Written by Deonesea La Fey, Feminine Embodiment Coach
Deonesea is a beloved Feminine Embodiment Coach who guides women to be embodied in their own personal pleasure and to create deeper connections. As a result of working with her, women learn how to increase their feminine energy, embrace their sexuality, and receive the love they want and deserve.

The words “feminine embodiment” might conjure images of goddess statues from ancient lands or bohemian long-haired women and flowy skirts, but the truth is feminine embodiment is available to any woman who chooses to turn towards her feminine side. In a fast-paced world of tight deadlines and always something more to accomplish, to achieve, to get done, women need feminine embodiment now more than ever.

What is feminine embodiment?
Feminine embodiment is a term that refers to women who learn to express more feminine qualities through their way of being in the world. Embodiment means feeling all of the aspects of life in and through our bodies, experiencing the world through a physically and emotionally felt experience, and knowing ourselves from a deeper place such that we live our lives from a well of truth that’s inherent within us. This is about learning to turn toward our feelings rather than away from them, allowing our decisions to be influenced by intuition as much as logic, and embracing the deeper meanings of what it is to be feminine.
Related Article: What Is Embodiment and Why Is It Relevant Now?
Why is this important for women?
Most women, if led to inquire within themselves, would identify as a feminine essence being. The best way to have such an inquiry is to stop everything else for a moment, take three deep breaths, and then ask yourself this question, “Do I most deeply desire being respected for my thinking, or do I most deeply desire to have my feelings cherished?” What you’re looking for through this inquiry is underneath the busyness of the mind; it’s in the feeling at your core. When a woman identifies with the deep desire to have her feelings cherished, she sets herself up to receive that cherishing by being embodied in her feminine essence. This means that she begins to bring a softness to herself, that she begins to slow down more, and that she chooses a different pace with which to move through her life, one different from the driven, logic-based, accomplishment-oriented structures of society. Feminine essence beings thrive when they naturally rest into their feminine nature and move in the world from that place. Feminine essence beings thrive in happy, healthy, embodied relationships.
What do you need to do to have it?
For high-powered women, the key is to learn how to navigate their careers and their functions in the world from their masculine and shift into their softer, more intuitive, more feminine side in their relationships, including their relationships with themselves. Women at large are quite adept at living their lives from their masculine energy because they have been trained to do so, and they’ve learned that this is the way to be successful. But many women are struggling because they are still bringing that masculine energy to their relational world, which can benefit from them learning to make the shift into feminine energy. This shift will enhance her relationships, and it will ultimately help her feel at her best in her own body. Incorporating new rituals in your day-to-day and practicing and perfecting the ability to fluidly move from masculine drive to feminine being helps women to naturally find their embodied selves.
How do you become more comfortable with feminine expression?
For many women, the idea of switching out of the masculine drive they are accustomed to can feel very uncomfortable. One of the ways that women can start to embrace and find comfort with this idea of being more feminine is to think about times when they're already in that feeling place or that they have been in it in the past. Some examples of this would be when you're receiving a massage and can fully let go, when you're at the spa and can stop thinking about your to-do list, when you’re relaxed in a way that allows inspiration to come in, when you've enjoyed an artistic pursuit, when you've been sunbathing or swimming and fully reveling in the sensations of the elements on your skin, when you have eaten a meal that was a delectable burst of flavor across your palette, a time in girlhood that you felt absolutely free in the way that you played. When we take the idea of feminine embodiment out of the realm of something that sounds foreign or woo-woo or unnatural, and we come to realize that it is actually the most natural way for women to be, then we can help ourselves feel more comfortable in learning to develop this ability in ourselves.
How long does it take to undo social conditioning and reconnect with your feminine nature?
How long it takes to come into greater feminine embodiment is like everything else in life; it depends on how much time you invest in learning to do so. Past traumatic experiences, hardships, or any form of strict assertion of how we should be can create obstacles that need to be broken down and worked through in order to find a more embodied expression. Feminine embodiment is about getting out of your head and into your body into your emotions.
Part of the process, of course, is training our minds to embrace these ideas and to become more still and more quiet to allow us to access greater relationships with our bodies and
our emotions.
In what ways can feminine embodiment change your life experience?
According to Katherine Chan, Verywell Mind writer and the creator of 60 Feelings To Feel: A Journal To Identify Your Emotions, “Striving for positive embodiment can help increase your woman’s confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, sense of purpose, sensuality, and power.” Women who embrace embodiment practices and learn to become more embodied experience greater ease in their lives. Their stress levels lower, their enjoyment of their day-to-day life experience increases, and they have greater access to their intuition. When women start making decisions from that place, their gut feeling becomes a powerful ally in navigating the world. Embodied feminine women enjoy greater satisfaction in their intimate relationships, they have deeper, more connected sexual experiences, and they prevent all kinds of degenerative illnesses from taking root. In short, they enjoy happier, healthier lives.
What is the downside of not learning to be more embodied?
Women who don't have access to, or don't make time for, turning towards feminine embodiment often stay on the societal track of overworking, under-nourishing, and poor self-care. They end up with high-stress levels, high cortisol levels, and burnout. For many women, when they reach perimenopause, all of this becomes a perfect storm for big challenges to their health and their mental well-being. Adrenal fatigue and exhaustion frequently show up in perimenopausal women, and it is common for that kind of physiological burnout to lead to extreme fatigue and injuries as well as serious health issues like heart problems or diabetes. The feminine body is not built and designed to run entirely in a logic-oriented mindset that drives them hard without rest. The female body is an estrogen-based system and functions differently than the male body, which is a testosterone-based system. Women tend to continuously function like men in the male construction of modern society. And while they can do this well in the realm of intellectual prowess, they often find themselves at midlife unhappy, unfulfilled, and quite possibly confronting some very real health issues. For women who've already reached that point, feminine embodiment can be a huge part of the solution to turning it around, and women who haven't yet gotten there can prevent that kind of midlife fallout by embracing embodiment now.
What are the benefits of becoming an embodied feminine woman?
Becoming an embodied feminine woman is not without its adversities. It is difficult to buck the status quo. It is challenging to face ourselves, to become more intimate with ourselves, and to allow ourselves to acknowledge what we truly desire in our deepest hearts.
However, not doing so comes at a high cost. When we take the journey to become closer to ourselves, with our bodies and feelings and desires, then we set ourselves up to thrive. Feminine embodied women glow. They radiate, they magnetize to themselves what's best for them in their lives, and they experience higher levels of fulfillment and happiness. This is the promise of embracing this way of being that is quite foreign in our world at large but necessary for being a truly empowered woman.
Related Article: How to Invite True Passion and Embody Your Essence
Transform your life by bringing feminine embodiment into your reality
Ready to take the journey into your feminine embodiment? As your dedicated Feminine Embodiment Coach, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. If you’re the kind of woman who needs to dip her toe in the water before taking the full plunge, try one of my taster classes I’m offering throughout February. Ready to go all in? Let's work together to create a personalized roadmap tailored to your unique desires and to overcome the obstacles you have to reach them. With my expertise and support, you'll embark on a transformative journey toward an embodied way of being that brings you into the fulfillment of living who you truly are. Contact me today to take the first step towards your embodied feminine life!
Read more from Deonesea La Fey
Deonesea La Fey, Feminine Embodiment Coach
Known as an insightful mentor, a potent ceremonialist, and an inspirational speaker, Deonesea is a recognized expert in teaching women how to improve the quality of their intimate relationships and to enhance their sense of pleasure in their day-to-day lives. As a result of 20 years of teaching women how to restore their natural femininity, Deonesea has developed a unique approach that combines practical principles, feminine wisdom teachings, and empowering techniques to guide her clients through a transformational journey of restoration and reconnection to themselves and to their intimate others.