Written by: Jamie Adamchuk, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I was recently asked about my time as a Tony Robbins Master, Platinum Coach, and Business Results Trainer and what the biggest, most impactful “chunks” were that I learned. Although there were many areas in which I grew and expanded my knowledge (sometimes even what not to do), these 5 areas are what I would classify as my biggest takeaways.

1. The philosophy of "taking massive action" without first planning exactly what it is you're about to take that massive action on ideas is a recipe for disaster. Almost daily, I witnessed people fail in these programs because they took the advice of my former mentor literally and applied it to their own businesses. They made it their No.1 priority to take some sort of massive action with zero idea as to what that meant or what their ultimate desired outcome was. They often wouldn't take the time to crawl before they walked and were too impatient as a result.
They demanded success immediately.
And I'm not here to tell you that you can't have that success - it simply means defining and then taking the steps that are necessary to get there. I find that the business owners and operators who make it in these programs (and make it stick) are ones who have done their homework up-front and planned out exactly what it is they want to achieve before they take that massive action.
2. You can't just walk into a situation and expect to change things overnight. These types of programs are designed to help you succeed, but they will only work if you commit the time and energy needed to see it through. If the mere mention of having to make phone calls or attend seminars is enough for you to check out, then so be it. These programs won't work for you. If, on the other hand, it excites you because you know that this is what's necessary in order to take your business to where you want it to go, then these programs can help make that reality provided you are willing and able to do whatever it takes.
The bottom line is that the people who succeed in these programs are the ones who are willing to do whatever it takes - regardless of how uncomfortable or counter-intuitive it may be. Anyone who's telling you that "You too can be an overnight success" or "You can succeed without doing XYZ" is completely full of crap. Almost everything good in life takes time, effort, and some pain. If you're not willing to go through those steps, then it's a safe bet that you won't be successful in your business or anything else for that matter.
3. Focus on your target market, instead of the masses, as a way to achieve more success with those who already buy from you or will likely buy from you in the near future. Tony Robbins and many other "motivational coaches" sell this concept like it’s a revolutionary idea. In reality, it's a tried and true method that has been used for decades to build an audience and STILL works because of the amount of time spent on it. Most people fail at this approach for two reasons:
They don't understand the importance of having a target market or how to develop one. This is understandable because most entrepreneurs are used to creating products that appeal to everyone instead of just their ideal customers.
They don't build processes, procedures, and best practices around these niches. Instead, they do what worked yesterday (maybe even last week) and expect the same results tomorrow.
When you take the time to learn how to develop a target market and then integrate that approach into your marketing, sales, product development, and everything else in your business, you begin to make the progress that’s necessary to move your business into the stratosphere.
4. You don't have to spend all day, every day, working on your business. Most people think that you must be glued to your desk, cell phone in hand, 24/7 if you want to succeed at anything. This couldn't be further from the truth and the biggest reason why most entrepreneurs fail - they burn themselves out looking for success too damn fast.
If you want to be successful, you must make time for your friends and family in addition to yourself. There’s nothing more important than having your HERD behind you, especially when it comes time to celebrate your wins. Make it a MUST to go out (especially with your herd) and have fun every once in a while because it's healthy for your mind, body and soul. People who make ungodly amounts of money often fall into the trap of making money their number one priority at the expense of everything else. They get caught up in it because they don't know when to stop working and start living life again.
Tony himself early on in his career did this. He would work 12-hour days, 7 days a week. In his book "Awaken the Giant Within" he talks about how he burned himself out and almost lost his business because of it. It wasn't until he decided to slow down and take some time to recenter himself that he was able to re-charge his batteries and get back on track.
If you want to have any kind of a life outside your work - whether that be family time or playtime, you need to make sure that you're not taking on more than is necessary for your business and yourself. This will allow you to get the most out of both of them because, believe it or not; they aren't competing with each other.
5. Always think about how you can get more from what you already have. Gary Halbert, a marketing genius and mentor of mine, used to say that he'll offer as much value in an advertisement or letter as possible because he knew that almost nobody would ever read it more than once. The same goes for anything else you create - from sales pages, emails, or webinars.
On top of this approach, always be looking for ways to get more value out of what you do. What can you charge a little bit extra for that will take some effort on your part but will also bring in a lot of return business? What could you offer up as an affiliate product that would be beneficial to the reader and produce good commissions as well? These are all questions that you should constantly be asking yourself.
You also need to do this with your time. What can you delegate? How can you outsource a job or two and still have the same results? What opportunities exist for you to give more value in less time?
Tony lists a bunch of different ways that you can get more from what you already have, but one that comes to mind for me is giving your stuff away for free. I know that sounds odd, but it's not if you do it the right way.
I used to be against giving my stuff away because you're entitled to make a profit from your life's work, and I still feel like you are. That being said, following in the footsteps of one of my other mentors, Gay Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee), I realized that it's possible to give away some of your best content for free and still have people go through the rest of your site or buy other products from you. Massive value first, all the time, has become the new motto in which myself and the team at UE Coaching & Business Consulting operate from each and every day.
In this article, I’ve given you five key takeaways from my time as a Tony Robbins Master and Platinum Coach and Business Results Trainer. Be sure to grab our latest ebook The 5 Steps To 7 Figures, if you want to learn more about how we can help your business grow exponentially with the right growth strategies for your industry. We hope that these insights will be of value to all those who are looking to master their own businesses in 2021 and beyond!
For more info, visit UE_Coaching and follow Jamie on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Jamie Adamchuk, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jamie Adamchuk has been in the professional training industry for well over 11 years, serving executive management teams worldwide. He’s worked with multiple industries, including healthcare, restaurant & food service, heavy equipment, real estate, and coaching, where he specializes in Extraordinary Customer Service and Strategic Business Growth. He's previously served with the Anthony Robbins Group of Companies as a Tony Robbins Certified Master and Platinum Coach, conducting in excess of 7000 coaching sessions, along with providing his services as a Tony Robbins Business Trainer. He’s coached clients in over 30 countries worldwide, on 6 of the 7 continents, and has most recently traveled to Australia to do so. Jamie is an internationally Licensed Neuro-Linguistic Master Practitioner certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, the creator of NLP and one of Tony Robbins original mentors. He has coached thousands of Consultants, Coaches, and C-Level Executives on business development, marketing, sales, and most importantly, on how to scale the business quickly. Through his training and mentoring program, he’s helped those business clients quadruple their monthly income, quickly and efficiently scale their businesses by 75% or more, coached his clients on creating multiple successful business streams that produced 80% increases in profitability, and helped those same business owners reduce their time spent working in the business, by as much as 70%. Jamie is a published author and is extremely proud to donate his time to The JASH Foundation, where he helps separated and divorcing parents put their kids first.