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Ways To Deepen Your Relationship With Eternal Love

Written by: Nicky Burke, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When you show up for yourself, you inspire all the souls you meet on your journey. Each day of your life becomes one of inner mastery, of deepening your truth, instead of a life based upon limiting belief systems and dependency on other peoples’ ability to attain alignment; YOU become your own personal point of power and love.

When you choose to live this way, your personal universe evolves. It's a delicate mixture of playing out old wounding and meeting the higher within you. If you’d rather live from your creator/creatrix energy, there are tools to help you alchemize the situations you face, resulting in the expansion of consciousness and bringing change into all of your relationships. This journey always begins with choosing your relationship with SELF and for many people, their connection to “source,” or something more!

Here are a few ways to deepen your relationship with eternal love:

Choosing it

Choosing to be self-responsible for who you are and the connections you make in life takes courage and will! The will to go within, to recognise that what’s happening in the 3D is only a reflection of your internal dialogue. Have you thought about what yours sounds like lately? From the internal stories, we are either experiencing life through the perceived wounding and beliefs of the past or a deep love that's available to us all in every moment. When your wounding arises, it’s important to feel what those human emotions are telling you because as a creator of your reality, choosing to acknowledge them without blame or shame is the best form of inner medicine; we ALL hold conditioning that is for us to move through for our highest good. It does not need to define us. My belief system's story is “I don’t belong,” but once I redefined this, I experienced myself immersing in life rather than feeling like I was living on the outside. It’s a daily practice to remember who I really am …

So how do I go from living a life of pain to a life of my heart?

To acknowledge that you have a choice is the first step. Like planting a new seed in the ground, each day can be a nourishing development of sovereignty, focus, and most importantly a choice of your will. In time, your internal values will outweigh your scars… and you will feel the energetic difference within you that leads to external manifestation and most importantly self-love.

The journey to self-empowerment

It only takes one whisper of magic from the higher to change your subconscious message and realise that love is for you and within you. As a child we experience events we often define as trauma/self-limiting and from this point we create beliefs about ourselves and how we must be in the world, these can often be helpful as a child but they do not support us to thrive or redefine ourselves later in life. As an adult, it is our personal responsibility to awaken to the knowledge that we are unconditionally loved, and that from the state of innocence, (a perception without limiting beliefs ) we can rise again. All you need is the curiosity to try and make the decision that you are worth it. When you choose to engage with this part of you connected through all time and space, you will love life again with a new awakening. You can walk down the same streets you walked yesterday witnessing everything differently with an open heart, heightening your senses and loosening the effect of the veil of lower vibrations. Many people experience ecstatic states like this through meditation, dance, breathwork and yoga. Still, they go straight back to their limited perceptions afterward. Just so you know you can experience this whenever you like! - It's for us to make life happen. I

What gets in the way?

Aiming for external love to validate our being is a goal that is often sold to us by the media & can block us from receiving our own love first! The doubting and looking through the library of evidence you have stored over a lifetime will keep you where you are, you have to choose to develop a curiosity and ignite your courage to love yourself deeper.

How do I get there?

One step at a time, we can carve out what love truly is for us and reshape our journey. This is a journey that only you can do for yourself. The tools are endless. You don’t need to follow my ways. You can ask yourself in meditation. If you need guidance here is my valentines offering, a simple ritualistic practice of self-love.

Firstly light a new candle, if you have the choice bring one in that has a colour that is calling you. Secondly, bring something which offers you comfort and joy.

Lastly, create a space that allows your nervous system to relax and switch off from the outside world, creating a little womb of love.

I advise anything from 5 minutes of practice to… as long as you like. Ask yourself these simple questions which you can enter from a meditative or quiet space.

  • What do I love about myself? If this is too challenging, write down qualities other people like about you, or something kind someone has said in the past. Write this deep appreciation of yourself and fill yourself up with all of the beautiful qualities you have.

  • When you feel complete ask yourself, how can I give more love to myself? What can I do to show myself every day that I am worthy of my own love?

  • Finally, you can play soft music and choose to put this in an envelope for yourself, placing it in a special place. If you want to plant the seed … go digging in your garden and plant that paper!

It's important to have fun with the process. I have many clients who realise how disconnected they are from their heart, which can be a shock at first; however, once you have an awareness of this, you have the key to making changes in your life.

Extend this love out to personal relationships

This Valentine's Day is a special time to celebrate love in all forms, you can dedicate space to someone who has crossed over, a friend or even someone you once loved and heal the relationship with the intention of forgiveness. When you find these blissful states within yourself, you realise that there is nothing that you need outside of you or any internal feelings of resentment or pain, for you are whole!

Relationship alchemy

Even in the face of a breakup, there is so much GOLD to explore for nothing is ever wasted. You will have created more than you can see on the surface level. Listen to your intuition, your heart, and your home and claim that no matter the external circumstance, you are loved. Whilst others may not understand, it is not for us to teach - it is simply ours to be.

Connecting with Nicky

You can work with Nicky online or in person; she's about to embark on her second tour of “ Our Sacred Dance” inspired by her recent publishing in the International bestselling book “The Sacred Dance; Wisdom from Leaders living a soul-led life.” Are you ready to release what is no longer serving you? Connect with Nicky here.

You can also listen to my Brainz Podcast. Click here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Nicky Burke, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

"Nicky Burke is a Professional Artist, Choreographer, Creative Director & Intuitive Coach for Film, TV & Theatre. Her clients include the BBC, SKY TV, ITV, Sony Music Entertainment, Channel 5 & ExCeL London, including Uber, Eats, Harry Hills Tea Time Series 1 & 2, Lip Sync Battle UK, Britains' Got Talent, Scouting for Girls, NYC Time Square Hard Rock Cafe & the UK's leading pawnbroker H&T. She also enjoys her time working on feature films & guiding singer/songwriters worldwide.

Nicky's passion for dancing has led her to share the joy of movement with people all over the world, of all ages and abilities! Her teachings support shifting old belief systems and subconscious blockages so you can open up to accelerate and live a life of your own unique gifts. Nicky brings her wisdom and compassion to every board meeting, set, and coaching session knowing that each person is on their own individual journey. You can hire Nicky for private and group sessions, both online & in person, enquire today to reveal your SUPERPOWERS!"

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