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What Is "Quantum Freedom"? Exclusive Interview With Victoria Rader - Founder of YU2SHINE

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Victoria Rader, PhD in Metaphysics, is Possibility Coach and founder of YU2SHINE.

The host of All About the Voice podcast, internationally best-selling author of Until You Win, Until You Shine, and Manifest mE™ journal, creator of mE apps, founder of the Free-mEEFT Certification and the Quantum Freedom™: movement, Victoria is excited to launch her newest book Prosper mE™: 35 Universal Laws to Make Money Work for You. Her mission is to both awaken and empower you in your life of limitless possibilities.

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Tell us a little about your roots and how you transitioned to your current business?

I was born and grew up in Ukraine. I attribute my entrepreneurial spirit and writing ability to genetics, both of my parents being journalists in Ukraine, and later my dad becoming the first independent newspaper owner in his region of Ukraine upon the fall of the Soviet Union. I immigrated to the US to marry my soulmate of over 26 years, and we have two children together. When our kids were young, I took them to Greece for three weeks to study Greek history as I was homeschooling them. This trip has changed my life. A burning passion for learning through travel was ignited, as well as the need to pay for this new extravagant way of education. I literally googled what was the best way to have income in the US without a 9-5 job. It was around 2006-7 and real estate was in full bloom. I got my real estate license, just in time for the global recession! Knowing that professional athletes all have coaches, and intending to be a professional in my field, I hired Buffini and Company to coach me. I share all the credit for my outstanding results with my coach: as I reached the top 1% of individual real estate agents in the US in 2009, taking Sundays off, travelling the world for a large part of the year, and homeschooling my kids. It was not easy. But it was possible, fulfilling, and rewarding.

As a result, I was invited to teach this lifestyle to other agencies and have become a business coach. Yet very quickly I realized that a change of conscious habits is not sufficient for significant results. To maintain consistent success, one must shift their deep subconscious paradigms. I went on to get my PhD in Metaphysical Science as a way to understand the philosophy of possibilities through shifting spiritual, mental, and emotional paradigms. I have mastered multiple modalities that work within mind and energy psychology, including EFT, NLP, Theta Healing, and others. Today I enjoy daily walks with my three dogs, trips, and working in the field of possibilities I am passionate about.

We have seen that in your business you often refer to mE. What does it stand for?

I founded YU2SHINE in 2013 as a way to ignite inner light within my clients to step into a life of bright possibilities. We have gone through several stages of expansion and rebranding, and today we are a company that offers products and services with a unique success formula of healing one’s heart, freeing one’s mind, and expanding one’s skills to see, create and live a life of limitless possibilities. We equip our clients to live a life of inner peace and practical prosperity.

We look at every individual as a unique expression of mortal and Eternal, matter and Energy, material and Essential, manifesting and Expansive, or, as we came to know it as mE ™. All of our products and services are dedicated to awakening the eternal spiritual aspect of E while providing practical steps of daily aspects of m. In a nutshell, we offer a path of true empowerment through awareness of where a client starts and taking them to where they desire to go. Here are the three transitional stages of empowerment.

  1. Powerless me. When someone feels that life happens to them, they are experiencing a state of resistance and of being powerless. This is an important step of awareness, as we need to know where we are to move in the direction we want to be going. And, if we are not aware that we have thoughts and habits of disempowerment, we simply cannot change them. I always say, notice what you notice, because what you notice is what you create. If you notice that things keep happening to you, it is time to reframe your subconscious programming.

  2. Power-hungry ME. On our way of empowerment, we shift out of feeling stuck and powerless to needing to move forward and claim our power back. I call it power-hunger. This is an important shift of seeing life as happing for you and finding and optimizing every silver lining and creating new opportunities. This is a stage of resilience. While very important to get us out of being stuck, if not shifted out, this power-hunger can become unsatiable, and we constantly are looking for a new pinnacle to climb, and a new venture to conquer. When clients come to us at this stage, we guide them from resilience to true empowerment.

  3. Empowered mE. We learn that only through surrender to deep inner guidance, can we truly be empowered. This is a daily practice of enlightened surrender to a higher universal pattern, of learning and leaning into universal laws. When we are empowered, life no longer happens to us or for us. It happens through us. We become a creative instrument of life of our choosing and of limitless possibilities. This is a journey of continual expansion.

Fascinating! What kind of clients are attracted to your services?

A lot of our clients are spiritually-minded entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, and healers. Some of them are seeking practical steps to support their spiritual practices, while others are seeking meaning beyond their financial successes. Our Empower-mE Team of Coaches focuses on different needs, with an expert in each field! For example, our Breathe-mE Coach takes you through the healing and restoring the practice of hypopressive breathing technique to help restore energy, posture, reduce and significantly eliminate weight or pain. Our Connect-mE Gaia Coach works with animal and Earth healing. Our team of coaches is growing and expanding with one purpose in mind: to empower you to live a life of limitless possibilities.

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What does "Quantum Freedom" mean and how can it help a person?

Quantum Freedom is both a technique and a subscription group. As a technique, I developed Quantum Freedom as a unique sequence of opening one’s energy possibility centers. Starting from a deep connection to one’s heart center and expanding out to the solar plexus and following the opening sequence through all of the energy centers of one’s body. As a subscription membership, it is becoming Empower-mE Academy of live and recorded resources of training and healing videos. We have a series on the laws of manifesting and creating a life of your choosing, group healing and business sessions, removing subconscious blocks and restructuring conscious patterns of behavior, as well as series of activating spiritual genes coding for our advanced clients. It is a platform for spiritual expansion with practical implementation. We offer an immense value for this unique program!

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

Right now, I am very excited about publishing my next book Prosper mE: 35 Universal Laws of Making Money Work for You. I find that a lot of the world is currently in the survival mode. I want to share a small abstract with you from the Law of Growth, as I think we call all benefit from it:

"Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients on their money and achievement issues, I have crafted an overall formula on achieving the results you seek, that demonstrates the relationship between our mindset and our skillset."

Mindset x Skillset x Effort = Results

Continual growth is required for continually expanding results. Notice that if any part of the formula above on the left is a “0”, the results will dissipate. For example, while my son was born with a very high innate mindset for making money, if he did not acquire skills and put no effort into making money, his results would be at a “0”!

On the other hand, if one’s mindset is at “0” growth, they will literally run down any fortune into the ground! This is why you might have read many stories of someone having won a multi-million-dollar lottery, and still ending up broke, back to where they started. This happens because yes, they put an effort in, and yes, in their case, their skillset was simply good luck, and it was off the scale. But, if their mindset was at a “0”, the other two no longer matter.

This is also why many millionaires are not at all afraid of losing their fortune due to an unforeseen crisis, because they know that as long as they keep their mindset positive, adaptive, and growing, their skillset expanding, and their effort constant, they will achieve the same if not and even better results!”

I love this formula for its simplicity and am thrilled to be sharing it in my Prosper-mE book. While partially already available in our Quantum Freedom subscription as seven-video series, our next steps are to record the 35 universal laws of the book as a TV program to make it even more accessible.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

Our clients. It takes courage, dedication, and consistency to commit to a life of fulfilled achievement. Because they are dedicated to growing, I am dedicated to guiding them within my God-given skills. On those days when I need encouragement to keep going, I often review their textimonials- testimonials sent to me by text of their personal miracles. This fills my heart with deep gratitude and zeal to continue to create.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

I believe my greatest achievement is my team. We are in the business of daily guided innovation that is based on immense faith and trust. I am humbled and amazed by the team that our business has attracted. All of them live our YU2SHINE values daily:

YYou. You matter. You, our company, and the world all prosper as you commit and contribute from the place of your inner genius.

UUnity through Uniqueness. We seek common consensus through each individual authentic expression.

2To Be. We focus on to be – creating solutions, instead of not to be – dwelling on problems.

SSimplicity. We find the simplest solutions with the most profound impact.

HHumility. We continually learn and grow.

IInnovation. We adopt divine inspiration through practical implementation.

NNetwork. We create through connection, communication, and collaboration.

EExpansion. We constantly intend, find, and create opportunities for global expansion.

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If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

Because my business model is of my own choosing and making, I would not be changing anything now. Mostly because the second we find a better way to implement something or feel guided in a new direction, we do so instantaneously.

How can someone get in contact with you?

All of our products and services are readily available via our site I can also be reached easily via my IG @Vica_Rader. Currently, we have a beautiful free meditation that we offer as a gift when you visit our site. It is called from Scared to Sacred Self. We know this meditation to be a freeing step on your journey of empowerment and trust you will enjoy it!

For more info, follow Victoria on LinkedIn, Instagram and visit her website!

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