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What Does It Mean To Be Successful?

Written by: Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Success is something that’s been ingrained in us since childhood. Society expects us to be successful, to do well in school, to get a good job, to get a promotion. Our idea of success is conditioned to fit into an ideal picture of following society’s expectations of us. Any deviation from the norm is seen as risky and unsafe. In following society’s script of what success means, we can ensure financial security for ourselves by receiving a paycheck each month in exchange for our time and energy. But what if true success was so much more than that.

Think about it, once we’ve accomplished all of what society expects of us, many of us still don’t feel successful. Perhaps on paper, we’ve achieved great success, but if we don’t translate that success into an internal feeling, then what’s the point? Is the point to live a life that we don’t truly enjoy just for the sake of “financial security”?

The truth is, it is a false sense of financial security. Any moment, that employer could decide to let you go. And suddenly, you go from having a consistent stream of income coming in each month to absolutely nothing at all. The fear kicks in, the worry of what the future will bring, because all your financial eggs were in one basket. In truth, following society’s standard of success is the riskiest in terms of financial security.

So, what is the best form of financial security? The answer is: following your passion and living life the way you want to live it. Do you ever notice that people who follow the traditional standards of success always feel like they don’t have enough money? That something is too expensive, that they can’t afford it. This is because they are conditioned to think in a scarcity mindset. When you’re constantly trying to fit yourself into a box, a script, and a standard that isn’t in alignment with your true passion and the way you want to truly be living your life, you’re being conditioned to scarcity.

Living in alignment with your true passion is the definition of abundance. Think about it. When you live life in alignment with your passion, you feel energized, you feel fulfilled, you feel joyful, and you feel at peace. Everything that was “wrong” in your life before shifts because you’re in new energy, you’re a new you, you think and feel differently. Like attracts like, so when you’re in the energy of abundance, your mindset is conditioned to think in terms of abundance. You have more ideas flowing that align you to even more abundance. And therefore, you create more abundance in your life.

The key to true success is living an abundant life, and when I say abundance, I don’t just mean money. I mean abundance of energy, of joy, of love, and of fulfillment. And the way to live in abundance is to live in alignment with your true passion.

So, ask yourself: What am I holding myself back from doing in my life?” or “How would I truly want to live my life?” or “If I were sitting on my deathbed looking back on my life, what would I love to be able to say that I did in my life that I’m not currently doing now?”

Once you get clear on those answers, start moving in the direction of those things in your life, even if it’s not super clear and you don’t have specifics or don’t know where to start. That’s okay. The primary thing to focus on here is to give yourself permission to start moving in that direction. Just that internal permission alone will start to kick things off in your life towards that direction. Events, circumstances, connections, and synchronicities will start to occur because now you’re paying attention and your awareness is directed towards making that vision for your life a reality. And when you live your life in alignment to what you truly want, that is the true meaning of success.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Michall J. Medina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Michall J Medina is an award-winning spiritual and mindset coach and an international bestselling author and speaker. She helps aspiring heart-centered visionaries to claim their true calling without waiting to feel ready, by amplifying their ability to intuitively attract opportunity. Before she launched her business, Michall had trained in over seven different healing modalities in search for a cure for her anxiety. As a former electrical engineer, she brought her analytical skills to the world of healing and spirituality and developed a ground-breaking method of resolving the core root of any struggle and shifting it into expansion and freedom. She now shares this method with her clients to help them to access clarity, ease and flow as they connect to and embody their true calling. Michall has been featured for her work in Yahoo Finance, Fox News, International Business Times, Wall Street Select, and Digital Journal. Originally a Texan, she now lives in Israel by the forest with her beautiful cat Stella.

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