Written by: Oddný Edwards, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In business, we always refer to worth, net profit, sales price, return on investment, and so the list goes on. A business would not thrive without these terms and mindset. Trust me, I have learnt that the hard way. I would conjure up recipes and ideas because I knew they were delicious but then for them to sell I couldn’t charge what I needed! I learnt the hard way and still learn now about the constant battle in business – passion vs. money.

However, saying that, lately I have been looking at worth in a whole new light. It occurred to me the other day that the same as in business as in life we are all far richer than we realise.
Every lesson, every new project, and every new battle in the workplace or out of it is an opportunity to learn. To grow. It gives us the opportunity to connect with friends and family. Ask for advice, bounce off ideas and where possible learn to say no when not within our remit.
I was diagnosed with ADHD in my mid 30’s and I hated it for years. I tried everything but acceptance, but the moment I owned it and learnt the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty I got a lot calmer and better at asking for advice. When you work in an office with ADHD you can feel very isolated as you physically don’t have the ability to sit still and focus on the screen or topic for 8-10 hours! Meetings are a genuine battle zone of confinement. Hence, they say that most creative people have ADHD. As creativity means movement, something constantly moving, whether it be physical or in the brain.
In my past life I would over exercise or over a drink after work to knacker myself. I would sit and panic about not being the same. About the urge that was in my body to talk or move! I would go home and beat myself up some chronic. For being weird!
Now I tell people straight up and then create my own random place of space where I can get creative – swivel my chair, walk for 5min, and then return producing 2 hours of work in 30min. Anyone that shares ADHD will know exactly what I mean.
Before I felt so much shame. The comments never really stop about how different you are, how weird you are, on edge etc, and that is what they teach you in CB Therapy is how to deal with the comments as we are different, but it dawned on me the other day that all conditions, all personalities and all experiences are worth a lot more than we give them credit for.
In both my jobs I am surrounded by people with different skill levels, different personalities and different conditions. Without them I would not do as well, and whether they like to admit it or not they would not do as well without people like me.
The same with friends and family. We all bring our own seasoning to the party. We are all different species of the same jungle floor and it helps us make this whole journey worth it. Learning when to cut off the dead branch, nurture the one that still has life in it and dance with the leaves that love swaying with the wind and sun.
A mixture of passion, worth, profit, vision and persistence alongside the want to adapt will keep the finance and personal growth growing.
Hence, I would say next time when you need to make more money, are stuck for ideas, feel overwhelmed or not feeling your worth – look at what talent pool might be in your team, family and friends that can help. That perhaps you dismissed before. Whilst always trusting your gut feeling. See the real worth of not giving up! No matter how big or small the opportunity or obstacle is!
And – try and have fun with it like we Icelanders get taught on any occasion – Or as we would say Þetta Reddast!

Oddný Edwards, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Oddný Edwards is an award-winning Chef and Creator. Born in Iceland where she was taught to respect and learn from nature. When she was sixteen, Oddny moved to Hawaii, immersing herself in an organic flower and herb farm. Here she learned even more how to live off the land, and about the diverse trees and their ability to feed and medicate us. Armed with this knowledge Oddný set out to save trees. Starting with the ash tree. She opended a restaurant and cafe with focus on edible trees and has launched her own products infused with ash trees in hope to rescue them. Turns out the ash tree is full of medicinal properties.