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What Does Wellbeing Even Mean?

Written by: Ayesha Joshi, Guest Writer


You may even be thinking ‘How can I care about my wellbeing, when I have XYZ to do/look after’.

It’s a word we see thrown about a lot these days. We see posters plastered in teacher staffrooms & around the office. We see it blazoned on company websites ‒ Promoting the wellbeing of staff. It has now become a sort of, buzzword. It’s the new hype & everybody is jumping on the bandwagon. It’s a word associated with mental health, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, nutrition. The word wellbeing can be associated with a whole heap of different scenarios. It can be overwhelming, confusing & where does one even start?

Aside from seeing a therapist, a coach or ‘speaking to someone in the office’ (who you probably don’t want to speak to anyway), there doesn’t seem to be much in terms of ‘What can I actually do, to look after my wellbeing’.

These five simple steps will help you achieve calm, clarity & peace within yourself. It’s a succession of bitesize & manageable steps that will allow you to look & feel great inside & out. There’s no such thing as an overnight transformation or a 30-day ‘fix’. True transformation comes from commitment, patience & finding out what works for you.

1. Check in

Take a minute to check in with yourself – I find it’s best to do this in the morning as our days and schedules can be so busy. Ask yourself, how am I feeling today?

2. Self-love

The next step is to treat yourself with kindness & compassion. It links in with checking in with yourself. Notice what feelings & emotions are arising within you. Whether they are positive or negative, notice them, breathe into them, and tell these emotions that you see them & you hear them. Thank them for showing up. This cultivates awareness & understanding of your internal state. It allows you to have better interactions with yourself & those around you.

3. Set an intention

Again, this is part of my morning ritual. How do you want your day to look & feel? Do you want positivity & productivity? Well, call it in. It can sound something like this: Today will be a great day filled with positivity, productivity, laughter & love.’ – Fill it with all the qualities you want to have in your day.

4. Just for fun

Try & do at least one thing you really enjoy, if not every day, then make time for that thing in the week & do it as often as you can. Whether it be reading a page in your favourite book, going for a walk, or listening to music. Find something you enjoy doing, something you can make time for & stick to it. Tell yourself what you will do & when you will do it.

5. Movement

Moving your body, going on a walk or being in nature can do wonders for our physical & mental health. If you have a family member/s to look after, take them with you. Or combine it with the thing you enjoy doing. I love listening to podcasts on my walk, it’s a great way for me to get out into nature & do the thing I love.

Our outer reality is a manifestation of what is happening within ourselves. It is important to take at least five minutes of our day to care for ourselves. It means doing one or a few things that will look after your mental, spiritual, emotional & physical health. Remember change doesn’t happen overnight. Find what works for you & stick to it.

For more info follow me on Instagram and visit my website!


Ayesha Joshi, Brainz Magazine Guest Writer

Ayesha is a certified mindset coach specialising in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP) & Timeline Therapy™, based in Manchester, England.

Her mission is to facilitate one's journeys into deeper healing & self-actualisation, enabling them to discover their true potential and inner power.

Her empathetic nature and passion for self-development are what have formed the foundation of her business, which is helping others cultivate a space of pure self-love within themselves. Ayesha believes true transformation comes from within ‒ creating a bond within yourself that is unbreakable.

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