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What Is Happening Through The Normalization Of Pornography?

Written by: Bruno Vanherberghen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Pornography has become a widespread form of entertainment, with millions of people accessing it daily. It is so widespread that three of the top 15 globally trafficked websites are porn sites. While it may seem like a harmless form of entertainment, the normalization of its use and excessive consumption can have significant impacts on a person's life and well-being. It can affect our mental and physical health, our relationships, happiness and overall satisfaction in our lives. The younger generations are raised today with easy access to pornography which becomes their primary teacher of what sexuality is like.

Hand touching porn app on screen

What are some of the effects of the normalization of pornography usage?

1. Desensitization

Regular exposure to porn can lead to desensitization, reducing the ability to become aroused by real-life sexual experiences. This leads to the escalation of more extreme or even violent content which can change sexual preferences and the ability to become aroused and reach orgasm in real-life situations. Such changes cause significant internal confusion around self-identity as well as strong feelings of shame and guilt afterwards.

2. Objectification of partners

Pornography often objectifies and dehumanizes its performers, which can lead to the objectification of real-life partners. Objectification leads to a reduced ability to connect emotionally and sexually with partners.

Constant exposure to airbrushed, idealized images of bodies and normalization of cosmetic surgery in porn can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem in individuals, especially in young people who are still developing their sense of self.

4. Sexual dysfunction

Frequent porn consumption can lead to sexual dysfunctions, such as erectile dysfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm. Erectile dysfunction could be linked to desensitization and the use of ‘death-grip’ techniques. A study from 2016 highlighted that the more porn one watched the more likely one conjured images of porn during sex to remain aroused.

Excessive porn consumption can decrease relationship satisfaction especially when pornography is consumed independently in the relationship (ie not together). A sort of invisible wall arises with one’s intimate partner, it is a place where we are not fully confessed, and there can be a fear of being caught and the consequences of that.

6. Normalization of certain extreme sexual acts, violence and coercion

Pornography can depict aggressive and non-consensual sex acts, which can normalize and even legitimize these behaviors in the minds of viewers.

These effects are not universal and it might be that one only experiences a few of these. They vary based on the individual and their personal circumstances. But excessive porn consumption can have a negative impact on sexual function and well-being.

Excessive porn usage presents many symptoms of addiction-like behavior. While pornography isn’t formally classified as an addiction, anecdotal evidence describes symptoms similar to those seen in substance abuse disorders like drugs and alcohol.

  • Being unable to control how much and how often one watches.

  • Feeling strong cravings.

  • Continued usage despite knowing its effects.

  • Reducing social activities to watch porn resulting in increased social isolation.

  • Using porn in situations that could have significant negative consequences ie works.

  • Decreased motivation to engage in other activities or tackle new things in life.

  • Increased levels of anxiety and depression.

If you are struggling with any of the above symptoms relating to pornography usage then getting serious about stopping this habit is the right next step to take. Leaving the old behind to be reborn as something new. No more running in circles. But know that change will not come with a half-hearted effort. You must want it fully and you must be willing to give it up, to no longer buy into your own excuses, to no longer kick the can down the road. It is only in the present moment that we have the power to change our future.

An addiction recovery coach can make a real difference in your life. You have tried it on your own countless times. Try it with the support of somebody else. It helps to talk about this to another person, to bring the darkness into the light. A coach specialized in porn addiction can provide the support, guidance, and accountability needed to help you break free from the cycle of porn addiction.

A free, healthy fulfilling life free of porn is right here for the taking. What we need to do is grab it.

Follow me on Facebook, and visit my website for more info!


Bruno Vanherberghen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Bruno is a life coach, specialized in helping people overcome their addictions and compulsive patterns. He knows how to step out of old patterns and emerge on the other side with a newfound freedom and drive for life. The ability to delay instant gratification to pursue longer term goals, follow and realize dreams and aspiration. We need to do things differently and Bruno is an expert at helping to manage personal change.

He suffered from heavy depression during his 20's at which point many of his compulsive behaviors spiraled out of control. Alcohol, drugs, porn, caffeine, sugar, gaming, food issues were some of his personal struggles. He can proudly say that the compulsion is a thing of the past.

He has coached over 700 individuals, has over 120 customer verified testimonials, an approval rating of 95% and more than 98% improve.

He has a deep personal understanding of addiction and is empathic, encouraging, caring with an occasional gentle firmness to help people realize the goals they set for themselves. His mission: to support people to realize their full potential.

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