Written by: Katherine Vilnrotter, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

This article is for anyone who is on a journey of healing, anyone who has ever tried to understand themselves and their circumstances more, and anyone who has looked for meaning in their human existence.
My voice is just one among many. It is nothing special nor is it terribly unique. I have gone through many things that humans have been going through for ages. What is unique, however, is my experience of those things and how those experiences lead me on my path to understanding myself more, seeing myself more clearly, and ultimately loving and accepting myself more. The way I do that is mine alone, and no one else’s. The same is true for you.

I have been on a deep and powerful healing journey for the past 11 years, and I have finally realized that the ultimate healing tool for me is to share my experiences with others. So, I have started writing articles, publishing books, singing, and sharing in new ways. It’s not only important for me to share my experiences, but also how I got through them, learned from them, and continue to heal from them. And with that, I share this poem with you, ‘We Dawn Together.’
This poem is the culmination and conclusion of an 11-year healing cycle I have been journeying through. Its words and rhythms hold the vibrations and frequencies of just that, the completion of a deep learning cycle that brought me closer to me. This cycle began with the trauma of brutal gang rape, continued with several abusive relationships, and concluded with the shedding and cleansing pain of a miscarriage. It felt like my recent miscarriage was symbolically, energetically, and physically clearing out my body and my system from the residue of a cycle of emotional, reproductive, and sexual abuse.
The healing languages of my individuated self seem to be poems and tones. By that, I mean that when I truly connect with myself, with my heart and soul, the messages I receive come to my conscious mind through writing poems or singing tones. Over the past 11 years, I have connected to many energies that have resulted in poems. But this poem is the first one that I allowed myself to receive verbally. By that, I mean that I whispered these words into a voice recorder instead of writing them down, which is what I usually do. It took about 20 minutes to receive the whole thing. Some may say I channeled it. Others may say that I had a moment of inspiration. Whatever term you feel comfortable with is fine.
These words are the expression of energy I connected with in a time of deep and profound peace while visiting friends in Connecticut. I was only able to receive the vibration because I was in a state of deep and profound peace, one that I had not experienced before. That peace allowed me to release residues of pain that my system had been holding on to. I was able to let it all go. When the energy-filtered through my consciousness it came out in poetic verse.
I felt compelled to share this poem because of the meaning and vibrational signature it carries – deep and profound peace. I know I am not the only one completing and releasing a cycle at this time. There are many of us working through our stuff simultaneously. And that’s why I felt it important to share the vibrations of this message. Its vibration helped me clear and release so much, and I hope that it can do the same for even just one person reading this.
If you feel called to, try this.
Find a comfortable and relaxing position for your body.
Still your mind.
Allow your awareness to focus on your heart and its energy.
Allow that energy in your heart to expand.
Invite in the energy of this poem as you read it to yourself, speak it out loud, or even print out a physical copy of it and hold it in your hands as you breathe in and out, slowly and steadily.
Notice how you feel as you open up and invite in the energy of release, completion, healing, and peace.
We Dawn Together
The dawning of a brand-new day
The time has come to pave the way
For bright and beauty from the bay
The painful days are over
With heart and love, I open wide
The light flows in to come inside
Inviting me to come alive
A whole new day is dawning
The time my dear has come to play
Release the fear and come away
With heart and love with life and joy
Like playing with a brand-new toy
The fear no longer needs to stay
The hurt and pain can float away
The mist and fog release the fray
Become a brand-new morning
Breathe in, my dear, it is ok
To let it go, to let it fade
The past is gone another day
The brand-new times are dawning
With love and peace, you can release
The pain, the anger, and the beast
Of brilliant wretching hard to piece
Together what is dawning
You may not know, you may not see
It’s time right now to just believe
That what is coming what is here
Will help you to release the fear
Let go the hurt let go the pain
Allow the dawning of the day
Allow the peace, allow the joy
To open what you can employ
With all the magic hidden well
A brand-new story it will tell
Of growth of loving and of new
A brand-new life it shows to you
Release the pain, release the sorrow
Knowing that a new tomorrow
Will help you see will help you know
The love and life there is in tow
To open arms and open hearts
The stories of a brand-new start
The pain no longer needs to stay
The fear and hurt will be at bay
For they have done their needed chore
It’s time for you to not endure
Another moment of unwell
The rising sun will break the spell
And part the clouds release the light
Uncover what was just in spite
And hidden deep beneath the trees
Crunching leaves and trails to see
That in your heart and in your mind
That now my dear has come the time
For every soul and every rhyme
To be in tune with love sublime
Release the past release the fear
The hate and anger now my dear
Is in the past, put it behind
Knowing deeply that in time
Their lessons and the pain to come
Showed you was a kind of love
A kind of love from up above
Above the fog that’s looming
We part the clouds we bring the light
Allow the love that’s come in spite
Of all you’ve felt with all your might
Another day is dawning
This brand-new day, I do believe
That when you love and when you see
That you, my dear, are what was there
Beneath the pain you held
The golden light that is your truth
The love and harmony uncouth
Release them dear, into the light
Do not believe that you need fright
Allow yourself to love with might
The brand-new breath of morning
The peaceful dew upon the leaves
And in the park, there with the trees
The lonely cardinals do believe
It’s time for your new morning
And so, this message comes my dear
Into your brain so you can clear
The residue that’s holding tight
Connecting you to fear that might
Be in your future if its tight-
Ly held to your tomorrow
Right now, the morning and the peace
Allowing you to just release
This is the choice of which you seek
The choice of your tomorrow
Will you hold on to fear and fright?
Will you allow it strength and might?
Or will you let it go, my love
Into the fogg-ed morning
Into the lake, into the trees
Into the moss, into the seas
The squirrels and the birds rejoice
That here, right now you have the choice
Of perfect love and perfect joy
A new beginning you employ
If you so choose, the love you use
Will bring your new tomorrow
So just allow your heart to grow
The love and joy you have bestow
Their light and healing upon you
On everything you say and do
For when you choose to be the love
Release the fear, allow a nudge
From up above, from down below
Encourage energy to flow
Connecting heart and mind and feet
To the cosmos and beneath
Into the earth that we hold dear
A brand-new friend will come and hear
The ways you say, the ways you see
How you are starting to believe
That what you do and what you say
Allows the truth of your new day
Allowing every single cell
every fiber, now a bell
to ring, to sound unto the world
allowing peace and joy unfurl
with every breath which holds more light
with every breath reducing fright
release it to the world my dear
no need to walk and be in fear
it’s of your greatness that you hear
the story of your dawning
the dawning now each breath of light
will move the dial towards the light
the sun will rise, the fog will fade
allowing you to come away
with knowledge and a knowing bright
to help the others find the light
11 years of holding tight
Of hardships with the love in sight
We can release, and now can flow
With yellow, red, and indigo
Of all the colors holding true
And knowing that they’re part of you
Here comes the day, here comes the dawn
Allow your face to smile
Allow your body to relax
Allow your bones an exhale
For of the new, entice the right
We come together in the light
When all its colors shine their might
Into our new tomorrow
This new tomorrow I can see
I know that it is part of me
This new tomorrow in the light
We hold each other brightly
The fog has faded to the sea
The sun has risen before me
Allowing us to clearly see
What’s standing right in front of me
The beauty and the clarity
The fog and nature couldn’t breathe
Along with me I held my breath
A time was here for learning
The cycle can release, my friend
Encourage you to start again
To get to know these brand-new friends
With light and tender knowing
Allow the moss, allow the stones
The wall they form,
You know, they know
Depicting lines of older times
The shadows held beneath the grime
As water flows the knowing grows
Allow its deepest yearning
To show itself inside of me
Allow its knowledge to be free
To help me up so I can see
What’s standing here in front of me
I let it go, I choose the path
I close my eyes, accept the staff
And holding tight, use more than half
My energy is growing
It’s time to end this poem, my dear
Now that things are coming clear
You can release and let it go
Allow the love inside to grow
You are the light of a new day
Now learn to see and learn to play
Release the love that’s come to stay
Your energy is open
We love you all, were here for you
No matter what you choose to do
You come with us, you’re here in rhyme
The brand-new day is dawning
And with this choice
We all rejoice
We come alive together
The brand-new seed
is what you need
You have it there
beyond the bleed
And so, at last
the time has passed
of fear and doubtful churnings
Now you can see
that you are free
That now it’s safe
To finally be
Your deepest self
With warm embrace
Your brand new day is dawning
Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!

Katherine Vilnrotter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Katherine Vilnrotter, of The Love Cure, is a mental and emotional wellness practitioner, entrepreneur, and author. After surviving a life-shattering sexual assault while serving in the Peace Corps, Katherine spent the next 11 years healing her brain, body and energy system. When the mental health system in the US was convinced that she would always have PTSD, she wasn’t. Suffering through almost 5 years of full-blown PTSD, searching for answers and learning about what she was experiencing, she finally found the Human Givens approach. After 1 Human Givens rewind session, she could feel something shift in her brain and over the following months, she witnessed her world expand in ways she never thought possible. Now a Human Givens practitioner herself (and fully PTSD free and thriving), Katherine continues to further her healing in new and deeper ways, exploring and discovering new healing tools. Katherine is passionate about sharing the healing tools that helped her heal herself and guide her clients through their own healing journey. Her two main practices are the Human Givens approach and energy harmonizing (a modality she developed using energetic and vibrational tools such as BioGeometry, sound, meditation and brain/body connection). Through Katherine’s continued education and self-healing, she is uniquely equipped to meet clients where they are, and guide them through their own healing.