you.

Nothing holds power over you except the limits you believe in. If you feel trapped, it's only because you've been conditioned to believe you are. The power to change is already within you. Trust me, I know because I've lived it.

Every step forward is a step closer

No matter how small, every step you take brings you closer to the life you truly want. You deserve to live a life that excites you, not one that you settle for because you're waiting for the "right" moment or someone else's approval.

One day, you'll look back at your life. You'll examine your choices and the person you became. What do you want to see? Will you be proud that you settled for less, or will you celebrate the risks you took to live the life of your dreams?

Are you willing to settle?

I hope not. Don't wait for someone else to give you permission to live fully. Give it to yourself. Take that first step, however small, and see where it leads. The worst-case scenario? You'll have great stories and fewer regrets. The best-case scenario? You'll live out your dreams.

Isn't that worth the chance?

Life will take care of you

You'll be okay. Life will take care of you, and you'll find a way, just like you always have. Ask yourself this: is what you have now worth holding onto if it means you'll never reach your full potential? If not, be willing to let it go. Spread your wings. Your future self will thank you.

Remember, the only thing standing between you and the life you want is the decision to go after it. That decision starts right here, right now. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and make it happen!

Call to action: Take control of your future today

If you're ready to stop waiting and start living, I invite you to visit my website and take the next step in your journey with my Breakthrough Coaching Session. Together, we'll dive deep into the blocks holding you back and create actionable strategies to break through them. You don't have to do this alone, let's work together to transform your life.

Additionally, explore my courses, books, and products, including my number 1 International Best Seller "Cracking The Rich Code," "Fight Back: End the Cycles of Anxiety and Depression," and my online course "Breakthrough Hypnotherapy & Coaching 12-Week Course" These resources are designed to help you overcome fear, break unhealthy patterns, and achieve the life you've always wanted. You can find these resources here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my LinkedIn for more info!

Read more from Mike Oglesbee


Mike Oglesbee, Mindset Coach

Mike Oglesbee is an internationally best-selling author and transformative mindset coach. Since 2011, he has been helping people conquer their fears and live more empowered, fulfilling lives. Drawing from his diverse personal experiences of overcoming deep-rooted fears and struggles, both personally and professionally, Mike has developed a powerful approach that addresses the underlying causes of mental and emotional disturbances, helping his audience transform their struggles into strengths. As a mentor, coach, and speaker, he dedicates his time to guiding individuals to a deeper understanding of themselves, enabling them to step into their power and achieve lasting change in their lives.



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