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What Are Suppressed Emotions And 8 Ways To Release Them

Shaundas Knighton Grant is well-known when it comes to releasing suppressed emotions, forgiveness and love manifestations. She is the intuitive forgiveness life coach behind Blue Lotus Crown and the author of Heart Awakening, published in 2023.

Executive Contributor Shaundas Knighton

If you are a parent or have younger family members, you’ve probably watched the movie Inside Out. In the movie, viewers are taken on a journey through the landscapes of Riley’s inner world, exploring the hidden valleys where her suppressed emotions reside. This movie is one reminder of the importance of mastering our emotional guidance system. Let’s explore suppressed emotions, recognize the signs they leave in our minds and bodies, and learn how to release them, so that we may live a more abundant life. 

a person with an intense, serious expression. Their eyebrows are furrowed, and their eyes are sharply focused, conveying a strong sense of anger,

What are suppressed emotions?

Imagine emotions as streams of water flowing through our being. When we allow them to flow freely, they nourish and cleanse our souls. But when we block them, they stagnate, creating emotional dams, or energetic blockages, that can lead to mental and physical issues. 

So, what are suppressed emotions? Suppressed emotions are the feelings we push deep down into the corners of our hearts and minds, often because we find them too painful, too inconvenient, or just too difficult to express. They are the unspoken words you want to say to an ex-partner, the tears we held inside when our parents yelled at us as kids, and the unexpressed anger felt after being mistreated at work. These emotions can range from frustration and grief to anger and bitterness. If they are not released, suppressed emotions become like weeds around an abandoned house, affecting our physical and emotional well-being in subtle yet profound ways.

The neuroscience behind suppressed emotions

Our brains are so complex. They are designed to help us make decisions, stay safe, learn new information, and process our emotions. The limbic system, particularly the amygdala and hippocampus, plays a central role in how we experience and remember our emotions. Intense emotions have these regions of our brain light up like a Christmas tree. When we suppress emotions, we interrupt the natural processing that occurs in the brain.

Suppressed emotions do not simply disappear; they become stored in the subconscious mind and, in turn, can affect our thoughts, behaviors, and physical health. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for rational thought and decision-making, works tirelessly to bury these emotions deep in our psyche. Believe it or not, this consistent suppression leads to chronic stress, as the body remains in a state of fight or flight, continuously releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

However, research has shown that practices like meditation can reduce the size of the amygdala, the brain’s fear center. This can lead to experiencing less anxiety and better emotional regulation. Physical activity has been found to increase the production of endorphins, our body’s happy chemicals.

Symptoms of suppressed emotions

Let’s be real—suppressing emotions is like holding a beach ball underwater. Eventually, it’s going to pop up. This energy can pop up as a mental, or physical disease. Think of a disease like this: the body is in a state of dis-ease. Our bodies and minds will display signs when emotions are suppressed. Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  1. Chronic stress and anxiety: Suppressed emotions can keep the body in a state of constant tension. This can lead to anxiety and other stress-related disorders.

  2. Physical ailments: Headaches, digestive issues, muscle tension, and fatigue can all be physical manifestations of suppressed emotions.

  3. Emotional outbursts: When emotions are not expressed in a healthy manner, they can erupt unexpectedly, often over minor issues. 

  4. Difficulty in relationships: Suppressed emotions can block intimacy and trust, making it hard to connect with others. The Emotion Release sessions I offer release these emotional barriers energetically. By releasing these barriers, my client friends have been able to heal the hurt that sabotages their relationships and attract more aligned connections.

The journey to release: Healing suppressed emotions

Imagine you’re at a fancy dinner party. You’ve dressed up, you’re mingling, and suddenly you see someone who reminds you of an ex. Rather than address your unresolved feelings, you stuff them down and chat politely. But internally, it’s like there’s a party crasher—an elephant in the room, wearing a tuxedo and doing the cha-cha. You can’t ignore it forever. Eventually, it will make its way over to you and step on your toes.

Releasing suppressed emotions is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and healing. Don’t get me wrong. The journey isn’t easy. Many people cannot release 20 years of suppressed emotions in one hour. It requires patience, compassion, and a willingness to face your shadows. Here are some techniques to help you start your emotion release practice:

1. Meditation

Cultivate a practice of meditation to become more aware of your emotions without judgment. Meditation can help quiet the mind and create a safe space for emotions to surface and be acknowledged. If you have never meditated, start small. Set aside 5 minutes in the morning to get in tune with your heart. Focus on your breathing and imagine any blockages in your heart being cleared.

2. E-journaling

Write down your thoughts and emotions on your phone using the Notes app. E-Journaling is a powerful tool for processing emotions and gaining insight into your inner world. Allow yourself to write freely about what emotion you are experiencing, without judgment. Get it all out!

3. Move your body

Regular physical exercise can help you to release built-up tension and stress. Activities like yoga, running, or dancing can help you connect with your body and let go of suppressed emotions.

5. Get creative

Use creative outlets such as painting, coloring books, music, or writing to express emotions that are difficult to put into words. Creativity allows you to channel your feelings into something tangible and beautiful. 

6. Breathwork

Deep breathing exercises easily calm the nervous system and release emotional tension. Techniques like the Pyramid 3-6-9 breathing method can help to regulate your emotions and relax your body. 

7. Self-love

It’s important to treat yourself with compassion and forgiveness. Understand that everyone has suppressed emotions. If you find an undesirable memory at the core of a suppressed emotion, It's Okay! If you have difficulty with negative self-talk, imagine speaking to yourself as you would to your best friend.

When we release suppressed emotions, we counteract the body’s stress response, lowering cortisol levels- which removes the appearance of a “cortisol face”. Engaging in just a few of the activities listed above, such as mindfulness, physical exercise, and creative expression, can begin to release emotional tension. 

Emotions are a natural part of being human. They are messages from our inner world, guiding us toward understanding and growth. It’s time that we all take a moment to listen to the whispers of our souls and honor the wisdom that lies within the crevices of our pain. In doing so, we find the strength to release what no longer serves us and the courage to embrace who we are at the core of our being: Love.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!

Read more from Shaundas Knighton


Shaundas Knighton, Certified Forgiveness Life Coach

Shaundas Knighton Grant is a leader in forgiveness, emotion release and vibrational alignment. An escape from an abusive marriage and traumatic pregnancy loss, Shaundas discovered energy healing techniques to dramatically release suppressed emotions, rewire limiting negative self-talk and align with manifestations. She has since dedicated her life to helping others heal from the hurt that sabotages their lives and relationships. She is the owner of Blue Lotus Crown, with coaching clients around the world.



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