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Wellness Linguistics – The Language That Builds Healthy Mindsets In Business Settings

Written by: Mira Taylor, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Mira Taylor

In much of the business world there is an effort to enforce a sense of competition that often ends up resulting in short-term but unsustainable success. The majority of where this mindset resides is in the language that is most commonly used in the workplace (and the Western world generally) that promotes a competition mindset that usually isn’t the healthiest for employees, leaders or businesses over time. It’s important to understand that the way we use language to create and articulate beliefs within ourself and with others plays a crucial role in how we view the world, how we conduct ourselves and how we achieve (or don’t achieve results) in life and is almost always rooted in the way our mind is set. It’s important for HR professionals and business leaders especially to be aware of how important it is to learn and encourage a language style that promotes long-term sustainable values and beliefs in the organizational setting. Its also important to learn how to engage with employees and those who work in the business setting in a way that appreciates existing beliefs, how common or uncommon they are in the work setting and to be able to see the existing ways that those more common beliefs are either benefiting or harming the business.

A paragraph with a woman in background.

Some examples of language styles and beliefs that aren’t always beneficial for a business or organizational setting include ones that promote a psychology that promotes an unhealthy sense of competition within the organizational environment that becomes self-harming. At its worst this is a competitive mindset that promotes natures that are more rooted in a desire for unhealthy rivalries and a lack of camaraderie in workplace. This means that the leaders and employees in the work setting see the people who they are supposed to work alongside as being someone they have to focus on being better than in some way as opposed to someone who they can have a healthy relationship and rapport with. These sorts of cooperative relationships in the workplace have been proven to provide for the most sustainably beneficial results for the employees and the business or organization itself.

Overtime this is also incredibly important for the mental and spiritual health of the employees, leaders and the business or organization that they are a part of. Specific language styles that express less beneficial mindsets and beliefs in the workplace setting include things like… “Business is a cutthroat world.”, “You will need to sacrifice to get ahead in business.” Or the belief that there needs to be a focus on how you can “take down” other businesses or organizations as opposed to learning how to focus on working with other businesses or organizations for mutual benefit. All of these types of language styles build and promote beliefs and ideologies that create a sense of survivalism and aggressiveness that is more of a damaging nature – ways of being that take us away from our wealthier natures of trust and cooperation in a way that roots us in a more fear-based mind.

When we are in a more fear-based mindset, we are less likely to be able to be fully open to and engaged with our heart mind as an intellect and, therefore less likely to be able to sustain or be present in beneficial “flow states” at work. This also means working with and promoting language that helps to encourage the idea of thinking and acting from the heart as a part of business, instead of suppressing it or turning it off to be able to compete more ruthlessly. The more our heart mind is active and engaged in a work setting the more we are able to get done for ourselves and others in a way that feels enjoyable and connective (feeding to our mind, body and spirit) instead of feeling like suffered work that is taking from our mind, body and spirit.

This is why it’s important for businesses and organizations to learn how to promote and work with language styles that help to instill and grow beliefs that impart concepts of camaraderie and an awareness of the wealth and prosperity that is created in a sustainable way from a focus on cooperative values and a desire to achieve a shared purpose and mission in life – including in the life and mind of the individuals who work with those businesses or organizations. Making this type of language style a focus for leadership and HR professionals should be a priority in that it helps to provide for healthier, wealthier and more sustainable relationships with other businesses and organizations, as well as, providing for the health and wellness of the employees in a way that creates better employee retention and word of mouth from those who work with and at the business by the nature of their experience of the energy that is provided there.

For more information on ways to improve mental and spiritual wellness in the workplace visit here and be sure to checkout Mira’s recent webinar with

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Mira Taylor Brainz Magazine

Mira Taylor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mira Taylor is an Integrative Therapist, Subconscious Medium & Organizational Wellness Consultant who focuses on guiding clientele toward total wellness by combining concepts of psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and sustainable life practices. Mira is a member of the International Association of Therapists and master certified in Modern Applied Psychology, Cognitive Remodeling Therapy, Subconscious Integration Therapy, Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness, Wellness Linguistics, and Archetypal Psychology.

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