Written by: Maggie Perotin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Entrepreneurial Mindset. Is it even a thing? It depends on whom you ask.
Those who've never run a business of their own will have no idea what that is, just like people who've never stepped out of their comfort zone don't know how it feels.
Nevertheless, if you've never run a business and are thinking of starting one, this is a must-read for you. On the other hand, if you're running one right now, you'll probably put a checkmark at each of the points below and still benefit from the advice.

If you ask the Goggle's dictionary, a mindset is "the established set of attitudes held by someone." Now, replace "someone" with "an entrepreneur," and the below five fundamental attitudes show-up in all the successful ones.
1. Humility
First of all, humility. The entrepreneurial roller coaster is a school of hard knocks. Even if you don't know what humility is when you start the journey, you'll gain it pretty fast. And that's a great thing! Humility keeps us grounded and focused, and it helps with building relationships.
Because your associations and network are vital in growing your business, trying to do it on your own will be exhausting, hardly fun, if even possible.
2. Love of constant learning
Secondly, successful entrepreneurs are avid learners. They're continually looking for new ideas and lessons in everything. They invest in self-development through books, seminars, coaches, and mentors. And still, they also look to learn from anything around them: conversations they are part of or overhear, day to day situations and encounters, and of course, their own experiences.
Thanks to such an attitude, entrepreneurs are used to being always outside of their comfort zone. Why? Because real learning means that you're going to go out there and try to implement what you've learned. As someone has told me recently: "Knowledge is like make-up. It only looks good when applied."
And when you do that for the first time, you'll be scared and doubt yourself A LOT. Remember this - it's completely normal! And the good news is that everyone feels that way. It's a natural reaction our "primitive brain" is programmed to be scared of anything new and unknown. No wonder that most people talk themselves out of doing what it takes to make their dream a reality.
But not entrepreneurs! Because overcoming the challenges that your own mind puts in front of you is essential to growing a thriving business.
3. Grit
Grit is passion and perseverance to achieve long-term goals. In other words, it's the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about and not give up when you face obstacles or experience utter failure. It also means being accountable for mistakes you make and taking full responsibility for how you react to things that happen to you (even though you didn't influence them).
A lot of work I do with my clients focuses on this very area. Because it's one thing to have a great simple game plan you can follow and build your business. But it's completely different to go out there and put it to work even when "life happens."
Entrepreneurs who develop grit don't blame the world for challenges or failures. They treat them as opportunities to learn, and their determination helps them get up after every fall, brush off the dirt, and keep going.
4. Consistency
As Seth Godin said, "Average overnight success in business takes six years."
If you're looking for a quick, easy way to make money, starting a business is not the best solution.
It takes a lot of hard work and patience to become "the overnight success." The attitude that develops the needed patience is consistency. Consistency in doing the mundane 95% of the tasks day in and day out to be able to enjoy the 5% of the amazingly fun stuff that is visible on the "surface of success." Successful entrepreneurs establish routines, habits, and systems in their lives that help them be consistent. Such systems also help them move anything they learn and adopt into their day to day modus operandi, so their brain has room to learn and experiment with more new things.
Consistency is the other most critical part of the entrepreneurial mindset code. As a matter of fact, without it, you cannot build a thriving business.
5. Last but not least, the most important one…
Finally, the drum all. I left the best for the last. Without this attitude, the others won't matter in running a successful business. What I'm talking about here is decisiveness.
And the first decision every entrepreneur needs to make is that you'll figure your business out no matter what. The secret behind this decision is knowing your "WHY," knowing the purpose of your journey.
As long as you have this figured out and decide that you will make your business work, no matter what, it will help you grow and expand on the rest.

Maggie Perotin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Maggie Perotin is a business and leadership coach, helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses without the overwhelm so they can live the life they want. Through her DREAM-PLAN-DO coaching model, she helps her clients reach their potential and get results while maintaining balance in life.
Maggie has over 13 years of coaching and leadership experience in the corporate world in various domains. She holds a Masters Degree in International Relations, Facility Management Administration designation, and currently pursuing an Executive MBA at Jack Welch Management Institute. Maggie uses all her knowledge and experience to help entrepreneurs be strategic and creative in building a successful business and brand that attract their ideal clients. She is passionate about spending quality time with her blended family with four kids in the Canadian nature, traveling, self-development, and healthy cuisine of the world.