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What is your Why? (Not your How)

Written by: Vicki Ravangard, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How many times in the past 12 months have you been asked this infamous question, “What is your Why?”

If you are anything like me and have also been consumed by the personal development world in recent times, you will probably have been asked this several times from many different sources. I mean, even my Oracle cards are asking me this now!

Every time this question was put forward to me by coaches and mentors, I drew a blank. Well ok, that’s not entirely true. I did manage to find things to justify what I thought my why was, but now I see that I wrote down what I thought they wanted to hear, like how passionate I was about my then Network Marketing gig, or how I was driven by building my business to serve others.

These were my truths for a moment in time, but I realize now that I was not living them in alignment with my true Why. The thing is, at the time, I really did want to make things work in my Network Marketing business, and to this day, my intention remains to serve the masses and change the world with my message. I wasn’t seeing that you can serve people in so many different ways. Without getting deep enough into what you are really passionate about, it is easy to follow other people’s blueprint of what success looks like and lose yourself in the process.

This really clicked for me recently when I was watching the latest season of American Idol. As I watched Katy Perry share her spiritual wisdom and give advice to the contestants, I realized that the work we do is really the same. The way she uses her voice to connect with others and teach through her music, makes her a Spiritual mentor in my eyes. She is fulfilling her soul work through the gift she has been given in this life. She is helping others to grow and inspire them to find themselves on their path through music.

This was the missing puzzle piece for me; I thought there was only one way to be a Spiritual mentor for such a long time. I thought you had to be in the online space, creating courses and signing 1:1 clients, but watching American Idol that night gave me back my sense of freedom and hope. It reignited my dream of impacting people with the gifts I have been given and to break out of this box I somehow found myself in.

It’s no secret that Spirituality has become the latest fashion trend for so many people, but it's a way of life for so many of you and me. Discovering your soul purpose, facing your shadows, and doing work that makes a difference in the world is something I am deeply committed to, and it’s taken me all of the wrong turns to arrive at this conclusion.

Where you are right now is the only place that you can ever truly operate from. You don’t know what you don’t know, but you can (and must) take the time to reflect on those moments so you can expand your horizons and push the boundaries of where you have been before. Dive deeper beneath the surface and you will see the true beauty of the ocean.

As I look back now, I can see the common theme that was present every time I tried to identify my Why.

I was confusing my Why with my How.

I was trying to respond to this question with the logical solution, what made sense (aka the How) instead of the real reasons why I wanted to do what I was doing. This may seem simple or obvious, but it has been possibly one of the biggest breakthroughs for me to be able to see so clearly where I was blocking myself from moving forward by not getting specific enough about what I wanted and not allowing myself to believe that I could have whatever I desired.

I kept myself small, I kept my Why within the confines of the situation I was in, and I would not allow myself to look outside of it because I was afraid. Afraid of not knowing the how, afraid to trust that it could really happen, and afraid to surrender my desires over to the Universe, because if I was not in control of them, then who would be?!

My advice to you is, whatever you think your Why is – go deeper. It’s going to take a lot to crack the protective layers you have been guarding yourself with for all of these years. You are not going to have all of the answers, you are going to face the fears and doubts that you thought that you had dealt with and stuffed away but remember that breaking down leads to breaking open.

Here are some journal prompts to help you to dig deeper into your why:

  • What did 7-year-old you dream of becoming?

  • What makes you feel energized?

  • What would you do if money was not an object?

  • How have you been trying to fit everyone else’s label of what a Spiritual Mentor looks like?

  • What message do you have to share with the world?

  • How can you be of service?

Unity with source gives us the ability to be present and open to the solutions presented to us in every moment.

Affirmation: I release the need to know How and I trust in the divine guidance that is available to me.

Follow me on my Instagram, Facebook, and visit both my Facebook-Group and page. You can also find more information on my website.


Vicki Ravangard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vicki Ravangard is an Intuitive Mentor, Certified Angel Tarot Reader & Part Qualified Accountant. Vicki spent 10 years working in corporate finance, and 2020 was placed furloughed from her job. She took this opportunity to follow her soul calling and birth her spiritual business - Take Her To The Moon, to serve her clients through divine guidance and mentoring, energy healing & tarot, helping them truly align, connect & transform their life and raise their consciousness.

Vicki has a huge passion for creating music, writing, traveling & Disney and is continuously inspired to blend the magic of these tools into her life & business.

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