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What Is Possible When You Stop Seeking A Job And Start Seeking You?

Written by: Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Victoria Hart

When an apparent problem appears in your work, you may believe it is a reflection of you. However, if you can reframe your perspective to see that perhaps the ‘problem’ is a blessing, offering exciting new possibilities for you to thrive and transform, when you stop merely seeking a job and start seeking YOU!

A sign that says we are hiring  hanging on window

On a warm sunny day in July, I was walking with my dog and met a man called Joe. As is common with dog walkers, we will walk together, chat and then part ways.

Joe asked what I did for a living and I told him I’m a life coach. He was curious. “I help people sort out their lives” I smiled. I asked about him. “I’m a coach driver” he replied. “Ah” I joked, “We have something in common!” Joe proceeded to tell me how much he hated his job. He’d been bus driving for ten years and told me that the abuse he suffered from passengers was increasing and he felt distressed. A recent incident where a passenger smashed up the bus, triggered a previous trauma all over again and was compounded by the fact that the police had spent more time questioning him rather than holding the passenger accountable.

Miserable, he said he would need to look for another job but he didn’t know what that might look like. Recognising that he had already taken the first step by admitting something had to change, I asked about his interests.

Did he have any hobbies? Was he fond of music? It was clear that Joe had never stopped to consider that finding fulfilment wasn't just about ‘getting a job’, it was about uncovering his unique gifts and what he can offer the world.

When we try to logically figure out how, rather than taking the time to answer what it is we’re looking to contribute and experience in life, it can become a problem. However, when we first tap into what our heart desires and then use our intellect to navigate our path, the next steps appear with more ease.

Before parting ways, we stopped for a few minutes, and I asked him to think about what matters to him.

Is he a morning person or a night owl?

Does he prefer structure or variety?

Does he enjoy the outdoors or prefer to be indoors? Is he a people person or would he prefer to work alone?

Whilst he didn’t have the answers, I could sense that he was considering these options.

Reprogramming subconscious beliefs

A memory surfaced from when I was fifteen and encouraged to meet with a career advisor at school and told I could work in a bank. My heart sank. It made no sense to me. I was intermediate in mathematics and my chosen study subjects were English Literature, History and Religious Studies.

What was the point? Little instances like this tell your subconscious what’s possible for you. Needless to say, I didn’t excel in my final years at school. Disillusioned about working a job that didn't excite me merely to survive seemed ridiculous to me.

Although I never did work in a bank, I spent ten years working in corporate before choosing to follow my dreams.

I’ve never looked back. It took me a few more years to learn how to reprogram the subconscious beliefs about what was possible for me, instilled over time by the various influencers... but that's another story!

Many of us grow up not realising we have a choice. We accept what others tell us is possible for us and we tolerate poor treatment and low wages because we don’t believe we can do any better. As a side note, perhaps this is why more people are acting out their anger and frustration...

So, before you seek your next job, start by seeking YOU! It's up to you to claim who you are, your worth and value, or someone else will.

3 questions to ask yourself

  • What do I want for my life?

  • What do I enjoy?

  • What am I good at?

And start turning your problems into possibilities by taking inspired action towards your hopes and dreams.

Parting words

Before turning to walk away I offered some parting words, suggesting he meditate on the issue and notice any insights that come through for him.

I’ll probably never see Joe again to find out what he did about his predicament, though witnessing his face light up as he contemplated new possibilities brought fulfilment in the knowledge that I was able to make a difference and offer the type of guidance I wish I’d received when I was younger.

When we align more with who we are and what we value at our soul essence, we become a magnet to situations, places, jobs and people that reflect our goals and visions.

Are there any ways you can improve your life and turn your problems into possibilities? Or if you’re a business leader, what will you take from this employee experience? I’d love to hear from you.

If you feel ready to take command of your life but need some extra support, get in touch and learn how to put these tips into action!

Join me on Monday, September 21st at 4 pm BST / 11 am EST for a FREE community online gathering and “coffee hour” to amplify your intentions and activate your vision. Find out what is possible for you!

Visit my website for more info!

Victoria Hart Brainz Magazine

Victoria Hart, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Victoria Hart, is a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader. She has been exploring the metaphysical and mystical world for as long as she can remember and has studied with some great Masters in cutting edge and revolutionary therapies, inviting exponential breakthrough results. Victoria has an innate ability to get to the heart of the matter and brings wisdom, inspiration and humility to empower people to break the looping cycles of programmed reality and consciously create a new life story. Her mission is to create balance and harmony between humanity and nature by realising her true potential and power and teaching others to do the same.


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