Written by: Ailsa Keppie, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I think most of us can agree that living through the Covid pandemic has brought out some behaviors that during less stressful times would be considered unthinkable.
Receiving an invitation to dinner by someone who had a different opinion than you might have been considered an opportunity for great conversation. Now it is considered a threat not only to our opinions but to our very lives.

We have effectively conflated our health care choices with almost every social ‘ism’ out there. Ableism, racism, sexism you name it and you can find ‘proof’ that your opinions on Covid and especially the vaccine are somehow labeling you on one side of the divide or another in regards to every social construct.
It has even been my experience that our health choices now need to be in line with our professional community so as to ensure our continued acceptance and employment.
Where does it stop?
There was a time when discussing politics and religion was considered taboo during a dinner conversation. Now we can’t even have dinner unless we have pre-negotiated our entire health protocols.
The question in this whole thing really boils down to this: Where is the balance between individual freedoms and the greater good of the community?
Ethically this leaves us in a sticky place. If we insist that everyone commit to the same health protocols that we believe in, we may be grossly overstepping their bodily autonomy and freedom of choice. If, on the other hand, we insist on having our freedom, we may inadvertently cause harm to others in our community. The harm may be perceived harm or it may be real, but in both cases, it is still harmful.
So what do we do?
Is the idea of coming together in a community and honoring each other’s diverse perspectives dead forever? Are we destined to hunker down with other like-minded people and stop talking to anyone else? Is this the kind of tiered society we want our children to grow up in?
Everything in my body and mind screams NO!
I don’t want to accept that our society is so permanently maimed that no repair is possible. I continue to hope for reconciliation and repair.
What will this really take in order to heal?
I believe some really deep listening is going to be required of all of us in the coming months and years. We are going to have to get quiet and try to hear others’ voices no matter how distant or different than our own. It will take some real grit and perseverance.
Do we have what it takes?
I believe in the power of Love and relationships to heal almost anything. Healing may look different to different people and it may not be community and friendship. The best we may be able to achieve is an acceptance of others to be what they will be and to leave each other alone.
Within great trials is always the possibility of great transformation. What will we choose?
If you enjoyed this article, check out my websites where I have my blog and podcast. Book a free consultation to discuss how you could work with me. I look forward to the challenge and the pleasure of meeting you.
With hope,
Want to learn more from Ailsa? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit her website.

Ailsa Keppie, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Ailsa is a trained intimacy Educator and Somatic Therapist and has been working in hands-on bodywork, somatic coaching, and healing for over a decade. Ailsa Keppie brings aspects from her background in circus arts, physical theatre, music, dance, myofascial release, bioenergetic processes, archetypes, and spirituality to her work with clients. She is a published author of her compelling memoir entitled "By the Light of the Crescent Moon," which describes her incredible journey into Islam and polygamy and how it lead to her awakening and reclamation of her own Eros and power. Ailsa works with individuals, couples, and groups both online and in-person at her retreat center, Our Celtic Hearth, in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she resides with her current life partner.