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We Help Human Beings Become Free Of The Human Condition ‒ Interview With Nicky Clinch

Nicky Clinch is a Master Maturation Facilitator & Teacher, workshop leader, Hay House author and Shamanic Healer. Nicky leads people from all over the world through profound life-changing processes, allowing them to heal from the root, becoming free of their past and come home to who they truly are. A leading expert in the field of human behaviour and the human condition, ontology, healing trauma and energetic intelligence, Nicky is dedicated to using her life to serve the evolution of human consciousness on our planet and for human beings to discover their truest infinite potential. Founding and leading The Alchemy of Being: Academy of Maturation Coaching, she has now trained hundreds of people globally.

Nicky Clinch, Master Maturation Coach + Shamanic Healer

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Well this year I turned 43 which feels like a big deal somehow. I have been with my husband for 12 years and I have 2 beautiful children, a 4yr old son and a 9yr old daughter. We live on the most beautiful land on the edge of the NZ bush in West Auckland where we are committed to becoming as fully self-sustainable as we can. We are building a bio-dynamic kitchen garden on the land, growing as much as we can. We have three chickens that roam freely, two bunnies, five wild ducks that live on the pond and our beautiful black cat (that thinks he’s a panther) called Pango (which is the Maori word for black).

Let’s just say we live a full and nourishing life. I’m extremely grateful.

I run my entire business from the home ‒ my office has two walls of glass that allows me to sit at my desk and look out over the land. It is the most incredible thing to be able to sit and connect with people all over the planet every single day and run my company that is primarily based in UK and Europe all whilst living this life immersed in nature.

I don’t think of my work as work, it is without a doubt my purpose and my passion. I feel lucky every single day to do be able to do what I do and doing it every day feeds my life and makes it better. I count myself extremely lucky to be able to have such a relationship with my work ‒ rising and evolving consciousness, deep healing and connection are my passions. I also love to cook, grow food, I love travel and adventure, exploring stunning areas of nature. I love people, connecting, socialising and equally I love being alone at home. I am one of those people that just need both in equal measure.

My heritage is I am Chinese/Malaysian/Thai mixed with English and Russian. I grew up in Hong Kong and spent most of my childhood travelling all over Asia. I flew on my first transatlantic flight alone at the age of 5 so I often feel like no one country is my home but the whole planet. This aligns with my work where I feel like no one kind of person is my focus but the human species.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

My business name is Nicky Clinch Ltd. and our company vision is for human beings to come home to being so they can pass it on to the children and the next generation.

We help human beings become free of the human condition and the suffering that is generated from this. The work we offer is immensely deep, it takes real courage and commitment but the gift, the promise is real freedom and coming home to one’s true self.

I don’t mean this in a ‘woo woo’ way ‒ Maturation is a very grounded rooted ontological process of educating people on the mechanism and functionality of the human mind and how we generate our appearing reality. By working through our maturation process, we help people break free of their attachments to their stories and identities generated by the human mind, that keep people stuck in repeated patterns and loops of their pasts. These repeating patterns create immense levels of suffering and struggle, rob people of their true power, freedom and life-force and then get passed on through the generations.

When people come to work with us and become free of the attachments to the stories, identities and movement of the human mind, they can truly come into alignment on a bodymind level and start to live from a space of infinite possibility and presence. Allowing them to start generating life from the present (rather than repeating the past), opening the possibility of creating a new paradigm from the future.

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

Well in honesty, in Maturation, if you are human then it relates to you as we work with the human condition. Generally, the people that come to us are those that have already done a substantial amount of work, self-actualization and healing on themselves and even though they are already ok, they keep finding themselves repeating similar patterns that are limiting them from the immense possibility of what they dream. We work with both men and women; our target age group is 32-50. These people are usually done with finding more strategies to manage life and are interested in living from a space of freedom, self-accountability and presence.

What are your current goals for your business?

We have a goal to impact 1 million human beings, facilitating them to break free of the past and live beyond the story so they can pass on a new level of consciousness to future generations.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

Hands down my children inspire me every single day. Every time I look at them I see our future and I feel the responsibility to teach them how to be the leaders of our future. The children of our world are our future leaders and they are learning from who we as the adults are being much more than what we are doing or saying. If we are filled with resentment, fear, anger, blame; if we are judging each other and fighting for more war and separation, they are learning from us and will repeat these patterns for generations to come. That is the nature of the human condition. And so, we have an immense responsibility right now on our planet; who each of us are being in our lives and with each other, is what is going to sculpt the future. And so, my children are my inspiration.

Second to that, my clients. I count myself to be immensely lucky to be able to work with many human beings at extremely deep levels. I feel lucky people are willing to tell me the truth about themselves every day and allow me/us to take them to the deepest roots of themselves in service of their maturation. To be able to witness human beings heal deeply and break free of suffering and come home to who they truly are is a gift. Every day I witness this and it gifts me with quite an extraordinary viewpoint on life and the value of every single moment we get to be here alive on earth. Therefore, beyond my children, my clients gift me this every day and it inspires me to want to be better.

What is your work inspired by?

All the old teachers ‒ David Bohm, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Adyashanti, Mooji, Ken Wilber, Anthony Demasio, Prema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh… but also, the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and five elements theory I absorbed and learnt from my Buddhist Thai/Chinese grandparents, who taught me just from who they were being, the natural flow of change that is life and to live from a place of compassion and non-attachment.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

So many and I must admit, many of the most fulfilling ones happen inside a 1:1 client session or our Listening to Life programme, where not many publicly will see. That moment when a human being releases something of their past they’ve carried for a lifetime, and it literally changes how they appear right in front of us. Wow, it makes everything worthwhile.

Publicly, launching my first book. When we hit our first million in the company. When our hero programme, Listening to Life became fully international where we enable participants from all over the planet to be all in one room. Selling out our Alchemy of Being 2022 maturation coaching programme in 6 weeks ‒ that was amazing.

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

Gosh, I am not interested in being judgmental but I feel there are so many coaches offering services to others without truly having done the deeper healing work on themselves. Which often leads to trauma and survival patterns and identities running the show. We have 80% coaches and psychotherapists in our current Alchemy of Being training programme and they are surprised to discover how much they carry unresolved within them that they didn’t even know about.

The more we can truly offer service from a space beyond trauma, beyond survival within our own self ‒ the more we can break the cycles and create a new paradigm of living and being for our species.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today. I have had many but I know I would not be who I am today if I hadn’t gone through such challenges and dark times in my younger years. Facing the absolute hell that comes with addiction as a young person and the shame and hopelessness that comes with that was one of the greatest gifts of my life. Why? Because I not only overcame it but I have truly become free of it and it will forever gift me with a deep sense of gratitude for life and for being here. It also allows me to be with other humans in their darkest places, because whatever they struggle with or have been to, I have been there myself.

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