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What Is Multidimensional Living? Spiritual Transformation Explained

Written by: Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Someone asked me today what is the biggest change after spiritual transformation? What intuitively came to me is “It’s how I experience life”.

But, in what way?

Before I could feel like I was just going through the day, same as the day before.

Before I could feel like I had to know the next step, otherwise there was nothing.

Before I could feel like there was only one way to do things.

Before I could feel like I had to meet an expectation that was never enough.

Before I could feel like I didn’t know without asking someone first.

Before I could feel like I didn’t know myself.

Now, I see myself in a different light than before.

I see myself as a soul and part of the Universe now.

I see that others are equally part of it too.

I see what I contribute with is uniquely timed and needed.

I see what I’m here to do and be.

I know the real me.

I know who am.

The interesting thing is that if you look at my life on the surface and at the highest level it’s pretty much the same as before the spiritual transformation. I still work (however the content of what I do has completely changed), I still have kids and a family, and I still go to the grocery store.

The change is within.

In this article, I’ll explain the fundamentals of spiritual transformation into multidimensional living through seven inner shifts. I share more about it in my book Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition.

1. From the Comfort Zone to Commitment.

We all have a comfort zone. It’s how we go about our lives every day. Sometimes what we do every day is not serving us to be at our best, and that’s when we start to feel frustrated, restless, and bored.

The comfort zone is where we go even if we know some of it is great, but some are not good for us. Our habits, patterns, and ways of living keep us where we are.


We step out of our comfort zone and make a commitment to change what’s not good for us. It may be the food choices we make now just because we grew up eating that way. It may be the influence we allow others to have on us and us on them. It may be the way it’s always been…

When we make a commitment to ourselves we give green light to change to come into our lives effortlessly. And this is what I call the “point of no return” moment.

How can you make an inner commitment to yourself?

2. From Disconnected to Self-Aware.

Once that commitment is made there's no going back. Because now the doors are open to learning more about who we really are.

A few years back I was completely disconnected from who I was. I can only say that now, knowing what I know now about myself.

The journey to self-awareness is an exciting one. Imagine getting to know your true talents and gifts, your purpose, and your life’s work. Who doesn’t want to know that?

And it starts with asking yourself questions. Instead of adopting convenient answers and solutions from others’ lives and experiences.

Self-awareness is about finding out what works for You!

How can you take action on what works for you in your life?

3. From Codependency to Sovereignty.

Codependency starts in childhood when we’re building relationships with others. Some relationships are elevating us to new heights, some are not. The codependent relationships are where we can learn the most about ourselves. Because they show us where we need to heal and become ourselves. They show us where we have work to do to become sovereign in our own life. I define sovereignty as “putting yourself on the top of your own mountain”.

This is a key shift in spiritual transformation.

How can you put yourself on the top of your mountain?

4. From Learning to Embodying.

Many of us are masters at learning new things (myself included!). But many are staying in the learning mode (because there’s always something new to learn). We get farther and farther away from connecting with our true selves that way unless we embody what we’ve learned.

Our body needs to integrate our knowledge, and we need to take action on what we’ve learned so that it can become our new normal in our daily life.

The accumulation of information is driven by the mind, but the embodiment is expressed by the body’s consciousness and our aura.

How can you embody what you’ve learned?

5. From Logic to Wisdom.

Our mind is a wonderful tool for processing information, but sometimes it’s NOT helping us. Have you ever negotiated away an opportunity because of questioning yourself? That back and forth that the mind is engaging in…! Ugh! Our logic has served us well in problem-solving and strategizing but when it comes to supporting our mental and emotional wellbeing it’s questionable if the mind is set up to serve us well.

To make the shift from living our life based on the conclusions of our logical mind to something much wiser, such as our own heart and innate wisdom, we need to step away from constantly being “on” and thinking about the future (or living in the past). It’s about allowing our life to unfold today.

When we’re tapped into our own inner wisdom we just know what’s right for us. And that doesn’t need the back and forth, wondering what’s right for us. We JUST KNOW!.

How can you tap into your inner wisdom when making your next decision?

6. From Pushing to Manifesting.

By utilizing your own inner wisdom more than relying on your logic, you’ll naturally start to manifest. This is because your inner wisdom is aligned with your truth. Your truth is aligned with your life force and pure creativity, and when you tap into that you attract what you need.

The opposite of manifesting is pushing. And we all have done that. Feeling like it HAS TO BE THIS WAY! Often with frustration and resistance as a result when things don’t happen as we thought.

Manifesting is about inner energy alignment and surrender.

So in theory there’s nothing we need to do in practical terms. Not even a manifesting ritual is going to help you manifest if you’re not living from your true self.

How can you step away from things you no longer resonate with?

7. From Individual to Multidimensional.

This is where it gets good. REAL good. Spiritual transformation is about seeing life in a different light. It’s an energy of oneness and wholeness. For example, good and bad are transmuted into one. It just is. Just like unconditional love. It just is.

Same with our true selves.

Our true self is multidimensional. It just is.

The energy of our true self is connected to the Universe and the Earth. So we connect with the Universe through our intuition and the Earth by grounding and connecting with nature.

As we form a natural expression of this relationship, seeing ourselves as part of a whole and not as a single physical individual we are on the path of spiritual transformation.

How can you listen to your intuition and ground yourself today?

If you’d like to integrate these seven inner shifts consider joining Beyond the Mind membership community or visit

Ulrika Sullivan is the Best-selling Author of Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition, visit, and the founder of the Beyond the Mind membership community which is created to help integrate heart-centered multidimensional living into our daily lives. You can also find more inspiration on Ulrika’s podcast New Light LivingSee Your Life in a New Light.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ulrika Sullivan is an intuitive spiritual life coach, yoga teacher, and energy healer. After leaving a stressful multitasking corporate career that left her feeling on autopilot, Ulrika realized she didn’t know who she truly was. A complete inner shift led her to her “point of no return” when she with clarity connected with her true self, natural talents, and life purpose. Ever since Ulrika is successfully helping busy working women to connect with their own intuition, find their inner calm, self-love, and life balance, so that they can live with more ease and flow. Ulrika is the host of the podcast “New Light Living ‒ See Your Life in a New Light”.

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