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What Has Red Balloons To Do With Web3?

Written by: Lotta Spjut, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon” – Winnie the Pooh.

Believing in what You are doing made this "red balloon" company go from "broke" to a $100M+ exit during the bear market. (Bear market means simple in a declining market). If they can do it, You can do it!

In my last article, I explained What Web3 is for newbies and why it can be a smart move to start learning about it. However, the ones that do will still be very early, and early movers usually get "rewarded" in one way or another later.

As a business newbie in Web3, knowing where to start and, even more, as a business owner can be challenging. No matter what, if You are a newbie yourself or want to enter web3 as a business, there are those that made it simpler for You. The ones who have already walked the walk, building the future of Web3.

Crypto Packaged Goods (CPGCLUB) has the Red Balloons as their market sign. They probably made one of the most significant movements for anyone to start their Web3 journey, especially as a business owner. They are cheering and can help You the whole way, from seminars to product incubating and consulting.

The community is built of Web3 and consumer professionals sharing alpha and building products with everyone interested. Alpha is a term used in investing to describe an investment strategy's ability to beat the market or its edge

When Chris Cantino, the founder, and his team started, they got laughed at, disregarded, and even ignored. That did not stop them. Instead, they were working “under the radar” and built the most amazing “Web3 Think Tank”;

  • Helping Web2 companies leap into Web3

  • Aggregating exceptional founder and operator talent

  • Supporting builders and traders in focused chat groups

  • Educational Genius Call seminars

  • Developing e-commerce product drops

  • Curating allow lists & events

Chris Cantino has become an influential voice in space. I have not seen many founders that interact and support their community as he does. He is an entrepreneur and Partner at Color Capital, investing across consumer, crypto, commerce, and marketplaces. In addition, Chris's wife and partner, Jaime Schmidt, run MyBFF. This community empowers women and non-binary people to get into web3 (in one of my upcoming articles, I will focus more on MyBFF). His experience at the intersection of brand building and consumer investing gives him unique insight into how the new digital asset economy will emerge.

To have access to all CPGCLUB services, You have an “Access Pass” that is a POP-NFT. With this POP-NFT that has fantastic nostalgia pictures (or Genesis NFT), You get baked-in utility with an extensive mentor network there and there are no limits more than maybe yourself. (To learn more about NFTs, find my article about NFTs here). Again, without being the owner of their NFT, You can participate, interact and get much learning from the open channels.

CPGCLUB has chosen to keep most of its community interaction through the social media channel Telegram instead of the many times used Discord for web3 projects. As a POP-NFT holder, You have +25 sub chats to enter except the main chat for holders and the Hangout chat for everyone (with or without an NFT). With Your NFT, You choose if You want to access all or only some of the sub-chats. You find, for example, chats for;

  • NFT Alpha

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Investing and Venture Capital

  • Product Incubations

  • Traditional CPG

  • DeFi

  • Devs

  • Gaming

  • CPG Athletic Club

  • Regional City and country Chats

  • Project & Builders

  • Security

  • Stocks & Financial instruments

  • "Don't call it degen"

  • Marketing & Self-Promo

  • Awareness & Strategy

  • No Boys Allowed

And many more

The first time You access it, You might feel a little overwhelmed with how to navigate with the different groups. I felt the same, though I also discovered that there was an intelligent system to follow and many resources helping out. For example, you find the open Community Hangout Chat here. Usually, You might not see the founder and the team directly interacting with their community in chats. Here it is different, and you can now chat with them. Chris and his team are very active in the conversations. Another option to join the Telegram chats is to check out their Twitter account with +160 000 followers or/and the homepage.

I want to make it clear that I have no personal interest in sharing the information made in this article, and I am not a financial advisor. I am neither getting paid nor asked by CPGCLUB to write this. However, I believe this can help many of you who want to interact with a solid and professional community. It opens doors to learn more about how You can take Your today's business into the world of Web3, whether you have a product-based or an online business.

Remember, it takes time to learn new things. So, give Yourself patience, be a little bit like Winnie the Pooh, and before You know it, You might be the one flying with the red balloons to new heights.

To learn more from Lotta, you can visit her website and connect with her social media accounts; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. Read more from Lotta!


Lotta Spjut, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Lotta Spjut has a passion and drive to inspire and empower people, especially women around the Globe. To use the skills they have, learn new skills and knowledge to grow themself, and become successful individuals and/or entrepreneurs.

She has made hundreds of lectures, speeches, and individual and group training for private and public companies, built on empiric knowledge. Sharing what she has learned and experienced herself to inspire and empower people. Not to compare with her or anyone else but to get inspired. The amount of listeners is not important for her; it is what each person gets out of it.

Lotta is a TEDx speaker, and she was one of 20 Global Women Leaders to Look up to 2021 by Passion Vista & Unified Brainz. She was also selected for Brainz 500 Global Awards 2021” by Brainz Magazine as one of the "500 Global Companies and Influential Leaders recognized for their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others”. 2022 she got selected for "Who´s Who of the world" and got her own Coffee Table Book.

Lotta’s main business over the last decades has been as a Business Developer, Global Speaker, and Trainer. She has thousands of people all over the world whom she has mentored and educated in leadership, personal development, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Her background is as an Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working with leadership. She was an employee for 10 years before she resigned and became her own boss. Master's Degree in Didactic, Bachelor of Education, and many years of experience as a teacher in elementary school and at University. Certified Business Pro Executive Coach, coaching CEOs in different businesses. Bachelor's degree as a health and nutrition developer. Educated people in the health, nutrition, and fitness industry.

Lotta is skilled in Leadership, Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Team Building, Education, and Management. Strong business development and 2015 she started to educate herself about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology and the latest area she is developing her knowledge in is the NFT ‒ and Web3 markets. Lotta’s mission is to help more people understand and get educated about the opportunities within the innovations in technology and web3. She especially wants to inspire and empower more women to learn more about web3.

Her favorite quote is from Arthur Ashe: "Start where You are, use what You have, and Do what You can"! And "You don´t need to be great to start, but You need to start to be great".

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