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Weather Any Storm – 4 Keys To Staying Empowered When Life Gets Messy

Written by: Kirsteen Williamson-Guinn, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Kirsteen Williamson-Guinn

In these turbulent times, it’s evident that we are navigating through many storms – be they environmental, economic, or political.

man standing at the beach under black cloudy sky

Moreover, organisations are constantly resizing, restructuring, and redefining their purpose and priorities, causing disruption across various industries.

When you layer on personal challenges and issues within family and relationships, it is no wonder life can feel overwhelming and messy.

As a confidence and transition coach, I believe that staying empowered amidst the chaos is possible and here are four keys to help you weather any storm:

1. Own it – Taking responsibility for your life

The first and most crucial step in staying empowered during difficult times is to own your situation and take responsibility for it.

While there may be factors beyond your control, focusing on what you can influence is the key to change and improvement.

Remember you always have the power to choose your response.

Once you take ownership and responsibility, you gain the ability to steer your life in the direction you desire.

2. Take time to think – Cultivating thoughtful responses

When life gets messy, it’s easy to react with knee-jerk responses. But these reactions are rarely our best choices. You must carve out time for yourself to gain clarity about the situation and its implications. Take a step back, think things through, and consider the outcomes you want to create. By doing so, you can make decisions aligned with your goals and aspirations. Rather than being stuck amid chaos.

3. Ask for support – Embracing the power vulnerability

Asking for help and support can be a challenging step for many of us. We may fear judgment or believe we should be able to handle everything ourselves. Yet, there is great strength in vulnerability. Once you have clarity about your needs and desires, don’t hesitate to ask for the support necessary to achieve them. You’ll often find that people are willing to lend a helping hand when you express your requirements openly and honestly. Being specific about what you need makes it easier for others to offer their assistance, leading to a more supportive and nurturing environment.

4. Create empowering structures and strategies

To move forward in the face of adversity, it’s crucial to create structures and strategies that support your journey. Identifying and replacing unhelpful patterns with empowering ones is the key to progress. For example, if you aspire to a promotion at work, hiding and avoiding speaking up won’t get you there. Instead, find ways to be seen and heard in different circles where you can authentically contribute. It might involve engaging in new conversations or networking with different groups. By designing your path and environment, you increase your chances of success.

In conclusion, staying empowered amidst life’s messiness requires a conscious effort to take ownership, think thoughtfully, seek support, and create empowering structures. By embracing these four keys, you will not only weather any storm, but also emerge stronger, wiser, and ready to conquer new challenges.

Remember, you have the power within you to weather life’s storms and come out victorious on the other side. Stay empowered, you’ve got this!

Kirsteen Williamson-Guinn Brainz Magazine

Kirsteen Williamson-Guinn, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kirsteen is an experienced senior leader with 15 years at Director level in a large corporation. She has a proven track record in delivering commercial growth and cultural transformation across large teams. After experiencing stress and anxiety in her life and losing her confidence for the first time in her career, Kirsteen created her business Return to Work in November 2019 (now Elevate Women). This business was created to support people in the most stressful time in their career, when they return to work. As a transformational confidence and transition coach, Kirsteen enables her clients to build unshakeable confidence so they can step up in their career, or step out and build a business.

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