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What no One Told You About Procrastination – That Will Cause You to Stop Doing it Now

Written by: Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you a procrastinator?

Imagine, at the end of this blog, your misunderstanding of procrastination will be clear. You will see it for what it REALLY is, and the “problem” won’t look or feel like one anymore.

This isn’t another blog that will give you advice, tools, tips, or techniques. Instead, I will point you in a new direction of truth, the missing puzzle piece you didn’t know was missing. It'll be an understanding of how reality already works and the way we believe it works.

If you are like most people, you feel like procrastination is part of your personality, or something may be wrong with you. No worries, I have your back. You, like every human, are fundamentally well.

Who said procrastination is a problem?

Procrastination ONLY happens because of an innocent misunderstanding of what it is not.

A list of advice and tips I’ve run into as there is no shortage of how to stop procrastinating:

  • Stop and figure out WHY you procrastinate

  • Put the task on the top of your to-do list

  • Wait until you are in the right mood

  • Focus on long-term happiness

  • Tackle the most important task

  • Break your work into little steps

  • You’re afraid of failure

  • Set a deadline

The good news, procrastination isn’t a real “problem.”

Though it may look like your “To-Do List” is the cause of procrastination, which is 100% impossible for the feelings of procrastination to come from the list, it only feels that way.

To-Do List

  • Release new program offering by Friday

  • Begin writing the first chapter of your book

  • Write one blog weekly

  • Set up a morning mindset routine

  • Workout Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 30-minutes

Here’s a crash course of how reality already works (from the inside-out) and the way we believe it works.

1. The feeling of procrastinating is made up of human contamination of insecure thinking, nothing else. It is an innocent misuse of the Power of Thought. Refer to my link from a previous post.

2. When you have procrastinating thinking, you feel the temporary experience of procrastination move through you.

3. You and every human are always and ONLY feeling your thinking. We always live and experience life via our thinking, nothing else, not from any outside circumstances. We are made one way, to live in the feeling of our thinking, no exceptions.

4. The BEST part, thought, is temporary, passing, transitory, and fleeting; you can have the experience without it having you. There’s nothing to do with it. It will pass when you don’t resist.

5. If you are not thinking about procrastination, you are not feeling it. We live in a thought-created reality and feel our thinking, not circumstances. Though when you don’t know where feelings come from, you will innocently point outside for a reason.

6. Here is the GOLD, feelings of procrastination (and all insecure thinking) have nothing to do with you. All insecure feelings are impersonal and only give you information regarding the level of thinking (mental weather) you are in at any given moment. That’s it.

7. Insecure feelings don’t give you any information about you personally on what you can or can’t do. They don’t give you any information about who you are as a person.

8. The real purpose of insecure feelings is to alert you to get back into the flowing river of life toward innate mental health. There’s NO need to ask WHY you feel this way or poke around the content of insecure thinking. The mind then only makes up more story, and you are down the usual rinse and repeat suffer cycle caused ONLY by thinking about your thinking.

9. When you are back in the flowing river of life, you live from your innate well-being. It’s always there. You know the glimpses you’ve had of living in a good feeling? That’s what happens when you live BEYOND THE CONTENT OF INSECURE THINKING.

10. Living from that place of well-being, procrastination, or any non-serving habits don’t live there. It’s from this place you live and breathe from truth. Label-living doesn’t exist when you are living from a good feeling, in the river of flow. Life feels easier when you are in the flow, a perfect place to create and grow a thriving business, procrastination-free!

As you continue to see (through awareness) that you are of a busy mind, the mind naturally clears on its’ own. They're nothing to do. The mind’s natural state is clarity. That is what it is designed to do. When the snow globe of thought settles, clarity happens.

Instead of speeding up to thought, you are slowing down to the speed of life, in the moment of reality, instead of the soap opera drama of procrastination.

See it for yourself, be an explorer, and experience life happening through you.

During the course of a day, have you completed a range of tasks effortlessly? Then the next day, do those same tasks feel difficult, and you are procrastinating doing them? Your experience changes when your thinking has changed.

Do you sometimes feel happy on a sunny day, and sometimes you feel sad on a sunny day? Do you wake up one morning in a low mood and the next morning in a higher mood? Your experience changes when your thinking has changed.

Thought is the only thing you ever experience, always and only temporary, nothing to resists when you know what it is. You can’t feel your habit or commentary people say to you. You can only feel your thinking about those things.

I hope your lenses of misperception have been cleared, and you see procrastination for what it really is. If you want to see more on how reality already works, click here and see my previous blog.

If you found this blog helpful, please share it with someone in your world who can benefit.

Live life from a good feeling!

With Gratitude, Lynn

Follow me on Facebook for more information!


Lynn MacDonald, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

I’ve been a corporate trainer for a Fortune 500 company. I’ve been a yoga teacher with consistently sold-out classes and a professional hypnotherapist, successfully curing some of the biggest fears and phobias people have.

All of this, plus studying with some of the highest level teachers on the planet, has led me to understand human nature that I use to help strengthen professional women, shed their old beliefs, and become the potent, prosperous leaders they’re here to be.

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