Written by Penelope Claire, Coach & Healer
Penelope Claire helps spiritual women lose weight and gain bliss for good with energy healing. Penelope is the creator of Lightcode Body Bliss, a no-diet weight loss coaching & healing program for women to effortlessly shed the layers which they no longer need and create the body and life of their dreams.

Coralie and I first connected through a local online spiritual group while she was visiting Australia with her daughter, staying for six months away from her home in Switzerland. Not every woman I coach comes to me for weight loss—my work focuses on personal transformation and embodiment, and Coralie was no exception.

"When I decided to enrol in Penelope’s program, I felt a deep call to finally care for myself fully. It was a transitional time, and I needed to feel grounded as I built the foundations for a new me, preparing for my return to Switzerland."
Coralie completed the Lightcode Body Bliss program just before leaving Australia. We marked the occasion by meeting at the beach for her final coaching session, wrapping up our journey together with a sense of satisfaction and excitement. Coralie was heading home as a changed woman, ready to embody the life she’d been dreaming of. It was exciting to imagine how her transformation would unfold in her new life back in Switzerland.
Fast-forward less than a year: I found myself "digital-nomadding" through Europe. One evening, after several weeks on the road, I sent an email to my subscribers. In it, I reflected on how my manifestations and attraction practices had brought me unexpectedly close to the German/Swiss/Austrian border.
Later that evening, my phone buzzed. It was a WhatsApp message:
"I saw your email—you're close to the Swiss border! If you want to visit Switzerland, you are most welcome to stay at my home. See you soon! Coralie."
At first, I considered whether staying with a former client was appropriate. But it felt clear and aligned—it was a beautiful opportunity to reconnect.
Within a week, I crossed the German-Swiss border and boarded a train to visit Coralie and her 6-year-old daughter Elea in a tiny, French-speaking village in Switzerland.
Manifestation in motion
Coralie, Elea, and their friend Nico met me at the station. We hugged as though no time had passed, despite the drastic change in setting.
Arriving at their cozy apartment, I was amazed—it was exactly what Coralie had envisioned during our sessions. This specific village, the apartment, even the massage therapy room (which doubled as my guest room) were the precise manifestations of what she had dreamed of.
She shared how effortlessly everything had fallen into place. Despite thinking she had little chance of being accepted as a tenant, the apartment became hers as if by magic. This was no coincidence—it was proof of the power of intention, energy healing, and aligned action.
Immersing in Swiss life
Over the next few days, I immersed myself in Coralie’s life. Her village, nestled between mountains and waterfalls, was a stark contrast to the sunny coast of Queensland where we first met.
Something that blew my mind was Coralie’s drive to work – which took us through terrifying canyons with waterfalls... What would this place be like in winter!? “I may need to upgrade my car insurance, Corlaie laughed, for falling rocks and snow damage which are very likely over the season.
We enjoyed a nature walk in the village where we picked wild raspberries, herbs and mushrooms – which, after carefully studying her mushroom bible, we ate later that evening. Elea gathered a beautiful posy of wildflowers for me, which we placed in a little vase back at the apartment.
Coralie took me for a visit to her community cop-op, where she sometimes volunteered, and then to the community garden, where we picked vegetables to make dinner. It was so picturesque by the mountains, full of flowers, vegetables and the most striking pink and purple beans that I have ever seen!
Spa time
I was dearly missing my ocean swims. I had discovered the world of thermal baths in Germany, and Coralie said there was a spa just 15 minutes away – in fact, she needed to drop off some flyers there for her business. We got in the steam room, cold pool, and wood sauna at this stylish boutique little spa. In the sauna, we talked about how Coralie's new life was unfolding and her visions for her business. She had a lot of experience catering for women’s retreats, and she was ready to expand it to a full-time role.
Lastly, chocolate
I don’t know how many holistic health coaches shout their clients to a tour of a chocolate factory – but I sure did! On my final day, we went to the Camille Bloch factory in the nearby town of Courtelary, and wow – the Europeans sure love their praline! It was fascinating to learn that adding nuts to chocolate was a result of a shortage of cacao during the war. Also, the Bloch story was very inspirational from an entrepreneurial perspective, and Coralie and I both drew some good energy from the story of his lifelong persistence to put to our own business ventures! Fortunately or unfortunately, part of the ticket included unlimited access to chocolate samples... We did not hold back!
Afterward all that sugar and excitement we went for a short forest walk just before arriving back at Coralie’s to a stunning green lake with abundant waterfalls everywhere to ground all adults and children involved!. It was gorgeous. I could see the similarity of these forests to the rainforests in Queensland and realised she would have felt at home in that way. That night Coralie cooked a delicious dinner and desert – a homemade gluten free low sugar apple flan... However, it was just too much after all that chocolate to take in any more sweetness in one day. We had it for breakfast the next morning before I caught the train back to Basel.
Real human connection, screen or no screen
When we had concluded our coaching, Coralie had been so busy travelling back to Switzerland that she had never filled out her feedback form. I asked her for some up-tp-date feedback. Coralie messaged me recently;
"I felt that my relationship with food was connected to some unresolved trauma, and I knew it was time to move forward. The process we did together felt complete—we addressed both the energetic blocks that needed releasing and the practical steps I had to take in the material world. It was the perfect balance of healing and action."
As a coach, my work is based online—but the relationships I build are very real. Staying with Coralie as a guest in her home reflected to me the depth of connection I cultivate with my clients. This work is not transactional; it’s transformational.
I’m reminded through experiences like these that being a coach is about more than just offering advice or tools. It’s about being present, living authentically, and embracing the beautiful unpredictability of life—whether online or in person.
The experience of staying with Coralie was a gift. It reminded me that transformation is real, that the work we do together matters so much, whether it’s through screen or face to face. Life is so much richer when we stay open to connection and possibility.
Penelope Claire, Coach & Healer
Penelope is a pioneer in the tired and flooded weight loss industry and a specialist in the space where holistic wellness, self-empowerment, and spirituality meet. She is an intuitive coach, quantum energy healer, aquatic bodyworker & event leader. Having organically healed her own 15-year journey of disordered eating, yo-yo dieting & fluctuating body weight. Penelope specialises as a no-diet weight loss coach for empathic women with her proven personal and group online coaching & healing programs. She offers additional wellness & spiritual services in person and online.