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What Is Energy Healing, And How Can It Help Align Your Soul?

Written by: Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Just like life itself, our energy doesn’t always stay the same; it transforms. Energy flows and changes as we go through our days interacting with people and situations around us. Sometimes, after being exposed to exhausting and draining environments, our energy can become dull, making us feel tired, sad, and uninspired. When we feel like this, we can benefit from different energy healing practices to realign ourselves and focus our energy on our personal happiness.

Woman having reiki healing treatment

Energy healing is a broad term, and for energy practitioners like myself, we use it to describe activities and techniques that restore balance within your body’s energetic system. These techniques can vary from healer to healer, and some common practices involve acupuncture, yoga, crystal therapy, and sound frequencies. Low-vibration energy is contagious, and we can get influenced by it without even knowing. Our soul will manifest its enervated state in many different ways such as anxiety, depression, or even physical pain and more. When you notice these signs, it’s time to look at ways to restore balance.

How does energy healing connect to the soul?

To explain how energy healing connects to our soul, we must first understand what the soul is. Many believe that the soul is the energetic force that animates our bodies. This concept has been around for centuries as ancient religions describe the presence of an invisible force within people’s bodies which connects humans to the Divine.

The premise of energy healing is that everything, inside and outside our bodies, is constantly interacting on different levels: material, spiritual, and energetic. Therefore, as we have a soul, we are connected to a net full of other beings that also irradiate energy.

Energy healing can help align your soul by addressing imbalances and blockages in your body’s energetic flow. When our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves are in harmony, we can tap into our inner wisdom and connect with our higher purpose in life. By engaging in practices that balance the energy within the body, we allow ourselves to elevate our frequencies and rejuvenate our souls.

This happens because the soul is influenced by the energetic flow of our bodies and, likewise, disturbances in the soul can produce mental or physical symptoms such as stress, irregular sleeping patterns, lack of motivation and focus, and feelings of loss or despair.

When our soul isn’t aligned with our purpose, we feel like we are constantly fighting against an invisible wall. We struggle to get things done and everything seems to work against us. If you’ve felt this way, might be a good time to consider some energy-healing practices.

The way energy healing helps us realign our soul, apart from the physical benefits of its practices, is by also allowing us to balance our energy, purifying the soul so we can connect to the Divine, and all the things around us, easily and effortlessly. This way, we are able to enjoy and be present in each moment of our lives.

This is particularly important when we become aware of the impact our soul can have in our life and the life of those around us. I call it the “energetic footprint,” and, similar to the concept of “carbon footprint,” it is a guide for us to know how much we need to start taking care of our souls. By healing our soul, we can help others to heal and find purpose as well.

If scientists are able to measure the physical impact of our energy in the environment, with what they call a “carbon footprint,” we can also measure the social impact of our energy according to the emotional environment we perceive.

That is the “energetic footprint”, an indicator of the influence our energy has on ourselves and our surroundings. Soul care is in essence a way to manage our energetic footprint, allowing us to create and support a more positive and uplifting ecosystem. By consciously working towards improving the quality of our personal energy, we can create a ripple effect that spreads positivity and contributes to a more harmonious and peaceful world.

How can you start realigning your soul with energy healing?

If you decide to try out an energy-healing practice, there are a lot of practitioners out there who use different techniques that can help you align your soul. I wrote an article on how to choose a good energy healer in case you feel overwhelmed in your search.

I, for instance, work with a process called Energy Alchemy, which involves taking your current energy and transforming and elevating it to its higher state. To do this, I use the frequencies of essential oils either the actual oil or the sound frequency of them, which contain the highest frequencies out of all-natural elements.

However, each energy healer has their own way of working and they might combine techniques from different disciplines in their work.

On the other hand, if you prefer to start small, there are some practices you can do on your own, like journaling, meditating, and doing breathing exercises. These practices may open a path of enlightenment for you and allow you to listen to your soul’s desires.

In our community, Soulful Vibe Tribe, we always provide tools to help you reconnect with your soul, and the Vibe Up Community is there to motivate you in your journey. I realized that, when we work on our inner selves, it is helpful to have a supportive group of people who also shares similar experiences. So, you are more than welcome to join and participate.

Energy healing has the potential to help align the soul by restoring balance to the body's natural energetic system. If you want to improve your overall health and well-being, consider giving energy healing a try and experience its benefits firsthand.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Erlinda Vo, the Energy Alchemist, is a visionary leader. A leading expert in personal motivation and breakthrough technology. As an experienced business and success coach, aka an Energy Vibe coach, she has developed a new modality called "Energy Alchemy" — a tool to empower others to produce life-changing results and to live a life that lights them up. Her mission is to Vibe Up the Planet. Join her community today to actualize career, romantic, financial, and self-expression goals using business and spiritual techniques.

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