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“What Are Your Pain Points?” Exclusive Interview With Bethany Perry

As a gifted and intuitive Transformation Coach and Motivational Speaker, Bethany Perry has more than 30 years of experience in various healing modalities. She utilizes Neuroscience, Emotional Health, Nutrition, and Yoga to inspire clients to safely explore and overcome a variety of biopsychosocial challenges. These are the 4 pillars of Bethany Perry's Whole Life Healing method. By combining these pillars with the practice of meditation, Bethany’s compassionate approach gently and lovingly promotes healing, especially for clients who may not have had success with other methods.

She is a certified as: a Neuroscience Life & Health Coach; with the Daniel Amen Affiliated Education Center; Brainspotting Practitioner; Trauma & Resilience Coach through Arizona Trauma Institute; Transformational Coaching based on NLP methodology; Experienced Yoga Instructor; KRIPA Iyengar Yoga teacher for Addiction & Addiction related ailments including TBI, and more. Bethany is the owner and founder of Whole Life Healing Coach, and Whole Life Healing Centers, a nonprofit that provides comprehensive healing strategies for individuals and families impacted by emotional and physical trauma.

Bethany Perry, Transformation Trauma & Empowerment Coach

You’re a Transformational Coach serving clients around the world. Can you tell us more about your work and how you ended up where you are today? It has always been my ambition to serve people. I have been gifted with love and compassion for every human being. We all deserve to be loved. It is the most basic human need. When a person feels understood and accepted, they naturally begin to move towards inner healing.

Every human being experiences varying degrees of trauma over the course of their lives. Transformation and healing can best be achieved by approaching personal adversities and pain through a compassionate and holistic lens.

My work is to create a safe space where each individual can freely speak to what holds them back. This enables us to discover ways to release shame or fear and move toward the person they desire to become. My inspiration for this work comes from my own experiences with trauma and healing. After leaving an abusive marriage, I took a leap of faith and moved to Nova Scotia, Canada for new work opportunities. Leaving my adult children behind was not easy, but ultimately it was an act of providence as I met three significant individuals who supported the actualization of my dreams bringing me to my current life!

Personal transformation started with my first Life Coaching Certification Course at the Centre for Applied Neuroscience (CAN), where I studied with Dr. Mandy Wintink. I was already a yoga practitioner when I moved to NS, but while there I became a yoga teacher and was also introduced to Iyenger yoga by my now long-time teachers Leigh Milne and Father Joe Pereira, an Indian Catholic Priest. I was later trained in Father Joe Pereira’s Kripa Iyengar Yoga Training for addiction. I left NovaScotia due to the death of my younger brother Joel. In response to my grief, I was driven to work hard-so hard, in fact, that I spiraled into a health crisis. Nine months after he passed, I had a life changing stroke. I was adamant(stubborn is more like it) about getting my brain back.Even in my confused state, I knew I needed to read and learn as much as I could,so my brain would create new pathways, new connections to enable my life to be what it is now. My CAN training was paramount to healing from the stroke. I knew I needed to used my brain as much as possible and began a new course of study while in the hospital. I am forever grateful for family, friends, prayers and the healing I received. In less than a year after the stroke, I started my own coaching practice founded on what I consider to be the 4 pillars of wellness: The health of the brain and mind, the state of your emotional life, nutrition and the food we choose, and the spiritual component to the connection of our bodies, via the practice of yoga. I work with people from all walks of life and offer a VIP EliteService for high-profile individuals who often do not seek the help they need because of privacy and confidentiality concerns. My clients are C- Suite Executives, CEO’s, Therapists and Elite Athletes. I help them overcome trauma and anxiety in a safe and secure environment. In 2017, I created WholeLife Healing Centers, a non-profit for those suffering from trauma, specifically veterans, abuse & human trafficking. A place where those with PTSD can discover PTSG (post-traumatic stress growth). In 2019 I launched my own Coaching Certification Course, in order to make a bigger impact in the world by training others to support people in their healing journeys. You could say my life is amazingly full!

What would you say is the best thing about being a Transformational Coach, in addition to helping people? I love the variety of my work; no two people are the same and that is something I absolutely love. I also love that I am not limited by geography and can support people around the world. You have also created a nonprofit for trauma survivors, Coaching Certification Course, received the Yahoo Top Trauma Coach award, and were chosen as a 2022 Women to Look Up To Award. Have you encountered any major challenges during your journey and how have these affected you? Life is full of challenges and I truly believe that as we move through them those very challenges give us the opportunity to be better human beings. These experiences also afford us the ability to walk alongside someone else going through the same thing. My greatest personal challenge was losing my younger brother Joel when he was 48 years young. It has been by far the most difficult to recover from and yet, by choosing a healing journey,I have been able to transform my pain into power and resilience. You practice something called Brainspotting, what is this and how can it help people? Brainspotting is based on the concept that where you look affects how you feel. Specific eye positions enhance or decrease unpleasant body sensations that accompany emotional experiences. These sensations are stored in our nervous system and the eye position allows us to connect to traumas without reliving them. It is truly a gift for those who want to heal the disturbances where trauma lives within their nervous systems. Lately, I have been using trainspotting for weight loss and the benefits are amazing! Brainspotting is a wonderful technique that can truly help anyone.

If you want to know more I have a video on my website ( and if you are even more curious than that ‒ please reach out, I welcome a conversation. Is there something special that keeps you motivated? My desire to love humanity has been the key driver my entire life. It is an honor and gift to share the ability to transform pain and trauma into power and resilience with others. What’s the next big goal or project for Bethany and how can someone get in contact with you? I have a few next big goals:

  1. To train more coaches so more people can be served. Now more than ever, I feel this is imperative as the pandemic has created so much stress in people’s lives. Coaching is a beautiful way to bring healing to all.

  2. I already work with those in higher positions. My goal is to connect with leaders that don't feel like they have a safe place to go for healing (i.e. I would love to work with Will Smith. What happened clearly came from a trauma he is holding in his nervous system)

  3. To have multiple Whole LifeHealing Centers fully up and running, serving communities all over the United States and internationally.

What do you want to change in the world? While there are many things I would like to change,I feel the most important change is that everyone- and I mean everyone ‒ would not only be able to experience unconditional love, but also create and allow healing within themselves. This affords an individual to make choices that serve their mind, their body and their Soul, ultimately their entire life. This offers the perspective and ability to release judgment of self and others, creating a domino effect for unconditional love to abound everywhere and in everyone. A world where unconditional love abounds would also take care of the other things I desire change to occur: elimination of processed foods, slowing down the pace of our busy lives, having more open conversations with one another, and living more in harmony with nature…

What do you never apologize for?

Standing up for my beliefs or for my family and friends. Clients too for that matter. If you had an extra $100,000, what would you do with it? I would use it to purchase the property where Whole Life Healing Centers could begin in physical form. My ultimate dream is to have many physical centers where people can learn to garden, to cook, heal from their trauma, and come together to discover who they truly are and who they are choosing to become. What is your current guilty pleasure? Fortunately, I don’t experience guilt when experiencing pleasure. For me, some of my favorite pleasures are spending time with my children and grandchildren, enjoying a glass of wine with a friend, a long walk with my dog or an amazing massage. I also love to cook, weave baskets, sew, garden, and kayak. What advice would you give someone who is thinking about working with you, but not entirely sure yet?

The first thing I would say is to reach out and schedule time so we can have a conversation. We will never know if working together is a good fit if we don’t meet; it’s why my first session is free!

I don’t believe in high-pressure sales; I think a good fit is the most important thing for both the client and myself as the coach.

Secondly, I would ask you to reflect on these questions: “What are you looking for in a coach? Where do you need support? What is it that you are unsure of in thinking about working with me?”

“What are your pain points?”

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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