Written by: Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The capability to think is one of the precious gifts we Humans have. Most of us find it very easy to think about everything that is negative, everything that will go wrong and find it difficult to think positive. Is it so difficult? The answer is it can be made simple and easy with conscious practice to think positive.
Thoughts create our Reality and this is the ONLY Truth.

Let’s do a self-assessment and find which areas of life we have positive and negative thoughts.
Answer the below questions in Yes and No
Do you criticize yourself?
Do you complain?
Do you blame others?
Do you worry?
Do you find faults in others?
Do you overcorrect family members?
Are you stressed most of the time?
Do you feel life is a struggle?
Do you get jealous?
Even if one answer is “YES” then there is a need to check the thoughts. Find the thoughts which are fueling such situations in life. You might feel it's impossible and very difficult to change thoughts and also might wonder what harm can a few negative thoughts do.
If the negative thoughts are serving you to excel in life and stay happy, do not change them. But the moment they start draining you, make things difficult for you, then take immediate action to change them and drop them from your life.
For example – Thoughts like “You need to work very hard to earn money” This thought serves in both positive and negative ways. This motivates many to work and make a good life for themselves in terms of money. But if this makes you feel how much ever you work, you won’t be able to earn money as the degree of work you do in your life does not qualify as hard work as per your definition then its time to sit back, reflect and change the thought so that you will be able to create the life of your dreams through your work.
Now the question remains How to change our thoughts?
Let me share my SECRET how I change my thoughts at the snap of the finger.
Children up to a certain age (around 2 years) live a very blissful life. If they are happy, they show it. If they are upset, they show it. They just don't have any carry forward. Whatever it is they settle it there and then. Be it happiness, anger or hurt. They just don't get any past in the next similar experience, nor do they imagine anything happening to them as per the past experience.
I just try and be like the small child and live in the moment. Remove the hurts and experiences of the past, uncertainties of the future, remove any attachments and what remains is only the present moment and positivity. Just surrender in the moment. This works wonders. Whenever I face a challenge, or the answer to any of the above questions is Yes for me, I pause and think how would the baby react. Voila, I just get my answer and helps me to think positive and stay in a neutral state of mind.
Make Thoughts Your Friend And Create A Life Of Your Desire!

Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Nilima Amit is a Bestseller Author, Holistic Life Coach, and Reiki Healer. Her life is a beautiful and interesting journey from having an opportunity to be born to Osho follower parents to self-discovering her own Calling. This journey transmuted in the formation of her company, One Life Many Jouneys™. Coincidentally her bestseller book is also with the same name. The mission of One Life Many Journeys™ is to spread the light and guide souls in their quest in emotional and spiritual quest. Her book, handcrafted workshops, and Reiki infused products like affirmation box, wish box, Money, and Relationship box are created to help in the same.