Written by: Charmie Torres, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

With the uncertainty of when the pandemic will end, staying at home most days can take a toll on our mental health. According to the World Health Organization, millions of people across the globe increasingly feel emotionally distressed during these times. Not to mention, no one expected the pandemic to go on for this long, leaving feelings of frustration, helplessness, and isolation in our lives.

The disruption in our daily routines meant facing challenging situations each week. Coming up with ways to survive while working from home and attending to personal responsibilities is not an easy task. Continuing to exist this way can be daunting, and barely getting by each week creates an endless cycle of exhaustion. To go one step further than surviving is thriving. It’s a psychological state that allows us to experience resiliency, growth, and even happiness rather than feeling stagnant and helpless.
This challenging experience is something we can use as an opportunity to learn from, so let’s explore some helpful tips that can make you thrive, not just survive.
Check your surroundings.
Who or what do you surround yourself with? Whether online or offline, the consumption of social media, people we hang out with, or conflicting messages from news outlets often affects our mood without warning. Being exposed to negative environments clouds our way of thinking. We lose focus and end up dwelling on them for a long period of time. So, try being more aware of the outlets that don’t benefit you and take simple steps to move away from it.
Be watchful of your thoughts and words.
Our thoughts often translate to how we feel and, most especially, in our words. Cultivate a more conscious way of thinking and speaking to yourself. A study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society found that speaking positive words to plants helps them grow faster, so imagine what positive words can do to our own well-being.
Contrary to popular belief, practicing self-care covers more than just treating ourselves to an expensive bottle of wine or dinner. It’s a habit that should cover our overall health and wellness. This means sleep, nutrition, and exercise should always be a priority. Research shows a lack of it contributes to stress and unproductivity. It takes just a little self-control to eat right and exercise frequently. Once you’ve created the habit, regular practice comes in easily in the long term.
Try neutral thinking.
Sometimes automatically worrying about our situation is the first instinct. Try adapting a more neutral mindset to reduce feelings of decline. For example, take the sentence, “I’m struggling right now,” and replace it with a more neutral statement like, “This is a struggle.” Adding a positive connotation after the statement is also valuable, for instance, “This is a struggle, but I will get through it.” By acknowledging and addressing the situation, you are left feeling more focused on your next action.
Practice Gratitude.
The practice of gratitude each day or week lets us reflect on areas in our lives for which we are thankful for. Saying it out loud or writing it down helps remind us of the good we have in our lives. Focusing on the things we appreciate creates more lasting positive emotions and helps us let go of the negative ones.
It takes time and practice to thrive, but once achieved, it changes the way we perceive the world and interact with it. The shift in a more positive way of thinking allows us to be resilient and hopeful in the face of adversity. And so, incorporate these steps into your daily routine to help you do just that.

Charmie Torres, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Charmie Torres is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Löngun, a business process outsourcing company. Löngun was conceived in 2018 in response to clients who needed more than accounting services. Born and raised in the Philippines and studied in one of the top universities in the UK, Charm aims to bridge both worlds to develop a diverse work culture and environment. “It was a knee-jerk reaction to offer administrative, virtual assistance, and graphic design services as well because this is what many of our customers needed to grow their ventures.” With a team of well-rounded and experienced professionals (a motley crew of accountants, customer service professionals, technical experts, graphic artists, and administrative personnel), Löngun’s mission is to help business owners focus on scaling their business by taking care of the company’s non-core activities and streamline their workflow. Also, serve as a catalyst to her Filipino employees to reach their fullest potential.