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What Do People Long For Today – Change Or Safety? 4 Ways And Insights To Deal With Both

Written by: Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


One of the first memories that come to mind about safety – in the sense of not changing – because I think safety is an elusive word and situation, would be related to our childhood foodies, a home or place we came back to from school, and would have our preferred snacks, or meals – and home is supposed to be a safe place, yet we know that this is not always the case. So, safety from an unstable perspective will signify change and monetary freedom as soon as possible if you are a young teen and can start thinking for yourself – small children do not have the condition to do this, yet the longing for stability and change (to a steadier situation) and safety will be sealed deep in their hearts.

I am grateful to have had a good family environment, with parents and grandparents quite present and with the right amount of freedom for us kids’ personalities to develop. Of course, there were issues, but conversations and developing trust in positive actions and outcomes made a huge difference.

Today, while we go about our new now – when change is happening faster, coming mostly from external conditions each day, it seems that the term “safety” in the sense of planning something for “times like this” has been thrown out of the window, and replaced by a spookier meaning of the word – almost as a threat, urging people to “be safe.” Some protocols are needed for the overall safety of our mind, body, and soul, yet I prefer the “be safe, take care” coming from a real place of love and caring for another person, from a place of change with hope and setting again new goals and safe plans for our personal and professional lives.

Let us lighten up now, shall we?

1. Combine Safety and Adventure

Think of the places you have been, in your mind and in person, and the destinies you would love to visit. Most of the places I have traveled to, and recently, more locally, I have seen the same human desires and challenges; of course, some places have much bigger and larger issues, yet if you dig deep and remove all the external things that we cannot control, many people long for safety, healthy adventure, expressing themselves and having a present and future for themselves and their children, families, and friends. See, most humans long for safety and adventure, and that is beautiful!

2. Improving is Freedom

From this place of nomadic longing – a longing for change and improvement within ourselves that ripples into those around us, I see that freedom of individual choices, along with support and joy are very motivating and indispensable. Deciding to improve ourselves is such a gift, which is to be celebrated, and practiced daily; because the next step will be to look around and spread your love and actions and notice in more depth those who are near you – family, friends, clients, and even a stranger, or acquaintance ‒ maybe you can help, maybe not, yet you can listen.

3. Facing Change

Even with all the outside transformations, remember that how you face change can be up to you. The broad vision that all is possible can be put into effectiveness, one goal at a time, which can lead you to discover that “all” is just a word and that your personal objectives and desires up to now are either all you desire, you feel fulfilled, or that you want to focus on being and accomplishing more of what makes sense to you – you set your standards.

4. All Can be Possible

On the superficial level, you know that age is not a stopper to doing things you crave – so how are you going to prove that to yourself? Start by taking care of your health and wellbeing, it goes without saying. Make age your ally. From my point of view, I agree that all is possible – WHEN you start putting in the self-growth work, nurturing your soul and development, and reaching out to coaches and mentors to help you activate and build a plan for your dreams and needs. The journey of learning is never ending and when you apply it to yourself as you go along, you notice that there is no finishing line, just filling up your heart with each small and big win, defined by ‒ and processing things that didn´t work as planned. Imagine the joy and inspiration you can emanate around you too when you seize and create new opportunities.

I truly desire for you to think deeply about all you have read and let it be a motivation to light you up to good change, adventure, and safety as well because humans need it all, aren´t you amazing, dear human friend!

Life is Nomadic by Essence!

I help you connect, thrive, and find more energy wherever you are!

Remember to get your “Free 7 Tips to Feel at Home Anywhere” on the site.

Read more on feeling human, safe, and adventurous by interconnecting with different generations on this article.

You can connect with me also at Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ilaria Storch, a Life Coach Nomad, is the creator of Life Coach Nomads, where she shares her passion for travel and for inspiring people everywhere to access their true center and find more connection and energy on the way to more joy, fun, and fulfillment. She practices that following your emotions, wrapped up in a personal structure that can connect your goals, desires, and love, is the path to all real and true growth. Wherever you are, change is nomadic by essence, and it takes time, support and starts inside you when you absolutely desire to develop yourself and move on. She has a Bachelor´s Degree in Advertising, speaks many languages, won a Fashion Illustration Award during College, and loves coaching her clients towards their expressive life journey.

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