Written by: Richard Eckley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Nature does an amazing job of building our bodies from birth using 50% of mums DNA and 50% of Dad’s DNA to create us, then it throws in a few DNA switches. These are slight changes in our makeup, so we are similar to them but not clones of them. We have slightly different colour hair, eyes, or skin tone and features, we may also inherit certain traits they have like a musical skills, or being good at sports.

The DNA switches are how we have evolved into our current form, slowly adding certain parts or taking others away, like learning to walk upright by realigning our pelvis and straightening our spine, or slowly reducing things like our jaw muscles, which may have been much more powerful in our ancient ancestors but by reducing this muscle it left more room in our skull to grow bigger brains.
Our cells naturally divide and this is what makes us grow at a young age, then as we get older and stop growing these cells then regenerate our bodies every 6 to 9 months on a consistent basis to keep us healthy, but the cells can only use the ingredients we give it.
The cells use three main ingredients to regenerate themselves, these are oxygen, water and the food we eat. The first two are quite easy to get right, we just need to walk outside and breathe natural fresh air as often as we can. The second one is just drinking plenty of water, it’s another simple step which our cells use to hydrate our body, making our blood and cells healthy and the right consistency they need to be. However, it’s the food we eat that tends to give us our biggest problems.
The cells can only use the food we eat, as the main ingredients to develop the cells it’s going to create, if we give it healthy food EG green leafy veg, plenty of fruits, berries and nuts (checking with your doctor first in case you are allergic to any) and all natural ingredients the cells will then use these ingredients to make healthy cells. However, if we’re eating high-fat, high sugar or processed foods, which have become very popular these days. Then our cells can only use these ingredients and slowly produce poorer and poorer quality cells over time. This can lead to Alzheimer’s, cancers and heart disease plus many other illnesses and diseases.
10% of illness and disease is inherited through our DNA, a genetic disorder we inherited passed down from our parents and ancestors, but 90% is in direct response to our own lifestyle choices and the food we’re choosing to eat. Especially in the Western World.
Once we start to give the cells the ingredients it needs, it can then start to do a remarkable turnaround, as our bodies are an amazing regeneration machine. We may actually become healthier in the future as we age, if we take the necessary steps creating the right eating habits, if we change our eating habits to including more green leafy veg, fruits, berries and nuts (checking with our doctor first in case we are allergic)
Remember most illness and disease are developed over a 10 or 20-year period, and it’s often not until we have symptoms of these diseases, that we stop to think what’s happening?
It’s never too late to start to turn our health around. Once we’re getting the correct food to create healthy cells, then we let our body go to work doing what it does best, build a stronger healthier happier us.
For more tips on your health reach out here, subject line Brainz/Health, and get a free copy of How to master your health.

Richard Eckley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Richard Eckley is the founder of The Eckley Global Community school, a movement teaching the 4 keys to success health, wealth, relationships and mindset. After his 20-year marriage ended in divorce, he was left a single dad with 3 teenage kids, he wanted to give them a guide to know everything would be ok. He has studied personal development for 30 years giving him an in-depth knowledge. He then wrote his first book ( Your 4 keys to a healthier happier you) a starting point to this process, this led on to deeper dive books in his ( coffee reads) series and the development of the Eckley Global Community School working with local schools and individual students in 5 countries. His ethos: create the life you want