Written by: Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“Did you know your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination? And you can influence your unconscious mind to increase your chances of having a baby. “

The mind and the body are inextricably linked. When one suffers, the other is quick to follow suit. When you're stressed - over financial woes, relationship challenges, infertility or whatever lemons life throws your way - you may experience migraines, palpitations or stomach upsets. In the same way, health complications such as cardiovascular ailments, diabetes and high blood pressure may lead to chronic stress, which precedes depression. And, once you're depressed, the emotional effect on your immune system can be like a domino effect, leading to a slew of health complications. Similarly, when you're infertile, the emotional stress can make you even more infertile.
Furthermore, mental health issues like depression and anxiety can make it difficult for couples to conceive naturally. For example, depression is more common among women with infertility than among women who are pregnant or who have delivered babies naturally. According to Beyond Blue, approximately 45% of Australians will suffer from clinical depression at some point in their lives.
Now that there are medications available to treat infertility-related depression and anxiety, doctors aren't as quick to recommend talk therapy. Why not use the same therapy that is successfully treating depression as a preventative measure? I mean, if you're having a rough day but your doctor is saying it's all in your head, doesn't it make sense to at least consider a therapist?
To add to this, it's important to understand just how much hormonal upheaval there can be when trying to conceive. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can lead to irregular or infrequent periods and the inability of women to ovulate properly. This makes conception difficult and can lead to miscarriage.
Infertility doesn't just affect females though. A man's sperm count can be severely impacted by stress or other issues that may be causing his partner difficulty in conceiving. And, women who suffer from polycystic ovaries can sometimes experience difficulty getting pregnant.
Hypnosis is a great therapy to consider as an alternative to drugs that are proven to exacerbate depression and anxiety. The three components of hypnosis are (1) the induction of hypnosis by suggestions, (2) the recall of past experiences related to the problem, and (3) performance of the therapeutic task with full attention.
So What is Hypnosis?
Dr. Judith Orloff, author of "Emotional Freedom" describes hypnosis as "a group of natural skills harnessed together to focus healing energy. " First, the patient relaxes completely. A release of all thoughts, both conscious and unconscious is required. Then, present stressors are cleared away. This allows the subconscious to become receptive to suggestions for betterment. The patient can then visualize his/her new self-concept with the help of verbal coaching from the hypnotist. The suggestions are received by the conscious mind but are changed into non-belligerent ideas by the subconscious. In his book, "Hypnosis-The Medicine of the Future" Dr. Karl Menninger, M. D. , writes that, "Hypnosis is fittingly a heightened state of suggestibility in which certain psychological mechanisms are made temporarily available for inducing suggestions affecting conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. " Both experts agree that hypnosis is a very positive experience for the patient. Dr. Menninger says that "hypnosis is actually an altered state of consciousness in which certain psychological mechanisms are made temporarily available for inducing suggestions affecting conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. As such, it is likened to an altered state of consciousness in other realms such as deep meditation, deep hypnosis or rapture, and trance.
How can Hypnotherapy assist with infertility?
Hypnosis helps you to tap into your subconscious mind, your inner self - sometimes called the unconscious mind - which is where all of our repressed issues and emotions hide. All of our problems and traumas, including infertility, can be found here.
Hypnotherapy can be to the point of what I call healing or transformation. It is not a quick fix solution, and it certainly is not magic. It is a tool. Tools are used to help us to see that we already have the ability within us to create the lives we desire.
The subconscious mind holds all of our experiences, both positive and negative. If you want to accomplish something in life, your feelings about it are important. They can help or hinder your progress and, in some cases, stop you from achieving what you really want from life.
Dr. Peter Quinn, (European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol4, 1994) a pioneer in fertility, used hypnotherapy with a group of women aged 26 – 42 who had durations of infertility between 2 and 12 years. 65% of the woman in the study went on to have a successful full-term pregnancy after treatment.
Hypnotherapy is a proven POWERFUL form of treatment to help increase fertility in men and woman and can offer hope where none seems possible.

Louise Siwicki, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Louise Siwicki, is a specialist in the fields of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy and a Fertility Coaching expert. She offers specialised programs for both woman and men suffering infertility issues, through pregnancy and early parenthood.
She uses different practical processes and techniques to rewire the brain of her clients and build new neural pathways. This eliminates and heals the root cause of stress and anxiety, the negative emotions and limiting beliefs holding them back from achieving the success and happiness they desire in life.
After suffering though 6 years of infertility issues herself she has since dedicated her life to supporting woman and men through this very challenging time in their lives. She is the founder and CEO of “Louise Siwicki Coaching”, author of ""The Secret to Getting Pregnant is not Just in Your Body but in Your Mind"" and a public speaker.
Her mission: To help everyone understand the importance of the mind, body connection. If you don’t master your mind, your mind will master you.